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coming out from the closet ...... i am ghey

British Pakistani girls that come to Qatar on teaching jobs are, ummm, messed up mostly. Single, living independently and lonliness makes them lethal. Drinking is norm. Arab guys are prefered in dating scene. Hookups are a norm too. They run away from Pakistani guys. Arabs are exotic and dominant and hence they are their first choice of dating

I have a hard time believing araps are more dominant than U.K. Pakistanis.

Anyways.. lanat on these gashtis
since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈
Dearest brother,
You've hit the right mark by stating that the problem is with the society's narrative. Marriage is an ill-disguised ruse for a business deal here, I think the comments in this very section show the sad mentality our sad lot carries.
Given that, I think you should take heart in knowing that the fault doesn't lie in your efforts. The rarest thing is a good person and not a financially secure one.
In my experience as a therapist, people who have had the happiest marriages are those who stumbled on them without looking for them i.e. without the rishta process. Life can be surprising. If you're feeling pressure from peers or your family then please know that they're part of the problem therefore cannot offer a viable solution.
Reel back a while, support your family but at the same time support yourself. Invest in yourself; if we can't love ourselves we're unlikely to give that to someone else or cherish it when we do.
If you're being good to yourself, someone will stumble across the way. Perhaps you're focusing too much on survival and negating living yourself.

I hope you find some solace. Always here to help.
I have a hard time believing araps are more dominant than U.K. Pakistanis.

Anyways.. lanat on these gashtis
@Bratva @waz

such a sad state of events.. I mean if one starts drinking, then what is left.
cyber s*x man, even after marriage. That is pure evil.. People move one, I mean every sane person would.
and then leaving husband and living on his sustenance money.. just easy money to live independent life w/o any burden to bear.

these all are slaves of their wishes/lust. They have been blinded by it.
I have a hard time believing araps are more dominant than U.K. Pakistanis.

Anyways.. lanat on these gashtis
When you give freedom to the repressed it's difficult for them to handle the responsibility of it. I don't think Desi girls are doing any worse that Desi boys. My data are from the therapeutic consultations I've had to give. Though, brother, cursing them wouldn't solve the problem. Yes, there is pain but if that pain turns you to hate then it has won. Such an attitude is a primary fuel for this whole mess.
When you give freedom to the repressed it's difficult for them to handle the responsibility of it. I don't think Desi girls are doing any worse that Desi boys. My data are from the therapeutic consultations I've had to give. Though, brother, cursing them wouldn't solve the problem. Yes, there is pain but if that pain turns you to hate then it has won. Such an attitude is a primary fuel for this whole mess.

Listen man if you act like a ho, what else am I supposed to call you?

Likewise for kanjars.
mine is the same but she family. i knew if i marry out of the family she be randy and corrupt and i am the kind to pull out the chain saw. bro you dont know how mcuh it is fcuked up over here you see the bitch had connection here in uk with b itches from back home that already ran away when in uk so they all networked together on watsapp. one of the family told us oh ours, ran off too and she was your daughter in laws mate they all in it together.
The boys are same. i wish the most cruel death for them for putting us thru pain causing my dad to have heart attack reducing his lifespan.

B itch had baby now my bro is forced to pay maintenance and hasnt even seen the baby face to face once. These are ppl who claim they re hajji.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad and what the family went through, brother. This would naturally cause trauma and I think a lot of the anger you're showing here stems from that sad string of events. Though, this anger can be just as lethal, traumatic life events have a high correlation with familial health outcomes, your NHS has produced wonderful research on it. Given that, I would highly suggest that you perhaps consider therapy and then encourage your father and brother for it too. If you don't know me, then this has always been my job and I speak from experience. Trauma needs to be processed otherwise it stays and keeps doing harm. If you want to look into it then consider reading a book called body keeps the score, it'll make a lot of sense.

Looks like being an honest person is like a punishment in Pak! IK must succeed....
It is so everywhere, brother

Listen man if you act like a ho, what else am I supposed to call you?

Likewise for kanjars.
The question is why.
If that can be understood then and only then can it be addressed. If you were given a choice would you be a part of the problem or the solution?
since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈
Lol haha ..where do you live?
In China or western india..
Everywhere else there are enough women
I'm sorry to hear about your dad and what the family went through, brother. This would naturally cause trauma and I think a lot of the anger you're showing here stems from that sad string of events. Though, this anger can be just as lethal, traumatic life events have a high correlation with familial health outcomes, your NHS has produced wonderful research on it. Given that, I would highly suggest that you perhaps consider therapy and then encourage your father and brother for it too. If you don't know me, then this has always been my job and I speak from experience. Trauma needs to be processed otherwise it stays and keeps doing harm. If you want to look into it then consider reading a book called body keeps the score, it'll make a lot of sense.

It is so everywhere, brother

The question is why.
If that can be understood then and only then can it be addressed. If you were given a choice would you be a part of the problem or the solution?

Everybody makes their own decisions. People make mistakes, and for that matter all of us do. If people want to behave a certain way, that’s what they’ll be known for. If people want to change their behavior or actions then that’s what they’ll be known for.

It really doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.
As a man, you are meant to be the provider of your family. If you marry someone earning the same as you, she will be the provider too. Also, it is easier to make sure that she is earning less than you if you marry from a background lower than you.

And seeing that this guy is pretty desperate, it would be quicker and more efficient to marry a lower social standing. It also means that the woman who you marry will also be provided with a better standard of living than she was provided with previously, which defines you as the provider in her eyes, which will keep her attracted to you.
Not necessary it's about leverage.

Once you have kids and women isn't working she will abuse you unless she knows how hard earning my money is which most of home makers don't know since they never worked.

Marrying a home maker vs someone works has it's pros and cons
Everybody makes their own decisions. People make mistakes, and for that matter all of us do. If people want to behave a certain way, that’s what they’ll be known for. If people want to change their behavior or actions then that’s what they’ll be known for.

It really doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.
It would be an envious position to hold such a simplistic world view. Though it tends to break down when one gets confronted with situations where the spot light turns.
yes they are but finding a good girl is rare. The ones from back home are even craftier they get pregnant then run to social services and claim abuse and get house and faster visa.

Heres; tale tale sign:

1. she wants to go college to learn english
2. wants a job but just landed of the plane only 3 weeks ago
3.has friends from uk on her fne when she from back home. watsapp group of girl give her tip on the scam.
4.we caught the b itch with spy cameras and listening device bitch had bf back home and told him i am waiting right moment to claim abuse i will provoke my husband.
5. will not help with house chore, act lazy and bitchy.
6. going hospital for check up but take longer than usual this where she make her move telling that she is being abused.
7. will have two sims or two phones.

Once she does te damage by running to social services thats when the news will come out from back home where ppl will expose and say she was corrupt and her family were apart of the scam.

For all your tears, for all your pain, emotionally, mentally , financially, her family wont give too f u cks about your suffering they will simply will say oh she said you lot made her work hard and they will live happily ever after while you will be in depression.
Hence why it's better to marry someone who is equal to you so that can't scam you. Overseas don't marry someone who is beneath you as they will sacm you off . One exception would be someone you know from within close family but that also isn't a grantee

Now that's not true for Pakistan you can't run these scams
Not necessary it's about leverage.

Once you have kids and women isn't working she will abuse you unless she knows how hard earning my money is which most of home makers don't know since they never worked.

Marrying a home maker vs someone works has it's pros and cons

I agree with you. i went through that with an american pakistani wife, and after kids, she took me for a ride, and cleaned up everything and took the kids too ..
Marriage is a gamble and it can be bitter, in my case it was.., society is different now.
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