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CM Punjab Runoff elections 22 July

Hearing reports that PML Mafia thugs starting to attack Pakistani PTI citizens
Feeling bothered by the Protestors trying to disperse the crowd

Isolated incident with help of PML infected police
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1 - Bhai, chaudhries had a hard time believing that.. as per some sources, they asked IK to say that publicly that assemblies won't be dissolved, but IK never gave any assurance.. because he is in a hurry to form a new government before November this year.
2 - Shujaat is party's head, his letter definitely holds value. Just consider this.. if in KP, PTI breaks into two factions, and the smaller one is with IK, will IK's notification hold value or the majority's leader in KP assembly?
3 - I can't trust these two brothers. Specially, they can act beautifully in front of journalists. If Elahi had an idea about Shujaat's motives, why didn't he inform PTI leadership?
4, 5, and 6 - This are all tactics in my opinion to convince awam that they are with IK.. if and when a time comes where Moonis or Parvez Elahi are are only option, they will not hesitate to ditch IK.. remember Parvez Ilahi's bakwas on TV in April this year about IK? He was the reason, two allies parted ways.. because they were not sure if PMLQ will remain with PTI.. so they brokered a deal immediately and jumped the boat.

I don't trust Elahi after that one interview..
The majority not IK
If party breaks it can vote IK out
IK isnt a king or own party

Ik is then free to make another party

Anyway IMO elections should be direct not party based
Just like May 25th ,

Today is not the time to go back to home , shut down the country 100%
Today is you stay , out till Supreme court opens and gives a Verdict

If people returned back to home the criminals will have room to breath

If Judges or court stated , oh we will look into
Oh we will treat it as priority next week or 7-14 days later

That means

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Just like May 25th ,

Today is not the time to go back to home , shut down the country 100%
Today is you stay , out till Supreme court opens and gives a Verdict

If people returned back to home the criminals will have room to breath

If Judges or court stated , oh we will look into
Oh we will treat it as priority next week or 7-14 days later

That means


Knowing IK, he’ll declare another long march.
Now it is time to , stay put till Supreme court gives verdict

Don't go work
Don't open shop
Even then, the army is ready to face the civilian onslaught, which is why they have the JC Conference in Chaklala yesterday. They're expecting violent protests sooner or later it seems.
than so be it..... kar lain face...per ab in ka muqadar men galian hi likhi hain mulk ka har konay se!!!!! ziada dair aise bhi nhi chalna ab!
Nope , just a lot of emotion and no rational. This isn't the right way but no one listens so I'm not going to bother explaining again and again. Carry on
Agreed. Neither so logical, nor the right way. But is it just him who is behaving Illogical and wring?? He is just a random guy on internet, what about those controling power hubs of the state right now? How they are different from this guy?
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Regardless of what courts decide. operation regime change handlers are determined to
If court decides in favour of Parvaiz Elahi, expect either emergency or even martial law, now that "reportedly" people are protesting on places they are no expected to in Peshawar.

Agreed. Neither so logical, nor the right way. But is it just him who is behaving Illogical and wring?? He is just a random guy on internet, what about those controling power hubs of the state right now? How they are different from this guy?
Generals are badly exposed, they will never declare a direct martial law, will pull the strings behind closed doors. First, they will try to get a favorable decision from the courts, if that does not work out then will play out some political drama using Showbaz, declaring an emergency or governor raj, or pull out something else.

I wish things go to a point where a few generals, politicians, and judges are hanged for high treason. The entire course correction of the nation will happen in no time and we as a nation will attain heights never even imagined before, this entire rotten system has shackled us.
Generals are badly exposed, they will never declare a direct martial law, will pull the strings behind closed doors. First, they will try to get a favorable decision from the courts, if that does not work out then will play out some political drama using Showbaz, declaring an emergency or governor raj, or pull out something else.

I wish things go to a point where a few generals, politicians, and judges are hanged for high treason. The entire course correction of the nation will happen in no time and we as a nation will attain heights never even imagined before, this entire rotten system has shackled us.
few would be good....all of them will be alot better!
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