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coming out from the closet ...... i am ghey

wth, just becoz i made a thread about my issues, why everyone is judging me becoz of it ? as if i just did the act. lol
You are not just being helped but being warned. Allah destroyed entire civilisation for committing this act. Know another 40 years max of life and what life afterwords.
They didn’t understand you were joking.

You were joking, right?

yes , i was joking, i just added the gheyism with my actual issue. thats all . lol .

You are not just being helped but being warned. Allah destroyed entire civilisation for committing this act. Know another 40 years max of life and what life afterwords.
sorry ?
This whole "ghey" discussion reminded me of Alfonso Ribeiro, who played Will Smith’s Tom Jones-loving cousin Carlton, in that sitcom "Fresh Prince of Bel Air”. Will Smith got his first big break in that TV sitcom back in the day.

Carlton's iconic dance routine has been a "ghey" favorite in the US for decades and has become a meme of sorts.

The whole cast had a re-union recently...

yes they are but finding a good girl is rare. The ones from back home are even craftier they get pregnant then run to social services and claim abuse and get house and faster visa.

Heres; tale tale sign:

1. she wants to go college to learn english
2. wants a job but just landed of the plane only 3 weeks ago
3.has friends from uk on her fne when she from back home. watsapp group of girl give her tip on the scam.
4.we caught the b itch with spy cameras and listening device bitch had bf back home and told him i am waiting right moment to claim abuse i will provoke my husband.
5. will not help with house chore, act lazy and bitchy.
6. going hospital for check up but take longer than usual this where she make her move telling that she is being abused.
7. will have two sims or two phones.

Once she does te damage by running to social services thats when the news will come out from back home where ppl will expose and say she was corrupt and her family were apart of the scam.

For all your tears, for all your pain, emotionally, mentally , financially, her family wont give too f u cks about your suffering they will simply will say oh she said you lot made her work hard and they will live happily ever after while you will be in depression.

True story this is my friends. It happens a lot. The get out law for them is Article 8 of human rights Act. Once in the UK, they can get a visa through this article despite not living with their husbands who brought them to the UK as wives.
I hear you bro. In the same boat. Don't have loaded parents so have had quite a struggle to get here. Isnt enough for girls though. :(

yes , i was joking, i just added the gheyism with my actual issue. thats all . lol .

sorry ?
How thick are people here man... Cant even understand basic satire, no wonder politicians can get away with their lies...
I agree with you. i went through that with an american pakistani wife, and after kids, she took me for a ride, and cleaned up everything and took the kids too ..
Marriage is a gamble and it can be bitter, in my case it was.., society is different now.

You can get stung both ways my friend. Local girl or girl from back home. In the West the ethics and life styles are both different. So factor in everything.
What Azad Kashmir said does happen a lot in the UK. Many similar stories with little bit different.
To get that they would level any kind of shit allegations on you. Be prepared to face the nastiest things imaginable.
I know someone who used these tactics. Her sister was already here, she came well prepared and the game started from day one. You don't have a prayer in such circumstances, you are cooked.
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it was my family (my dad) who pushed me into a marriage where we didnt even know this family in US…
cardiologist makes north if 380k a year. regular docs like primary care and family medicine, which are most of pakistanis are in early 200ks.
in western world always marry who earns or else u are effed.. doesnt matter she is white, brown or black, muslim, christian or jew… make sure to marry your own level…
btw hard to find someone where i am in my life..
Where are you in life!!
You can get stung both ways my friend. Local girl or girl from back home. In the West the ethics and life styles are both different. So factor in everything.
What Azad Kashmir said does happen a lot in the UK. Many similar stories with little bit different.
To get that they would level any kind of shit allegations on you. Be prepared to face the nastiest things imaginable.
I know someone who used these tactics. Her sister was already here, she came well prepared and the game started from day one. You don't have a prayer in such circumstances, you are cooked.

yes wit
I think you meant age, or did you not!
44. career wise Senior Management in business side in Tech in USA
mine is the same but she family. i knew if i marry out of the family she be randy and corrupt and i am the kind to pull out the chain saw. bro you dont know how mcuh it is fcuked up over here you see the bitch had connection here in uk with b itches from back home that already ran away when in uk so they all networked together on watsapp. one of the family told us oh ours, ran off too and she was your daughter in laws mate they all in it together.
The boys are same. i wish the most cruel death for them for putting us thru pain causing my dad to have heart attack reducing his lifespan.

B itch had baby now my bro is forced to pay maintenance and hasnt even seen the baby face to face once. These are ppl who claim they re hajji.

Thats because people are very crafty. Coming to the UK, making money etc is the number one goal, not the husband, wife, kids or anyone else. Mangis I know come up 2 you and ask 100 questions and then chat behind your back and try to backstab you. The thing is they're not stupid, they know the value of money, car, house and making a gang of liers but people in the western world can make millions but choose to live a normal life, when you go back home they will copy you, overtake your land, house etc. They think we're stupid for believing their lies.
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I don't want to sound misogynist or racist, but in recent years witnessing different situations both with regard to Pakistani women and some other both Muslim and non-muslim nationalities, I can firmly conclude that finding a good Pakistani woman is very difficult these days, maybe it has something to do with my socio-economic circle, but I find them to be very artificial both in their looks as well as in their relationships and day to day dealings.

These next breed of mothers are not half of what our mothers were. I call them the TikToker and Insta pout mothers.

Ps: Full disclosure, I am married to a non-Pakistani Muslim so maybe I have an inherent bias.

You have to find a decent family, the decent family have decent women and then you gota explain to the wife for a few years on how to think. Normally when they come uk it's all about the money falling off the trees, but yea the evil ones do crazy stuff.

i am not looking for doctor. who says that ? lol . also i dont demand jaheez. instead girls herself asking me on phone how much gold you will give in rukhsati ? i mean they dont even talk about me or my family members, but asking me this question in first conversation.

If they're asking for Jaheez and gold etc then atleast you know their nature. I think your asking the wrong people, move out of your area and look. In Pakistan there are good people who want a good son in law, not a Ghar Jamai or someone rich but a good person from a good family so their daughter has a good life.
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