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coming out from the closet ...... i am ghey

U should not be looking for a doctor and instead find a decent poor girl. Its not as if all r rich in karachi, alot of ppl affected by floods, go find decent ppl, marrying their daughter would help them and dont demand jahez or anything. Allah will provide for u because in the end its all done by Allah.
Also not only am I simple but I'm blessed to have been raised by a woman who was content with whatever Allah gave her and married to one too.
I don't want to sound misogynist or racist, but in recent years witnessing different situations both with regard to Pakistani women and some other both Muslim and non-muslim nationalities, I can firmly conclude that finding a good Pakistani woman is very difficult these days, maybe it has something to do with my socio-economic circle, but I find them to be very artificial both in their looks as well as in their relationships and day to day dealings.

These next breed of mothers are not half of what our mothers were. I call them the TikToker and Insta pout mothers.

Ps: Full disclosure, I am married to a non-Pakistani Muslim so maybe I have an inherent bias.
Its tough out there man…..do pray namaz, plenty of zikr and work hard fir financial improvements.
As they say, soon there will be many just itching to get you married off, lol
Ae dunia walay kisay bande nu sakoon de naal jeen vi nai dainde
since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈
if your flags are not a coverup and you dont live in West then such declaration maybe detrimental for your wellbeing
I don't want to sound misogynist or racist, but in recent years witnessing different situations both with regard to Pakistani women and some other both Muslim and non-muslim nationalities, I can firmly conclude that finding a good Pakistani woman is very difficult these days, maybe it has something to do with my socio-economic circle, but I find them to be very artificial both in their looks as well as in their relationships and day to day dealings.

These next breed of mothers are not half of what our mothers were. I call them the TikToker and Insta pout mothers.

Ps: Full disclosure, I am married to a non-Pakistani Muslim so maybe I have an inherent bias.

Brother - the greed I've seen in my own extended family is so embarrassing I couldn't possibly even mention it.

Unfortunately it is very difficult to find people of decent values.
British Pakistani girls that come to Qatar on teaching jobs are, ummm, messed up mostly. Single, living independently and lonliness makes them lethal. Drinking is norm. Arab guys are prefered in dating scene. Hookups are a norm too. They run away from Pakistani guys. Arabs are exotic and dominant and hence they are their first choice of dating

I know such girls well mostly lots come to 'get away from it all'. A fair few are divorced as it's very unlikely that their parents will let them move abroad to get a job. It's with this in mind a number of them just don't care and do what they like.
The running away from Pakistani guys is just that i.e. they were married before or in long-term relationships that broken down hence they are like that. They are a tiny minority and without sounding rude most of us here would recoil at horror at the thought of moving to the UAE, Qatar etc, it just doesn't suit us. Many couples also went and came back.

since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈

Build your money up, concentrate on climbing the career ladder and take it from there. Hit the gym and look good.
As for the girls where are you meeting them? Is it online? That tends to be a disaster as the girls have something called the options paradox. Also starting from aged 30 for a woman is also a better bet as they often are much more open.
I refuse to accept that you are not getting a women to marry because of your looks, bank balance or monthly income or your profession...

Your family must be having some bad history.
Mistreatment of women,

My father refused a rishta for my sister of a very well settled boy because his nana was a soodkhor.
lol. soodkhoori. i am not rich. i am a poor person.

Bro do you work? Do you have a home? Do you have enough money to rent a home? Can you cover the cost of yourself, a wife and a child?

If not then what father will be stupid enough to wed his daughter to you?

Some people are looking for crore pathi, but most people just want a decent human being who can provide, roti, kapray and makan.

Daughters are precious, a person will see any hardship for themselves but will not bare any hardship for thier children.

Before you become a batty boy - tell us your economic status? What do you do for work?

with all due respect my bro. i have listen this before many times. as i said, i do support my family. i am a teacher. i have a home. but not car or any lexurious things.
i have tried to send proposals to widow,divorcee,separated women, but they decline my proposals. saying i am not a professional.
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U should not be looking for a doctor and instead find a decent poor girl. Its not as if all r rich in karachi, alot of ppl affected by floods, go find decent ppl, marrying their daughter would help them and dont demand jahez or anything. Allah will provide for u because in the end its all done by Allah.
i am not looking for doctor. who says that ? lol . also i dont demand jaheez. instead girls herself asking me on phone how much gold you will give in rukhsati ? i mean they dont even talk about me or my family members, but asking me this question in first conversation.

I know such girls well mostly lots come to 'get away from it all'. A fair few are divorced as it's very unlikely that their parents will let them move abroad to get a job. It's with this in mind a number of them just don't care and do what they like.
The running away from Pakistani guys is just that i.e. they were married before or in long-term relationships that broken down hence they are like that. They are a tiny minority and without sounding rude most of us here would recoil at horror at the thought of moving to the UAE, Qatar etc, it just doesn't suit us. Many couples also went and came back.

Build your money up, concentrate on climbing the career ladder and take it from there. Hit the gym and look good.
As for the girls where are you meeting them? Is it online? That tends to be a disaster as the girls have something called the options paradox. Also starting from aged 30 for a woman is also a better bet as they often are much more open.
i cant, i am just a teacher. i have no saving to start some business. i am not younger anymore.
lol. soodkhoori. i am not rich. i am a poor person.

with all due respect my bro. i have listen this before many times. as i said, i do support my family. i am a teacher. i have a home. but not car or any lexurious things.
i have tried to send proposals to widow,divorcee,separated women, but they decline my proposals. saying i am not a professional.
Don't know man.. people are dying of hunger and you can't find a women that is weird
i am not looking for doctor. who says that ? lol . also i dont demand jaheez. instead girls herself asking me on phone how much gold you will give in rukhsati ? i mean they dont even talk about me or my family members, but asking me this question in first conversation.

i cant, i am just a teacher. i have no saving to start some business. i am not younger anymore.

Nothing wrong with being gay bro if you are attracted to dudes then you are gay , i personally know a Pakistani dude who was married later got divorced now she is a trans happy married to some rich dude do what makes you happy
since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈

Are you a peter puffer?
One piece of advise, take it or leave it.

Marriage is not the most important thing in the world. Some people are not just cut out for it, so remain single. No one should judge you for that.

Second option, get married to a divorcee, and rich. Eat up your desi ego, and chances are you’d be comfortable.
since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈
In order for you to come out of the closet, you already have to be ghey. That’s the prerequisite. You are contradicting yourself by “thinking why not become ghey”.
So… brother.. are you just coming to terms with the reality?? trying to pass it off as “me no find a wife out of a population of 220 million”?

Just kidding. Hope you find whatever maybe that you are looking for.
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