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Lahore is seeing a repeat of the Sindh House horse trading that happened in Islamabad with upto Rs 50 crores being offered to buy MPAs: Imran Khan

When PTI was buying independent candidates in 2018, people were celebrating and cheering. Tab wickets gir rahai thin

Now everyone's buying MPAs lol. What goes around, comes around.

It was wrong when PTI did it and it's wrong now. Economy is rekt but political hierarchy is busy in bullshit.

May be idiot in you doesn't know but independents have to join a party and independents always join the ruling party in most of the cases and same happened with PTI too

That is no horse trading


Sadiq Sinjrani belonged to BAP. Same BAP is PML(Nahoosat)'s ally today

Don't complain what happened back then since they are your ally today
When PTI was buying independent candidates in 2018, people were celebrating and cheering. Tab wickets gir rahai thin
Lol, you always amaze me, Independent candidates always join the ruling party. That has always been the case, be it PTI's, PMLN's, PPP's or PMLQ's governments.

Please enlighten this forum about one single candidate who was elected on PMLN or PPP seat and was bought by PTI and who voted for them, and if you can't name one it is better not to just post random things for the sake of posting only and degrading the quality of the discussion with your false analogies.
Ronay ka muqam hai aap ke liye
Bhai idhar be tuwaja farmaein.
When PTI was buying independent candidates in 2018, people were celebrating and cheering. Tab wickets gir rahai thin

Now everyone's buying MPAs lol. What goes around, comes around.

It was wrong when PTI did it and it's wrong now. Economy is rekt but political hierarchy is busy in bullshit.
What a pathetic argument. Every party woes independent candidates. Are you implying PMLN doesn't?
PTI hasn't bribed or tried to bribe and break PMLn MPAs. We have no issue with independents joining PMLn.
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