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coming out from the closet ...... i am ghey

My advise would be, contact your Khala or Masi and get married to your cousin sister.

Just kidding bro.

@Ra's al Ghul

If you want a serious solution to your problem here it is.

Jao chilla kaat ke ao tablighi jamaat ke saat. Focus on your prayers and explain your problem to some of the people there. They will help you immediately. You might even find a wife that’s way more good looking than you are.

My cousin just came back from chilla and he was telling me that he was offered a few rishtas from religious men for their daughters based on his piety. He had to decline though because he’s already married.

I went to a 3 day Jamaat once to get myself warmed for a chilla. This was during my teen days.

This was in a remote location, 3 hour drive from my home.

After one night, I just couldn’t take it. Made a runner with only $1 in my pocket.
I agree with you. i went through that with an american pakistani and after kids, she took me for a ride, and cleaned up everything and took the kids too ..
Marriage is a gamble and it can be bitter, in my case it was.., society is different now.
American Pakistani are worse since they know the system..

If you are going to marry an American Pakistani she has to be same level as you..ie earns a good amount

Otherwise they will screw you up great

You can do a prenup is USA but that won't give you any benefit of you are average earner.

..it only works if you are high earner like a doctor or lawyer (north of half a million a year)

If you really want a home maker then find someone close to your family and keep sending her home every 2-3 months don't let her get engaged with friends her too much

Otherwise better to Marry someone works.
American Pakistani are worse since they know the system..

If you are going to marry an American Pakistani she has to be same level as you..ie earns a good amount

Otherwise they will screw you up great

You can do a prenup is USA but that won't give you any benefit of you are average earner.

..it only works if you are high earner like a doctor or lawyer (north of half a million a year)

If you really want a home maker then find someone close to your family and keep sending her home every 2-3 months don't let her get engaged with friends her too much

Otherwise better to Marry someone works.

it was my family (my dad) who pushed me into a marriage where we didnt even know this family in US…
cardiologist makes north if 380k a year. regular docs like primary care and family medicine, which are most of pakistanis are in early 200ks.
in western world always marry who earns or else u are effed.. doesnt matter she is white, brown or black, muslim, christian or jew… make sure to marry your own level…
btw hard to find someone where i am in my life..
it was my family (my dad) who pushed me into a marriage where we didnt even know this family in US…
cardiologist makes north if 380k a year. regular docs like primary care and family medicine, which are most of pakistanis are in early 200ks.
in western world always marry who earns or else u are effed.. doesnt matter she is white, brown or black, muslim, christian or jew… make sure to marry your own level…
btw hard to find someone where i am in my life..
Well there is always someone..
You can make north of 350k in right town as primary care in Midwest..you just have to leave the big cities

Alternatively if you can make a million dollars, put it into retirement fund and retire to Pakistan..since you can get 70-80k on dividend off a million dollars and you don't pay taxes if you are over seas and make under 110k

That's pretty good for someone who has roots like me.. I can live off 10k in Pakistan..I lived in era when I didn't had money for bus or electricity..now I will be making north of half a million as cardiologist

Saw a TV show on apple TV (surface).shows you how women are if they have degree of freedom as they have in west with no work at hands.

My friend married a Pakistani American and now going through the consequences of paying hefty child support, he lucky he was able to lawyer him self out of alimony as marriage was just few yrs but child support it self is huge for high earner..almost 20% of his income is now child support..he got broke and probably can't afford another family for a while..while the women now enjoys a nice tax free chunk of money
My advise would be, contact your Khala or Masi and get married to your cousin sister.

Just kidding bro.


I went to a 3 day Jamaat once to get myself warmed for a chilla. This was during my teen days.

This was in a remote location, 3 hour drive from my home.

After one night, I just couldn’t take it. Made a runner with only $1 in my pocket.

3 days... that’s not even a chirri chilla.

You don’t know the way.

I remember the times all of the guys there would sit around talking about deen and I would just be sleeping. They’d ask me why are you sleeping and I’d just tell them that talking about Islam brings me peace and my eyes shut by themselves. They were all like Mashallah! Alhamdulilah! and left me alone.. :lol:
3 days... that’s not even a chirri chilla.

You don’t know the way.

I remember the times all of the guys there would sit around talking about deen and I would just be sleeping. They’d ask me why are you sleeping and I’d just tell them that talking about Islam brings me peace and my eyes shut by themselves. They were all like Mashallah! Alhamdulilah! and left me alone.. :lol:
LoL that was a funny one.

Prior to that I would go on day visits. Sorry to say, but all the speeches would revolve around how hot hell would be, and all the physical constructs of hell. In addition, the takeaway was to make you guilty and negative. I guess it was just the guys I came in contact with. Nothing against the Tableeghis.

The 3 day visit was a last nail. Suffice to say where I went the arrangements were not very good. There seemed to be a cesspool next door and we’d have to deal with all kinds of malaria infesting mosquitos the size of cockroaches. The company I stayed with was smoking cigs all night. After Fajr, I did a runner and never looked back since.

From then on, I focus on basics, try to self study, not try to hurt other’s feelings, and do my best to teach my kids with whatever time I have.

Every now and then I get calls from Tableeghis, but I kindly decline their offer.
I refuse to accept that you are not getting a women to marry because of your looks, bank balance or monthly income or your profession...

Your family must be having some bad history.
Mistreatment of women,

My father refused a rishta for my sister of a very well settled boy because his nana was a soodkhor.
since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈

Idiot many get a wife when they stand with both feet in live, that’s not your case try to work more and harder . Sure you will finde someone!
since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈
Bro do you work? Do you have a home? Do you have enough money to rent a home? Can you cover the cost of yourself, a wife and a child?

If not then what father will be stupid enough to wed his daughter to you?

Some people are looking for crore pathi, but most people just want a decent human being who can provide, roti, kapray and makan.

Daughters are precious, a person will see any hardship for themselves but will not bare any hardship for thier children.

Before you become a batty boy - tell us your economic status? What do you do for work?
Man you are so simple
Bro it's true.

If you come across anyone who is greedy for more - know they'll never be happy with whatever they have.

Roti, kapray, makan is an over simplification - but in my mind it means having everything you need and sometimes the things you want.

Also not only am I simple but I'm blessed to have been raised by a woman who was content with whatever Allah gave her and married to one too.
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