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CM-400AKG: A tough job for the Indian Navy

1.about the first part well sir thatsthe point which pakistanies dont want to beleave but there is no AWACS on earth that can guide a AA or AS or AG missile to its target while its launched from the other platform

AWACS job is to detect and track any target and alert & share information with the air based and land based offensive platforms its job is not to guide missiles

2.well we indians dont pull owt a gun and start fighting when things are not going as planned we use diplomacy and other methods like we used it against pakistan and musharraf had to close down all the terror camps in pakistan and stop active support to these people care to take a look there my point was how will you attack owr sea based assets without bieng detected and destroyed by owr assets first and your not the onli one to have such capabilities to my knowledge we have better and in bigger qwantity than you

3. well same applies with Bhramos tell me how much time it will take bharmos to get to its target (all your asstes are 150-200Km's from indian borders) and how much time your asstes will take to reach indian targets and the opposition both have to face

leme tell you 1 thing even right now f22 Can You use b1 lancers radar and its missile to attack on targets i think this gives you your answer
What if some day this system carries a tactical EMP device instead of a fragmentation or penetration warhead, blasting right in the middle of a naval vessel formation. That will drop the cigar out of the mission commander's mouth. :coffee: ]

Tactical EMP is still a technology in its infancy....but a tactical nuclear device sure can blow a fleet out of water.
Agree with you, I am definitely sure that "look down mode" is lesser than A2A mode... To kill a carrier in carrier battle group is tough job (though not impossible)
1. First point of defense is Patroling aircraft (F18/Rafael/MiG29K)
2. second layer of defence is Air defense ships (usually frigates) with 3 layer of security, LRSAM, MR-SAM, SR-SAM
3. 3rd layer of security is Carrier itself, the SAM on carrier
4. 4th layer of security is gatelling gun, it create a wall of bullets in front of invader...

Finally, if missile hit Carrier the massive size of carrier itself is defense , It will be unusable but not destroyed...

Welcome Carrier Killer...:P

For most Pakistani members AC carrier roams all alone like a Inspector in Bollywood movies.

They are just happy they have got a so called carrier killer which came from China whose quality is well known and unproven.:omghaha:
What if some day this system carries a tactical EMP device instead of a fragmentation or penetration warhead, blasting right in the middle of a naval vessel formation. That will drop the cigar out of the mission commander's mouth. :coffee:


The day that tactical EMP becomes widespread is the day that electronics would be shielded against EMP bursts. Its not difficult.

Imagine shaped charge at mach 4+

Odds are it would be intercepted and its carrier - the plane carrying this missile would be destroyed.
We already employ a 2 tier missile defence system.

2017 is when it should become a 3 tier air defence system around every IN SAG.
The missile carries its own guidance/targeting system.

Every long range missile carries the same, the point you need to guide the missile till a point where it can reach and open up its own terminal guidance system.

Doesn't brahmos work this way too? you Launching Brahmos from a ship 200-250 KM away from the target and it will find the target ship and would annihilate it?

Its a sea skimming missile and yes, it need guidance till it open up its own system. In fact every long range system needs it.
ya i think India also needs such a weapon in this class.
which is significantly lighter and can be carried like 2 or 3 a piece in a single aircraft.and also be in the high supersonic mach 5+
class.I don't
think they will be much effective against carriers but can be deadly against smaller ships with lesser protection
You are idiot. Is brahmos-2 development is for time pass ? :hitwall:
What if some day this system carries a tactical EMP device instead of a fragmentation or penetration warhead, blasting right in the middle of a naval vessel formation. That will drop the cigar out of the mission commander's mouth. :coffee:


Come on the world has already moved towards EMP hardened electronic components and the day this missile gets ready to strike with an EMP warhead, it would be a dud nevertheless and the burning cigar would still find its place in the enemy's rear.:coffee:

It is not indestructible as argued here. It can be Jammed or decoyed or even confused at various stages of flight by employing a combination of active and passive measures or by means ASBM Kill Chain.
CM-400AKG Is very potent ASHM and that also very cheap in compare to Brahmos and with more speed .

any missile system uses these three phases

Boost phase,Mid course,terminal phase

Lots of people have question about how it will guide till the missile activate its own radar .

Jf-17 is just going to direct Missile in the direction of the target [last known co-ordinate of carrier battle group by means of its own or from AWAC's or from frigate or submarine]

after boost phase inertia midcourse system will activate and make sure that missile stay on course till the terminal phase that is to activate its own radar system to track and target the unfortunate carrier . flight time of this missile may be 10 - 15 minutes and one can imagine how far the carrier battle will go in 15 minutes it will be a sitting duck and PAF will risk more plane to achieve killing the carrier for psychological reason. and can be launch in number because its light weight and cheap.
After all the Indian boasting about hypersonic Brahmos, all China had to do was give hypersonic anti-ship missiles to Pakistan. Now India is humiliated.

if you define hypersonic = 1.1 mach , sure we are repulsed by your intelligence ! and humiliated because you are a neighbour !:cuckoo:
Come on the world has already moved towards EMP hardened electronic components

Please educate me on credible counter EMP technology fielded by any military on such a scale. As far i know even the NORAD has only partial EMP protection.

the day this missile gets ready to strike with an EMP warhead, it would be a dud nevertheless

That is a highly optimistic and a naive view. EMP effect depends on its frequency/voltage the warhead will carry.
In extreme circumstances this or a similar missile can be made to carry miniature tactical nuclear warhead to be blasted mid air over the naval formation.

and the burning cigar would still find its place in the enemy's rear.:coffee:

It depends on what the enemy throws at you.

It is not indestructible as argued here. It can be Jammed or decoyed or even confused at various stages of flight by employing a combination of active and passive measures or by means ASBM Kill Chain.

Nothing is indestructible, however the key here is the reaction time. For a missile coming at you with this speed, from firing to impact you have less than 3 minutes 45 seconds to react.

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