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Collapse of Turkey’s Middle East policy

I don't think so, even tiny UAE has more weight and respect in international arenas more than Iran. Iran is only know for her resonant slogans, that's all. Regarding Turkey, I don't think it's more important than KSA.

Well, to be honest, that's completely irrelevant and misjudged. It's not (only) about having respect in the international arena. Iran and Turkey are traditionally the two major powerhouses in the Middle East and are culturally more related to each other than they are to other Arab countries. They are neighbors and have a interest to secure the border between both of the countries; to restrain Kurdish separatism for example.

So no, Iran is for Turkey far more important than all the Arab countries. As it is the other way around.
Thats what Erdogan trying to do though(leadership), Islamic world(which I don't give f.ck) is leaderless and Erdogan trying to fill that gap.

I beg you take him, make him your leader just take him away from us :D
Well, to be honest, that's completely irrelevant and misjudged. It's not (only) about having respect in the international arena. Iran and Turkey are traditionally the two major powerhouses in the Middle East and are culturally more related to each other than they are to other Arab countries. They are neighbors and have a interest to secure the border between both of the countries; to restrain Kurdish separatism for example.

So no, Iran is for Turkey far more important than all the Arab countries. As it is the other way around.

Although this is not true, I don't care. I am just grateful for Turkish constructive role and her solidarity with Arabs. However, you can talk as much as you can about your great relations with Turrkey, it's non of my business.

Thats what Erdogan trying to do though(leadership), Islamic world(which I don't give f.ck) is leaderless and Erdogan trying to fill that gap.

I beg you take him, make him your leader just take him away from us :D

Who give a **** about Islamic unity? Look what happened to Iran when it had that dream of controlling Arabs in the name of Muslim Ummah which we turned into a nightmare. Turkey can't do that either.
Although this is not true, I don't care. I am just grateful for Turkish constructive role and her solidarity with Arabs. However, you can talk as much as you can about your great relations, it's non of my business.

You can be grateful so much as you like. Many Turks (as I note here in Holland) don't have anything in common with Arabs and don't want to be involved in the complex affairs of Arab states. They just want economic prosperity, modernity and no turmoil in the east of the country.

And also economically; Turkey have more trade with Iran than with any Arab country. So by stating that Turkey have no interest in Iran is political and economical laughable and significant for an Arab who knows nothing about history or geo-politics.
You can be grateful so much as you like. Many Turks (as I note here in Holland) don't have anything in common with Arabs and don't want to be involved in the complex affairs of Arab states. They just want economic prosperity, cultural influence and no turmoil in the east of the country.

And also economically; Turkey have more trade with Iran than with any Arab country. So by stating that Turkey have no interest in Iran is political laughable and significant for an Arab who knows nothing about history or geo-politics.

That was an analysis of what's really going on in real life. However, Why do you insist to involve me with Turkish-Iran nonexistent "close ties"? it's non of my business.
Did I say that? Why do you insist to involve me with Turkish-Iran nonexistent "close ties"? it's non of my business.

O, no? Who made this statement? You even know what the word 'interest' means?

Turkey interest is with GCC, Egypt and other Arabs not with Iran and it's proxies.

This must be the most stupidest remark of this month.
O, no? Who made this statement? You even know what the word 'interest' means?

This must be the most stupidest remark of this month.

Yes, I have just remembered it and that's why I edited my post. However, that's true. Plz don't compel me to prove how Turkey deems Arabs as much more important strategic partners than Iran by trade exchange, cooperation, friendship and TOT, investments...etc. However, I have no desire to do that, you have to google it.
Yes, I have just remembered it and that's why I edited my post. However, that's true. Plz don't compel me to prove how Turkey deems Arabs as much more important strategic partners than Iran by trade exchange, cooperation, friendship and TOT, investments...etc. However, I have no desire to do that, you have to google it.

You can ask the other Turks here which country is more important to Turkey.

You talk about non-existent close ties between Turkey and Iran, while Turkey have more trade with Iran than with any Arab country. So having economic trade with each other don't imply having ties with each other? The relationship between Turkey and Iran has cooled down at the moment, but was (and is) more important to both of the countries than a relationship with any Arab country.

You don't have to be friends to share (mutual) interest with each other. That's not what geo-politics is about and you can't even speak of friends in this field of political science. Fact is that Turkey have enormous interests in Iran and that will be always the case. As it is vice versa.
From another thread
Turkish people doesn't give a f.ck about Assad, they just want government to stay out of that mess, there are just some islamists obsessed with Syria mainly because of the same reason with other Arab nations, sect.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey-defence/205303-turkey-s-syrian-debacle.html#ixzz25oiNGEX2

Opinion polls, which before the summer, showed solid public support for the government's Syria policy, have reversed course. One survey from pollster Andy-Ar Center for Social Research last week showed 67% of voters disapprove of Ankara's handling of the Syrian crisis. A separate July poll from the Institute of Strategic Thinking, an Ankara-based think tank, showed 49% of Turks oppose the government's policy, up from 32% in March.
You can ask the other Turks here which country is more important to Turkey.

You talk about non-existent close ties between Turkey and Iran, while Turkey have more trade with Iran than with any Arab country. So having economic trade with each other don't imply having ties with each other? The relationship between Turkey and Iran has cooled down at the moment, but was (and is) more important to both of the countries than a relationship with any Arab country.

You don't have to be friends to share (mutual) interest with each other. That's not what geo-politics is about and you can't even speak of friends in this field of political science. Fact is that Turkey have enormous interests in Iran and that will be always the case. As it is vice versa.

Ask other Turks?:suicide: Anyway, yes I admit it, Turkey and Iran are strategic allies...:pop:
No one is striving for islamic leadership. Though i can't say they don't have Ottoman ambitions...
Ask other Turks?:suicide: Anyway, yes I admit it, Turkey and Iran are strategic allies...:pop:

Ally or enemy, we share a thousand year old history with each other. A lot of it has been spent in conflict, but our language and culture had a huge presence in their country. Theirs in our country as well.

You don't seem to get this simple matter.
Yes, the Turkish government made a mistake by having it's neighbors be it's enemies... The articled did mention how Turkish economy boomed when Syria and Turkey were allies, that was because Syria was Turkey's bridge to the Arab World, and now that bridge is gone, which will harm Turkey's economy ( or it already did)... and now problem with Iraq and Iran.... Turkey needs to realize if it wants peace in its home, their neighbors must have peace first, so the problem in Syria will spread to Turkey since there is no stability, so PPK for sure will rise, and PKK rises because of Turkish government mistakes.

Turkey thought the Syrian conflict will be over in month and Alasad will be out, that's what the West told the Turkish government, Erdogan didn't know that Alasad has popular support, because if Alasad didn't have any support at all, he would have been out in minutes, all it takes is the majority of Syria to rise up, or just about 40-50% of Syrians to rise up and Alasad would have been out, but no Syrians support their government and Syrians understand the game well, making Syria a slave to west will only be the west's dream.

Turkey should face it's mistakes and fix them instead of just making it worse, Turkey should end its support to terrorists and welcoming foreign terrorist on its soil.
You can ask the other Turks here which country is more important to Turkey.

You talk about non-existent close ties between Turkey and Iran, while Turkey have more trade with Iran than with any Arab country. So having economic trade with each other don't imply having ties with each other? The relationship between Turkey and Iran has cooled down at the moment, but was (and is) more important to both of the countries than a relationship with any Arab country.

You don't have to be friends to share (mutual) interest with each other. That's not what geo-politics is about and you can't even speak of friends in this field of political science. Fact is that Turkey have enormous interests in Iran and that will be always the case. As it is vice versa.

Pan Islamism is a joke. Your right, Persians and Turks have nothing in common with Arabs other than Religion which is useless in the 21st century. Lets hope AKP and IRG goes away for the sake of the two nations. Arabs are like Sub Saharan tribes squabbling over Clans, politics and (oh joy) Sects..
Pan Islamism is a joke. Your right, Persians and Turks have nothing in common with Arabs other than Religion which is useless in the 21st century. Lets hope AKP and IRG goes away for the sake of the two nations. Arabs are like Sub Saharan tribes squabbling over Clans, politics and (oh joy) Sects..


If we didn't have oil, Iran would be like Turkey now. Because of oil every foreign power has tried to control Iran and everything that happened in the last century is purely because of that. Anyway, these mullahs will go, Iranians will remain. As you said, we have nothing to do with arabs. Billions of dollars of Iranian oil money has gone to arabs when it should have gone to our Persian brothers in Tajikestan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan (there are a lot of Tajik Persians in Uzbekistan). Turkey should also focus on Central Asia. The future of the region is in Central Asia. Arabs can continue with their tribal and secterian in fighting till judgment day. Our mullahs and Erdogan can get a one way ticket to arabia and join them.
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