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Commander Kulbushan Jadhav second confessional video released by ISPR

While all the baboons were jumping up and down at the ICJ decision. I stated clearly this is a major pakistani ploy to extract maximum PR damage to the Indian goody two shoes image worldwide. This is just more evidence to cement the proof of Indian involvement and a weakening of Indian arguments in other areas. Pakistan has carte blanche to do what it likes in retaliation
4. But does not need a post production animation... it looks like a news report, marketing presentation or a documentary. Who r u trying to convince? when ur country and citizens already believe his previous confession.... A bit too much effort, from what i can make up.
5. He has to beg the army chief and the president, which can be done discretely through a letter, just like everyone else does. No need for a video. Again points to it being overdone.
6. Why the torture marks? when he already confessed already and was cooperating and telling u everything. This is the crack in ur whole story.
4. Yes agreed. I guess we are not perfect.
5. Yes, but maybe to humiliate others deliberately or otherwise.
6. Well you know what happens to the people who get caught. Frankly, he might be beaten for investigation. I am not familiar with torture or investigation techniques adopted by Pakistan intel agencies. For me, IF he was tortured, I would not be surprised...In an Ideal world, the prisoner should be treated properly,humanly...
After watching this video I feel like it was absolutely unnecessary, first video itself bought so much of embarrassment for Pakistan now this second video.
After watching this video I feel like it was absolutely unnecessary, first video itself bought so much of embarrassment for Pakistan now this second video.
This entire 'new' narrative from my perspective is one that reads like a confession made by reading a produced transcript. A transcript that adds dates, times and places in details the first admission tape never had, nor was it read out at the ICJ court hearing. i.e. Why this reeks of forced confession is because this level of new specificity was missing for last six months or so.

Ultimately Pakistanis must realize they need not convince the Pakistani public, rather they must protect taking another hit on the international stage. This is tough for Pakistan, sadly. Their foreign policy office having handed the foreign policy portfolio to the military is toothless to affect change. Alternatively, the Pakistani military is about self-survival and not motivated by maintaining any reputation of the country on the international stage.

I don't doubt the Pakistani public/citizens on these boards will disagree vehemently with me, but it is to be expected, especially given the raw sentiments around India.

Are we to believe that Mr. Yadav confessed to this level of specificity only now?
If i have an option i will not kill this guy. He is extremely talented professional who can be helpful to get access to RAW and related anti Pakistan elements.
I really appreciate security agencies who are taking care of Yadav because When such high ranking intelligence officers got arrested the agency for which they are working for try their best to kill the agent to keep their secret information and entire module safe.
Well done ISI:pakistan:
He will be hanged soon as Ramadan is nearing the end
Legit Passport with incorrect details.
Shows the involvement of Indian govt officials

that's absurd.

I am pretty sure that intelligence officers/agents can have a fake passport. Your argument have no substance.

fake passports of different countries not the country where he belongs.

Who cares fact is culprit accepting hilarious crimes against humanity and nation from your country ICJ has nothing to save this monkey chief of army staff should keep this monkey alive in Pak and show India a mirror

I think he should keep alive but forever in Pak to show black face of India to world

no one believes in such visual evidences taken under custody of military.
that's absurd.

fake passports of different countries not the country where he belongs.

no one believes in such visual evidences taken under custody of military.
Or is it...? Passport is Indian and Visa is of Iran. Salute to your comrehension skills.

He will be hanged soon as Ramadan is nearing the end
See post #8
Khulbhushan has been arrested with solid evidences and he should be hanged openly....
1. What are sub-nationals? repeated multiple times.
2. If he was a RAW agent actually doing the alleged crimes, he would not be referring to BLA and TTP as terrorists, but as freedom fighters, which points to it being a scripted confession.
3. the level of post production animation here is hillarious, pointing to a deliberate attempt to put forward the ISI agenda
4. In the end, he says he got a defence lawyer, which the pak army desperately wants ICJ and the world to believe.
5. Does anyone beg for pardon in a video? A simple letter would have sufficed, and i believe that is the official way.
6. Plz look at the injury marks above his left eye, he was tortured before the second video, why is it needed when he already confessed in the first video more than 6 months ago?
In the video you can see him asking for a pardon and feel ashamed of what he did,you can't ask for pardon unless you accept these organisations such as BLA and TTP as terror organisations so your argument is wrong.
He doesn't have any right to appeal after doing so many crimes. Salah us din ayyubi said:
"Killing a spy of an enemy is much more safer than attacking him in a war with 1000 men"
I believe that Kulbushan Yadav will not be hanged rather the President might change his death penalty to life imprisonment. This is because he will be very useful alive and help the State narrative. I do not think he will be returned to India.
The Government should optimize from this opportunity and aggressively take on India internationally. The advancement of the policy must not be in haste and cautiously followed.
Iran and UAE both must cooperate with Pakistan and stop supporting Anti-Pakistan activities being done consciously and unconsciously.
Its time Pakistan be bold and Stand strong.
No he will be hanged. We have give narrative what we wanted and leadership is in no mood to show mercy and he will be executed and soon. Internationally nobody will do much against India due to population and trade they have with India.
In the video you can see him asking for a pardon and feel ashamed of what he did,you can't ask for pardon unless you accept these organisations such as BLA and TTP as terror organisations so your argument is wrong.
If he was cooperating and had confessed, why was he tortured again?
1. He claims RAW knew Modi would be elected in 2014. Funny - because no one knew. Most expected a hung Parliament - pretty much like in every election after 1984.

2. RAW is not technically an independent organization, it is a part of the PMO. So according to Mr. Jadhav's confession RAW was undermining its own boss Manmohan Singh because it expected Modi to win.

3. Does he have the mark above the left eyebrow in the video released earlier? Else, another example of torture.
The reason behind his weakness is continuous fear of death. When such high ranking intelligence officers got arrested the agency for which they are working for try their best to kill the agent to keep their secret information and entire module safe. We are not enforced to release his video actually we trolled entire Indian security agencies and challenged them to release him or either kill him only if you can. Because you guys are taking this men too serious and working your best to safe him.
It can be easy to arrest the agent but more difficult to get information regarding his plans and to safe him for being released or poisoned to death.
For Indians we have no international pressure for US yes we have due to the love of F-16 etc etc. If there was pressure by God freedom struggle of Kashmir has been halted and Masood Azhar or Salahuddin were no roaming in country freely. :sarcastic:

Interestingly it's not the news about Kulbhushan that is trending in India but the news about your BAT team.

I think we Indians are aware of the possibilities in KJ's case. :)
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