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CNN reporter: Israelis are scum

Citizens of Sderot are under constant Hamas rocket attacks for over 10 years.

How that scum journalist would react if HER children were targeted by Hamas rockets on daily basis?

P.S. after that Palestinians whine that US media is biased towards Israel.

How would you feel if you were kicked out of your house in the mainland Israel by some settlers? This is the situation faced by inhabitants of Gaza because of the constant land grab by settlers sanctioned by the Israeli government. I hope you realize how one sided your definition of the problem is. You have created a ghetto, the miseries of which you watch from the hill top. Sooner or later the mess inside of the ghetto will come spewing out and impact all that is around it.

Just like you are defending your suppression and repression of the Palestinians, I am sure the Nazis were doing the same even as they slaughtered millions of jews in their own ghettos.

Hamas may be firing rockets at Sderot for 10 years, yet your occupation of their lands and the encroachment of these lands easily predates the last 10 years of rocket firing by Hamas.

Do realize that this madness won't just end because you have superior firepower today. In the long run, there will be other powers in the region which will easily challenge Israel's current military supremacy. Even if there are no equals, there will still be powers that will wage more potent asymmetric campaigns against Israel which will lead to greater bloodshed of her citizens. The choice is not just in front of Hamas to make. It is also there for the Israelis to decide whether to stop the transgressions of her settlers against Palestinian lands or to let them instigate a much more broader and bloodier conflict.
How would you feel if you were kicked out of your house in the mainland Israel by some settlers? This is the situation faced by inhabitants of Gaza because of the constant land grab by settlers sanctioned by the Israeli government.
There is no single Israeli settler in Gaza.

Israel removed all the settlements from Gaza 9 years ago.
Israel removed all soldiers and bases from Gaza.
Israel opened the border between Gaza and Egypt.

What we got in return? - Thousands and thousands of rockets at our towns. What is more ironic, that after pulling from Gaza all the settlers and army, we are much more criticized then when we were there.

Just like you are defending your suppression and repression of the Palestinians, I am sure the Nazis were doing the same even as they slaughtered millions of jews in their own ghettos.
Comparing Gaza with Nazi Ghettos where hundreds of thousands died from starvation in streets:


With Gaza, Where the infant mortality levels are 3 times LOWER than in Pakistan???





The Palestinian Yarmouk camp in Syria could be compared to Ghetto though:

But still what Assad is doing there is less than 1% of what the Nazis did.
The israelis are indeed scum

they seem to have lost both their souls and morals becoming inhuman

their like a snake trying to squeeze the life out of the Palestinians

They have become more Nazi then the Nazis emulating them to become a horrendous apartheid state
There is no single Israeli settler in Gaza.

Israel removed all the settlements from Gaza 9 years ago.
Israel removed all soldiers and bases from Gaza.
Israel opened the border between Gaza and Egypt.

What we got in return? - Thousands and thousands of rockets at our towns. What is more ironic, that after pulling from Gaza all the settlers and army, we are much more criticized then when we were there.

Comparing Gaza with Nazi Ghettos where hundreds of thousands died from starvation in streets:


With Gaza, Where the infant mortality levels are 3 times LOWER than in Pakistan???





The Palestinian Yarmouk camp in Syria could be compared to Ghetto though:

But still what Assad is doing there is less than 1% of what the Nazis did.

Fair enough, they are not dying of starvation, but is any of what I share below normal? To get chicken, the man has to traverse tunnels? You need to realize that you cannot always try to convince yourself that since your conduct is not as bad as that of the Nazis, its ok. Well its not in this day and age. We are not living in the 30s and the Palestinians have only given land from 48 till now. You mentioned the point about not taking land from Gazans, well what is left for them to give? Their population density vs. the total land available for inhabitation is worse than that of Bangladesh, which last I checked was the most densely populated country in the world. So why bother comparing Syria's treatment of their treatment. On any given day go ask any one of them as to what they think about being bottled up and I can assure you, it will not be a very flattering answer. When you take their humanity away then what else do they have to lose by lobbing rockets and rocks out of desperation?

In Gaza, an original recipe for empathy
by Massoud Hayoun @mhayoun
Google marked Nelson Mandela’s birthday on Friday with a doodle featuring a series of quotes. It seemed particularly fitting at a time when Israel’s current offensive in Gaza has killed at least 270 Palestinians.

Many of the quotes called for peace. For instance, “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.” And “Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world.”

Of course, Mandela was not a pacifist— he started the African National Congress’s armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, or Spear of the Nation — and was, during his imprisonment, considered a “terrorist” by many world leaders. But by the time of his passing, the world honored him as a crusader for human rights and justice.

One Mandela quote that Google missed, perhaps unintentionally, was the famous, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

Some believe that the violence must end — that Palestinians will never have a state, let alone have enough people left to populate it, if a way cannot be quickly found to stop the massacre of men, women and children that have come with the last 11 days of airstrikes and shelling.

But some are convinced the broader situation cannot continue — that the laying down of arms without Israel meeting any of Hamas’s conditions for cease-fire would solidify the status quo: A more than seven-year siege on a territory where, at a given moment, even chocolate and jam were barred from entry by Israeli authorities.

For some, it’s impossible to imagine that status quo: The blockade, tantamount to an indefinite sentence in an outdoor prison.

This week saw disturbing pictures of children, who a moment before had been at play, killed by Israeli artillery fire, but it is an older image that conveys to me why, even in times of relative calm, the status quo is untenable for Gaza.

It has been something of dark joke among Arab and Arab-American social media friends: An image of smugglers carrying Kentucky Fried Chicken through tunnels into the occupied territory.


A smuggler carries food from Kentucky Fried Chicken to be delivered through an underground tunnel linking the Gaza Strip to Egypt.
AFP / Getty Images
The delivery takes several hours. It’s expensive.

People in Gaza are perennially on the brink of a water crisis. They suffer 40 percent unemployment, one of the highest rates in the world. They face shortages of medicine, and it is difficult to obtain permission to leave for medical treatment in an emergency. They live in nervous anticipation of the next Israeli military action. Many have never met relatives outside of their small, cornered parcel of land.

For a treat — and to feel part of the greater world outside — people pay exorbitant fees, wait hours and risk the lives of the couriers.

It’s a vastly unhealthy symbol of the global dominance of the American fast food industry, sure, but it is also a symbol of the misery of being sequestered — with the support of the international community — from some of life’s most mundane pleasures.

Even if people have deep and sincere differences over geopolitics, it is a greasy bit of humanity everyone can understand.
Fair enough, they are not dying of starvation, but is any of what I share below normal? To get chicken, the man has to traverse tunnels?
All food comes from Israel. 200 huge truckloads a day comes from Israel.

Snacks with Hebrew letters:


Here u can see boxes with Hebrew inscriptions ("chosen fruits"):


This pic was made 2 days ago.

You need to realize that you cannot always try to convince yourself that since your conduct is not as bad as that of the Nazis, its ok.
Only Assad actions can be compared to Nazi actions. But even what Assad did is not even 1% of what the Nazis did.

It has been something of dark joke among Arab and Arab-American social media friends: An image of smugglers carrying Kentucky Fried Chicken through tunnels into the occupied territory.

KFC is not food its a snack for joy. People who are starving dont order KFC. If Gaza was not a terrorist entity KFC would open their outlets there. By the way, Israel had not KFC until 1993.
Fair enough, they are not dying of starvation, but is any of what I share below normal? To get chicken, the man has to traverse tunnels? You need to realize that you cannot always try to convince yourself that since your conduct is not as bad as that of the Nazis, its ok. Well its not in this day and age. We are not living in the 30s and the Palestinians have only given land from 48 till now. You mentioned the point about not taking land from Gazans, well what is left for them to give? Their population density vs. the total land available for inhabitation is worse than that of Bangladesh, which last I checked was the most densely populated country in the world. So why bother comparing Syria's treatment of their treatment. On any given day go ask any one of them as to what they think about being bottled up and I can assure you, it will not be a very flattering answer. When you take their humanity away then what else do they have to lose by lobbing rockets and rocks out of desperation?

In Gaza, an original recipe for empathy
by Massoud Hayoun @mhayoun
Google marked Nelson Mandela’s birthday on Friday with a doodle featuring a series of quotes. It seemed particularly fitting at a time when Israel’s current offensive in Gaza has killed at least 270 Palestinians.

Many of the quotes called for peace. For instance, “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.” And “Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world.”

Of course, Mandela was not a pacifist— he started the African National Congress’s armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, or Spear of the Nation — and was, during his imprisonment, considered a “terrorist” by many world leaders. But by the time of his passing, the world honored him as a crusader for human rights and justice.

One Mandela quote that Google missed, perhaps unintentionally, was the famous, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

Some believe that the violence must end — that Palestinians will never have a state, let alone have enough people left to populate it, if a way cannot be quickly found to stop the massacre of men, women and children that have come with the last 11 days of airstrikes and shelling.

But some are convinced the broader situation cannot continue — that the laying down of arms without Israel meeting any of Hamas’s conditions for cease-fire would solidify the status quo: A more than seven-year siege on a territory where, at a given moment, even chocolate and jam were barred from entry by Israeli authorities.

For some, it’s impossible to imagine that status quo: The blockade, tantamount to an indefinite sentence in an outdoor prison.

This week saw disturbing pictures of children, who a moment before had been at play, killed by Israeli artillery fire, but it is an older image that conveys to me why, even in times of relative calm, the status quo is untenable for Gaza.

It has been something of dark joke among Arab and Arab-American social media friends: An image of smugglers carrying Kentucky Fried Chicken through tunnels into the occupied territory.


A smuggler carries food from Kentucky Fried Chicken to be delivered through an underground tunnel linking the Gaza Strip to Egypt.
AFP / Getty Images
The delivery takes several hours. It’s expensive.

People in Gaza are perennially on the brink of a water crisis. They suffer 40 percent unemployment, one of the highest rates in the world. They face shortages of medicine, and it is difficult to obtain permission to leave for medical treatment in an emergency. They live in nervous anticipation of the next Israeli military action. Many have never met relatives outside of their small, cornered parcel of land.

For a treat — and to feel part of the greater world outside — people pay exorbitant fees, wait hours and risk the lives of the couriers.

It’s a vastly unhealthy symbol of the global dominance of the American fast food industry, sure, but it is also a symbol of the misery of being sequestered — with the support of the international community — from some of life’s most mundane pleasures.

Even if people have deep and sincere differences over geopolitics, it is a greasy bit of humanity everyone can understand.

This Israeli is a clown. He shows photos of the two largest supermarkets(I've been to both) in Gaza. Which aren't large at all in person. No bigger than a fitness gym in the US.

He then states Israel left Gaza. Yes they did, then elections came about in 2006. They imposed a siege after the results and there was an attempted coup by the PA/US.

UN still considers Israel the occupying power in Gaza. He shows photos of plants, olives and others amongst things. He doesn't show you refugee camps in Gaza. Most of those photos are in Gaza city. Just google photos of the refugee camps. Here are some:




Most people from Gaza(including me) are refugees who weren't from Gaza originally. I am originally from modern day central/northern Israel.

Further, if you have any questions on the violence from 2007-2014 just ask me. Since he is taking it out of context and won't mention Israeli attacks.
what a bunch of sissies. threatening her is ok, but when she rightly calls those specific persons by scum, it's insulting. i think she even got lucky, she could have been branded as an anti-semitic...
Most people wouldn't care of Palestine situation if they weren't Muslim. Bunch of racists.
Free American press and media. Free to attack anyone. Any person and nation any system and religion. Be abusive as you want.

Except if you want to critizise or express disgust about "Israel", "Israelis", influental Jews or Judaism. No matter what justified reasons and proof your bring up. Prepare for good character killing, losing you job for upright honesty and never appearing anywhere again.

This Israeli is a clown. He shows photos of the two largest supermarkets(I've been to both) in Gaza. Which aren't large at all in person. No bigger than a fitness gym in the US.

On paper and on photos provided by the German Nazi regime Jews lived happy and in very good conditions supplied with German goods.

On paper and on photos provided by Imperial Japan Chinese women willingly flocked to the Japanese men and Japan enriched China with great culture and freedom.
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Most people wouldn't care of Palestine situation if they weren't Muslim. Bunch of racists.

You would probably care about Palestine if they wher not Muslims or "Israel" was a Muslim nation.
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