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So mass riots in 84, 2002, Babri Masjid, Mumbai, Kashmir, Naxal problems, epiidemic rape crises what all this then just another Tuesday for Indians
See, the things you mentioned don't even affect the average Indian because there so small, bomb blasts, terrorism and cousin marriage are daily in Pakistani life.

So you were ruled by Muslims for 1000 years
India in its entirety was never ruled for 1000 years, do the math. Hindus and Sikhs have also ruled Pakistan...
Pakistan has only been a nation since 1940's, which Pakistan did you rule??????

Dont compare the insignificant rule of fogotten limited occupations to that of the might of muslims empires like the Mughals, Ottomans or The Golden Horde

See, the things you mentioned don't even affect the average Indian because there so small, bomb blasts, terrorism and cousin marriage are daily in Pakistani life

Yeah so rampant poverty and epidemic rape dont affect India on a daily basis
Pakistan has only been a nation since 1940's, which Pakistan did you rule??????

Dont compare the insignificant rule of fogotten limited occupations to that of the might of muslims empires like the Mughals, Ottomans or The Golden Horde

Yeah so rampant poverty and epidemic rape dont affect India on a daily basis
Sikh Empire, Maurya Empire and Kabul Shahi all ruled your people LOL.
You are under the deluded if you think Mughal Empire and all that treated you well. We all know what they done to your women.
@INDIC another deluded fool who needs educating.
What do they have to do with you? And I said average, not every you retard.
Weren’t the persians and Central Asians that ruled you Muslims

So mass riots in 84, 2002, Babri Masjid, Mumbai, Kashmir, Naxal problems, epiidemic rape crises what all this then just another Tuesday for Indians

No they are small problems which have largely been solved. India today leads pakistan in every index there is. While Pakistan has recently been conferred the honor of becoming the most terrorist hit state in the world. Factory of terrorism some might say.
Yes, Hindu women were just frolicking around whilst the hindu's armies were defeated time after time after time.

Our people (I assume you mean muslims) rejected a haram idol worshipping horrific system of belief like hinduism and accepted the one true God,,, the buttt hurt amongst hindu's is still apprent

No they are small problems which have largely been solved. India today leads pakistan in every index there is. While Pakistan has recently been conferred the honor of becoming the most terrorist hit state in the world. Factory of terrorism some might say.

I assure you rampant poverty, mass rape, and a hugh percentage of indians defecating in the open is not a small problem,
Yes, Hindu women were just frolicking around whilst the hindu's armies were defeated time after time after time.

Our people (I assume you mean muslims) rejected a haram idol worshipping horrific system of belief like hinduism and accepted the one true God,,, the buttt hurt amongst hindu's is still apprent
Those Hindu women who frolicked in Harems became the ancestors of Pakistanis, just look at the Hindu Kush. A mountain range where Pakistani ancestors were massacred and forced to convert.

Hindu armies have defeated Muslims various times as well, Marathas destroyed the Mughals and Rajputs resisted for 500 years. And at least we offered resistance instead of submitting and getting raped like the submissive scum that you are.
Yes, Hindu women were just frolicking around whilst the hindu's armies were defeated time after time after time.

Our people (I assume you mean muslims) rejected a haram idol worshipping horrific system of belief like hinduism and accepted the one true God,,, the buttt hurt amongst hindu's is still apprent

I assure you rampant poverty, mass rape, and a hugh percentage of indians defecating in the open is not a small problem,

Yes you all worship one true God. That is why so many people are daily killed in your country because they are not "true muslims". 23 FC soldiers were beheaded by Taliban since they did not believe in that one true God according to TTP. All hail pakistan
Worshipping God is important as opposed to idols, monkey gods, cows and other hindu brick'n'brack
Worshipping God is important as opposed to idols, monkey gods, cows and other hindu brick'n'brack
Deluded idiot, I owned you at history and you change topic too religion.:rofl:
I'm a Hindu who believes in one god because Hindus are allowed too, we have a choice as this is the 1000 year old original religion of South Asia which Pakistanis got raped out of through force.:laughcry:
Those Hindu women who frolicked in Harems became the ancestors of Pakistanis, just look at the Hindu Kush. A mountain range where Pakistani ancestors were massacred and forced to convert.

Hindu armies have defeated Muslims various times as well, Marathas destroyed the Mughals and Rajputs resisted for 500 years. And at least we offered resistance instead of submitting and getting raped like the submissive scum that you are.

The hindu's women who frolicked in harems was your great grand mothers, you were slaves

India had a horrednous systems of belief and caste a jahil faith that cave men would be ashamed of idols, demons as gods

Millions of people in India were freed and turned their backs on Hinduism and became muslims, alhamdulilla

This is what bites you hindu's so hard that millions of people turned their back on your idol worshipping faith

Deluded idiot, I owned you at history and you change topic too religion.:rofl:
I'm a Hindu who believes in one god because Hindus are allowed too, we have a choice as this is the 1000 year old original religion of South Asia which Pakistanis got raped out of through force.:laughcry:

You owned nothing monkey worshipper

Your a idol worshipper, if you in the 21st century realise how stupid worshipping thousands of Gods, demons and animals is then congratulations you have come to the same conclusion that the forefather of millions of sub continent muslims came to centuries ago...

Islam was better, superior. Our people were freed from being jahil and came to the one true faith
Inshallah, the UK will cleanse itself of the evil Rigby-killing types like Hussain0216.
Hindu armies have defeated Muslims various times as well, Marathas destroyed the Mughals and Rajputs resisted for 500 years. And at least we offered resistance instead of submitting and getting raped like the submissive scum that you are.

Thats hilarious, the Marathas were nothing, the Mughal Empire was hugh and after the death of Aurengzeb could not stay together

This was the death nail of an independent India, because only the muslims/Mughals could have defended against colonialism,

The Maratha's and sikhs only took over land after the collapse of an empire, they were so pathetic that within decades they had begun to surrender to the british, kicking off another few hundred years of foreign occupation

Inshallah, the UK will cleanse itself of the evil Rigby-killing types like Hussain0216.

After what you people have done in Palestine, the Germans were right about you
The hindu's women who frolicked in harems was your great grand mothers, you were slaves

India had a horrednous systems of belief and caste a jahil faith that cave men would be ashamed of idols, demons as gods

Millions of people in India were freed and turned their backs on Hinduism and became muslims, alhamdulilla

This is what bites you hindu's so hard that millions of people turned their back on your idol worshipping faith
Nope, those who went to the harem had to convert too Islam so they therefore became Pakistani Muslim ancestors, do more research on history.

I am Tomara Rajput so I can trace my ancestry and we never worked in harems, we defeated Lodhi Pathans at Gwalior and after defeat to Mughals our women committed Jahrua(self immolation) rather than work in Muslim occupation. We had something called honor unlike Pakistani ancestors.

This is what hurts your people so much that you where forced into your religion and have no history of your own so you cling to the history of a foreign invader.

Hinduism has been on this earth for thousands of years and will stay on a for thousands of more years. I have already explained it in layman terms to you but due to repeated cousin marriage which is a Pakistani tradition you have failed to understand. I feel for you.

Thats hilarious, the Marathas were nothing, the Mughal Empire was hugh and after the death of Aurengzeb could not stay together

This was the death nail of an independent India, because only the muslims/Mughals could have defended against colonialism,

The Maratha's and sikhs only took over land after the collapse of an empire, they were so pathetic that within decades they had begun to surrender to the british, kicking off another few hundred years of foreign occupation
Once again you contradict yourself, if Mughal Empire was so strong then how did it collapse after the death of ONE emperor? Repeated raids from Marathas, Sikhs, Rajputs and Jats killed it off. You are in such denial I feel for you. Claiming the history of another group of people.

Inshallah, the UK will cleanse itself of the evil Rigby-killing types like Hussain0216.
Yes, we in the UK have put up with these idiots for too long. Let's hope this idiot goes and gets killed in Syria.
Nope, those who went to the harem had to convert too Islam so they therefore became Pakistani Muslim ancestors, do more research on history.

I am Tomara Rajput so I can trace my ancestry and we never worked in harems, we defeated Lodhi Pathans at Gwalior and after defeat to Mughals our women committed Jahrua(self immolation) rather than work in Muslim occupation. We had something called honor unlike Pakistani ancestors.

This is what hurts your people so much that you where forced into your religion and have no history of your own so you cling to the history of a foreign invader.

Hinduism has been on this earth for thousands of years and will stay on a for thousands of more years. I have already explained it in layman terms to you but due to repeated cousin marriage which is a Pakistani tradition you have failed to understand. I feel for you.

They didnt convert prostitutes idiot,,, They were sent back to their communities

Guess what my people used to be Rajputs in the past as well, we left that crap behind.. when we chose to be muslims

Did the Rajputs not help the Mughals to occupy India and conquer hindu's, if your women burtn themselves after your defeat and then how does your tribe still exist

Your right hinduism has been around for thousands of years,,, it may have made sense to cavemen but you sill belive in Monkey Gods in the 21st century
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