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coming out from the closet ...... i am ghey

since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck .
so i am thinking why not become ghey. i dont wana be . but the society is forcing me to be ghey .
go gheys go 🌈

Since I deal with these haram urges on a daily basis, I’ll give you some advice first hand.

Build yourself up, by hitting the gym. Get a good job, start earning money. Then try and get a rishta from a girl who is a little lower than you on the social ladder.

If the urges ever get too bad, and you find yourself leaning towards doing a very sinful act, you should deal with the “issue” in a befitting way. There is no sin in Islam for M*sterbating to prevent falling into a larger sin.

You should always try to curb the haram thoughts as soon as they enter your mind.

Remember that it’s a test from Allah, and Allah would never test you with what you cannot bear
@Ra's al Ghul

If you want a serious solution to your problem here it is.

Jao chilla kaat ke ao tablighi jamaat ke saat. Focus on your prayers and explain your problem to some of the people there. They will help you immediately. You might even find a wife that’s way more good looking than you are.

My cousin just came back from chilla and he was telling me that he was offered a few rishtas from religious men for their daughters based on his piety. He had to decline though because he’s already married.
Why a little lower on the social ladder? Why not the same social ladder?

As a man, you are meant to be the provider of your family. If you marry someone earning the same as you, she will be the provider too. Also, it is easier to make sure that she is earning less than you if you marry from a background lower than you.

And seeing that this guy is pretty desperate, it would be quicker and more efficient to marry a lower social standing. It also means that the woman who you marry will also be provided with a better standard of living than she was provided with previously, which defines you as the provider in her eyes, which will keep her attracted to you.
when economy crashes no one gona ask he got two or ten degrees it bout survival and thats wat it should be about. in the end many marriages will break.
Just because you can't get a girl does not mean you are a gay. Genuine gays like guys. They fantasize about guys all the time just like straight guys fantasize about girls all the time. Unless ofcourse, you were always a bisexual.
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