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coming out from the closet ...... i am ghey

i think thread like these should be good for people to advice each other and learn from each other experiences , thanks for mods to give chance this thread on this forum.

on the other hand, i have created same thread on our pakistani crciket forum for discussion and advice but they delete it in a min.

other forums should learn from PDF.


Move up the career ladder in teaching e.g. assistant principal , I didn’t ask you to open a business brother.

thanks brother.

One piece of advise, take it or leave it.

Marriage is not the most important thing in the world. Some people are not just cut out for it, so remain single. No one should judge you for that.

Second option, get married to a divorcee, and rich. Eat up your desi ego, and chances are you’d be comfortable.

thanks sir.
i think thread like these should be good for people to advice each other and learn from each other experiences , thanks for mods to give chance this thread on this forum.

on the other hand, i have created same thread on our pakistani crciket forum for discussion and advice but they delete it in a min.

other forums should learn from PDF.

No dude you just shot yourself on the foot by opening this thread. The comments :omghaha:
I'm sorry to hear about your dad and what the family went through, brother. This would naturally cause trauma and I think a lot of the anger you're showing here stems from that sad string of events. Though, this anger can be just as lethal, traumatic life events have a high correlation with familial health outcomes, your NHS has produced wonderful research on it. Given that, I would highly suggest that you perhaps consider therapy and then encourage your father and brother for it too. If you don't know me, then this has always been my job and I speak from experience. Trauma needs to be processed otherwise it stays and keeps doing harm. If you want to look into it then consider reading a book called body keeps the score, it'll make a lot of sense.

It is so everywhere, brother

The question is why.
If that can be understood then and only then can it be addressed. If you were given a choice would you be a part of the problem or the solution?
my fathers dead now. lil brother just about going back to being a healthy eater and started training alil, back to his old regime. but still doesn't go out much. my sis after going thru her divorce her illness is reduced now but subject of marriage will drive her insane.
my other brother, who is divorced aswell, his wife was out of family but british but she was heavy gold digger. he getting better now but can act up. but he has to pay child maintenance aswell.
No poor will ever become ghay because of poverty. Go visit the flood affected areas, you will find women in need who will be grateful to you for marrying them and leting them eat twice a day.

Fear Allah. You know what "ghay" will bring you hereafter. If you don't, try putting your hand above the candle flame for a minute and then see where is your "ghayism" anymore. May Allah help you and may you save your from destroying your Duniya and Aakhira.

And STOP watching p-orn.
Well there is always someone..
You can make north of 350k in right town as primary care in Midwest..you just have to leave the big cities

Alternatively if you can make a million dollars, put it into retirement fund and retire to Pakistan..since you can get 70-80k on dividend off a million dollars and you don't pay taxes if you are over seas and make under 110k

That's pretty good for someone who has roots like me.. I can live off 10k in Pakistan..I lived in era when I didn't had money for bus or electricity..now I will be making north of half a million as cardiologist

Saw a TV show on apple TV (surface).shows you how women are if they have degree of freedom as they have in west with no work at hands.

My friend married a Pakistani American and now going through the consequences of paying hefty child support, he lucky he was able to lawyer him self out of alimony as marriage was just few yrs but child support it self is huge for high earner..almost 20% of his income is now child support..he got broke and probably can't afford another family for a while..while the women now enjoys a nice tax free chunk of money

i pay 50% in child support and alimony with 15 years of marriage. Money doesnt last forever, i am sure my X has to work one day…
Yes a million dollar with 7% to 8% dividend will give u a good life after retirement.
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i pay 50% in child support and alimony with 15 years of marriage. Money doesnt last forever, i am sure my D has to work one day…
Yes a million dollar with 7% to 8% dividend will give u a good life after retirement.
Wow that's a lot
Most states you cap at 20% income.

If it was me and I would have packed up and leave USA instead of paying alimony. But that's me ..

My friend almost did that
Wow that's a lot
Most states you cap at 20% income.

If it was me and I would have packed up and leave USA instead of paying alimony. But that's me ..

My friend almost did that

Allah ka shukar with his Grace and mercy, i make so much that it didnt or doesnt affected my lifestyle..
i pay 50% in child support and alimony with 15 years of marriage. Money doesnt last forever, i am sure my X has to work one day…
Yes a million dollar with 7% to 8% dividend will give u a good life after retirement.

Ouch. Often the court system does the ex-husband dirty after divorce.
if it was me i was forced to pay child maintenance i would say fcuk you plz giv me jail time its coming out of your taxes.
There is no doubt that after Shahbaz Gill's sexual assault, it is wonderful to see that londaybaz enjoys a critical mass of strategic thinkers who are shaping the future of the forum and pakistan.
No poor will ever become ghay because of poverty. Go visit the flood affected areas, you will find women in need who will be grateful to you for marrying them and leting them eat twice a day.

Fear Allah. You know what "ghay" will bring you hereafter. If you don't, try putting your hand above the candle flame for a minute and then see where is your "ghayism" anymore. May Allah help you and may you save your from destroying your Duniya and Aakhira.

And STOP watching p-orn.
wth, just becoz i made a thread about my issues, why everyone is judging me becoz of it ? as if i just did the act. lol
British Pakistani girls that come to Qatar on teaching jobs are, ummm, messed up mostly. Single, living independently and lonliness makes them lethal. Drinking is norm. Arab guys are prefered in dating scene. Hookups are a norm too. They run away from Pakistani guys. Arabs are exotic and dominant and hence they are their first choice of dating
Pakistani men generally are ugly character / ethical wise. Deceitful unreliable aren't the sort of traits that attract women. Being from the general public illegal immigrants (dunkey wale) are the true representatives of Pakistani ethics, and they are the most hated group where ever they are. Pakistanis tend to blame the media which is just a mirror reflecting their ugly face.
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