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Commander Kulbushan Jadhav second confessional video released by ISPR

Who cares fact is culprit accepting hilarious crimes against humanity and nation from your country ICJ has nothing to save this monkey chief of army staff should keep this monkey alive in Pak and show India a mirror

I think he should keep alive but forever in Pak to show black face of India to world
He says he carried passport into Pakistan so that he has no problem while returning back to Iran. So according to Pakistanis he had no problem roaming in Pakistan without visa but would have problem in Iran even though he is not carrying the documents or may have left at home.

The script is again a joke.
1. What are sub-nationals? repeated multiple times.
2. If he was a RAW agent actually doing the alleged crimes, he would not be referring to BLA and TTP as terrorists, but as freedom fighters, which points to it being a scripted confession.
3. the level of post production animation here is hillarious, pointing to a deliberate attempt to put forward the ISI agenda
4. In the end, he says he got a defence lawyer, which the pak army desperately wants ICJ and the world to believe.
5. Does anyone beg for pardon in a video? A simple letter would have sufficed, and i believe that is the official way.
6. Plz look at the injury marks above his left eye, he was tortured before the second video, why is it needed when he already confessed in the first video more than 6 months ago?

The question is why do you need another confession video after he was handed out the sentence in their military court already.
Govt of India does not issue Indian fake passports. It would have been fake if it was Pakistani passport.

Of course they don't. They don't back terrorists either. They also don't use state machinery to carry out systematic human rights abuses in Kashmir.

Do tell me though, if that visa was indeed forged by Pakistan, how did the Iranians issue a valid visa onto it with the same details? And further more, does that mean he was living in Iran without a passport at all? I don't know what's more amazing. Your gullible innocence or the number of holes in your shoddy attempts at defence.
My purpose of this time visit to Pakistan was to establish and meet the basic leadership of Baloch sub-nationals, the BLA or the BRA and establish and Infiltrate around 30 to 40 RAW operatives along the Makran Coast for Operations along with Baloch sub-nationals and miscreants or terrorists.

The bolded portion pretty much explains Iran's drone adventure.
Imagine if kulbushan was hosted by saudia just the way iran did what would have been the reaction of masses here? Lolzzzz. Everyone would want to bomb ksa to rubble. Iran hai tau bolti band.

Btw the money was laundered through gulf states as mentioned in report, is this kind of money laundering authorized by their authorities?
The way he speaks leaves no doubt that he is very well versed in the affairs of carrying out the sabotage and espionage activities that he is describing.
A video is not enough. Now diplomacy and media has to be used to spread the message and exert pressure on US, Iran and Afghanistan to curb Indian activities and it also works as a counter to Indian, US and Afghan propaganda. If the government does not fight Pakistan's case than they should resign and not be traitors to Pakistan's cause
1. What are sub-nationals? repeated multiple times.
2. If he was a RAW agent actually doing the alleged crimes, he would not be referring to BLA and TTP as terrorists, but as freedom fighters, which points to it being a scripted confession.
3. the level of post production animation here is hillarious, pointing to a deliberate attempt to put forward the ISI agenda
4. In the end, he says he got a defence lawyer, which the pak army desperately wants ICJ and the world to believe.
5. Does anyone beg for pardon in a video? A simple letter would have sufficed, and i believe that is the official way.
6. Plz look at the injury marks above his left eye, he was tortured before the second video, why is it needed when he already confessed in the first video more than 6 months ago?
1. Google it.
2. Okay.
3. Yes, The Evil ISI. Pak ki Napaak Sazish!
4. Actually Pak Army and Government stance is same. The same stance India desperately do not want to believe.
5. Well Kulbushan is begging.
6. Well the marks is of that time when we were trying to bring him back to life after many Indians member claimed he was killed. You know 'resuscitation'. We made this video again just to tease you all. We are just playing with you...

He could have been tried in civil courts...he should have been given consular access...he should have been given the choice to appoint his own lawyer...and fight the case fairly. In spite, if he is found guilty...very well punish him.
Why should he not be tried in military court. The law allows it,the government allows it, the state allows it,the people allow it. Pakistan will most probably try serving military personnel of any country in military court. The military court is as legit as a civil court. Anyway, lets see how ICJ proceeds.

Nice Script.
You like it? Please also comment on Indian script of Surgical Strike...
First of all i would like to congratulate indains that thier monkey is still live and kicking............
Baki trolling bbad mien
You can forget any talks or relations with India for next two decade.
Talks and relationship can not be hijacked my such an incident. Sure, for a short time, we might not talk but eventually within a couple of years, everything will tend towards being normal/better.
The purpose of this video is to show the world that he pleads before hanging.it was necessary. Looks like next step is to hang him.this shows that all back channel diplomacy have failed miserably and now army finally decides to hang him.
4. Actually Pak Army and Government stance is same. The same stance India desperately do not want to believe.
5. Well Kulbushan is begging.
6. Well the marks is of that time when we were trying to bring him back to life after many Indians member claimed he was killed. You know 'resuscitation'. We made this video again just to tease you all. We are just playing with you...
4. But does not need a post production animation... it looks like a news report, marketing presentation or a documentary. Who r u trying to convince? when ur country and citizens already believe his previous confession.... A bit too much effort, from what i can make up.
5. He has to beg the army chief and the president, which can be done discretely through a letter, just like everyone else does. No need for a video. Again points to it being overdone.
6. Why the torture marks? when he already confessed already and was cooperating and telling u everything. This is the crack in ur whole story.
Govt of India does not issue Indian fake passports. It would have been fake if it was Pakistani passport.
You must be an experienced intel officer. Maybe that is why you can say it with such confidence. And FYI, the passport had an authentic valid visa of Iran and the name over the passport was Hussain Mubarak Patel. Go figure...

But still the question, why was Pakistan forced to release a video?
After winnig CT, we felt like teasing Indians. So we released it. #thokathoka
Frankly till now I didn't know who the president of Pakistan was. It's good to see that Kulbhushan is alive, though he looks weaker in the screen shots. I have not watched the video for a very specific reason.
If at all his mercy plea gets accepted we can safely assume PAK faced a lot of international pressure.
But still the question, why was Pakistan forced to release a video?
The reason behind his weakness is continuous fear of death. When such high ranking intelligence officers got arrested the agency for which they are working for try their best to kill the agent to keep their secret information and entire module safe. We are not enforced to release his video actually we trolled entire Indian security agencies and challenged them to release him or either kill him only if you can. Because you guys are taking this men too serious and working your best to safe him.
It can be easy to arrest the agent but more difficult to get information regarding his plans and to safe him for being released or poisoned to death.
For Indians we have no international pressure for US yes we have due to the love of F-16 etc etc. If there was pressure by God freedom struggle of Kashmir has been halted and Masood Azhar or Salahuddin were no roaming in country freely. :sarcastic:
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