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Church denies funeral to Priyanka Chopra’s grandmother

Damnit, never knew Priyanka was such a communal person. FORCING Church to bury a woman who was born a Christian is nothing but persecution.

RIP Grandma. Hope you find peace in the afterlife.

no one is born a Christian... It's only after you're baptisted and accept Jesus Christ as the son of god do you become a Christian
no one is born a Christian... It's only after you're baptisted and accept Jesus Christ as the son of god do you become a Christian

Last I checked baptism was not a basic tenet of Christianity but I could be wrong though.
no one is born a Christian... It's only after you're baptisted and accept Jesus Christ as the son of god do you become a Christian

In India it is as good as given that a child born in a Christian family will be baptised. So take the statement born Christian to mean born to Christian parents and also baptised. There are hardly any non practising Christians in India. Church attendance rate is almost 100%.
In India it is as good as given that a child born in a Christian family will be baptised. So take the statement born Christian to mean born to Christian parents and also baptised.

that's all i am saying, you accept Jesus Christ as your savior and baptisted

but putting that aside what matters is if she was still a Christian when she married a Hindu, or was this Church just being ignorant.

but in the end it's their decision and the woman family went to another Church for her burial.

sad, but this India after all.

if a Hindu woman married a Christian man I wonder how Hindu would react to that
that's all i am saying, you accept Jesus Christ as your savior and baptisted

but putting that aside what matters is if she was still a Christian when she married a Hindu, or was this Church just being ignorant.

but in the end it's their decision and the woman family went to another Church for her burial.

sad, but this India after all.

if a Hindu woman married a Christian man I wonder how Hindu would react to that

Denial of burial grounds and ex-communication from the Church is a very common practice in India for those who step out of line or marry someone of other faith.

Hindu families may or may not be against marriage to Christians, generally giving in, but the temples have no say in the matter. There is no concept of ex-communication from religion either nor of burying in temple grounds. So the women will continue to be considered a Hindu unless she herself denounces Hinduism and converts to Christianity.

Christianity in India is almost in the dark ages except that they don't have many chance of burning witches here. Unlike Europe or US, there has been no fight for enlightenment in the Christian community in India.
Its not us who are are bigoted but Bhakts and Sanghis like you who somehow believe that they are intellectually superior to west. Western culture is not Christian Culture. Christianity has nothing to do with west. Those people are culturally decadent and more and more into atheism. Where did you see anything in Bible which is practiced by West? They rarely follow bible in their lives.

Hinduism is a different thing. It is not just a religion but a 'way of life' as explained by your seers. Whatever ill hindus practice finds mention in their books. Heck, even Ramayana and Mahabharata showed that ostracization of dalits existed at that time. Remember Karna and Eklavya? They were demeaned because of their lower caste. How can a lower caste man sit among the ranks of superior Kshatriya or Brahmins?

Hindutva is decadent to the core as evident from its scriptures. Christianity does not ostracize people on the basis of birth.

You are a fool if you believe that Indian Christians naturally know english or follow western lifestyle. Is that what they teach you in Shakha? Christianity is a "World Religion" not a puny stone worshipping cult followed in just one country. Christians of each country in the world have their own flavor. A Japanese Christian is totally different in culture to an Indian or an African. We follow the culture of our respective countries. You must have seen lots of bollywood movies to think that all Christians speak english, drink wine, wear suits and gowns!!

I do not want to malign your religion as I have many Hindu friends, for their sake I wont go further on it.

God forbid we are in internet or else you would have sent your sword/lathi weilding RSS goons to my house!

Did you not say that Dalits in India faced worse discrimination and harassment than racism. So if racist countries (not Norway) have a higher rate of crime and incarceration than India does it not prove your statement wrong? Was the stats only about rape in decadent countries?

So you admit that Hindutva India is not decadent and neither crime prone as Christian and Islamic countries? You want a higher set of standards for Hindutva India while at the same time chest beating about discrimination of its people to the rest of the world?

Now we don't have an Atrocities Against Upper Caste Act in India, so stats about crimes against upper caste is not available. But still look at the total crimes committed in India even in 2002 as per the link given by me. It is 1.72 million. We can safely say crime reporting has increased since 2002 in India so the figure must be even more.

Even sticking with crime numbers of 2002, only 47,000 crimes in total are committed against Dalits out of a total of 1.8 million crimes. Is that not pretty much insignificant? Dalits make up 16% of India's population, but only 47,000 out of 1.8 million crimes is directed against them. The rest 1.75 million crimes are committed against the rest of Indians.

Do you have even stats for crimes against Ahmediya in Pakistan for comparison with Dalits in India?

Christians are the most bigoted people in India and have always been. Only because they spoke English and carried on with a Western lifestyle the rest of India was fooled into thinking they were "Modern" people.

Denial of burial grounds and ex-communication from the Church is a very common practice in India for those who step out of line or marry someone of other faith.

Hindu families may or may not be against marriage to Christians, generally giving in, but the temples have no say in the matter. There is no concept of ex-communication from religion either nor of burying in temple grounds. So the women will continue to be considered a Hindu unless she herself denounces Hinduism and converts to Christianity.

Christianity in India is almost in the dark ages except that they don't have many chance of burning witches here. Unlike Europe or US, there has been no fight for enlightenment in the Christian community in India.

If I have 80% population among 1.2 billion people, I would not really care about a few who marry elsewhere. Christians are a miniscule 2.3% of the pupulation. They would be very touchy of if their people marry elsewhere and dilute the community.

Christianity in dark ages!! Burning witches! Buddy too much weed is not good for you health.
Its not us who are are bigoted but Bhakts and Sanghis like you who somehow believe that they are intellectually superior to west. Western culture is not Christian Culture. Christianity has nothing to do with west. Those people are culturally decadent and more and more into atheism. Where did you see anything in Bible which is practiced by West? They rarely follow bible in their lives.

Hear hear, Christianity ha nothing to do with the West. Yet the flow of funds to your churches comes from the West, yet your pope is always a Western white guy, yet all the denominations and sects you are members of is creation of West, yet all the books and literature you read on Christianity are produced by Westerners.

Hinduism is a different thing. It is not just a religion but a 'way of life' as explained by your seers. Whatever ill hindus practice finds mention in their books. Heck, even Ramayana and Mahabharata showed that ostracization of dalits existed at that time. Remember Karna and Eklavya? They were demeaned because of their lower caste. How can a lower caste man sit among the ranks of superior Kshatriya or Brahmins?

Show me where the word Dalit is mentioned in Hindu scriptures? Karna was made King of Anga even though he was considered low born. This was in the time of Mahabharata. In fact the people who wrote Mahabharata and Ramayana were lower caste. Most of our Rishis are born Shudras. Satyavati who marries Kuru king Shantanu of Hastinapur and the great-grandmother of the Pandava and Kaurava princes is a low born fisherwoman. She is also the mother of the seer Vyasa, author of the epic. There is only Eklavya who is ill treated by Dronacharya and that act is held against Drona as a black mark even by the most orthodox Hindu.

As I said before your knowledge of Hinduism is even more pathetic than your knowledge of Christianity.

Hindutva is decadent to the core as evident from its scriptures. Christianity does not ostracize people on the basis of birth.

You mean Christianity where God impregnates an unconsenting teenager who is wife of another man is not decadent? You mean Christianity which considers human kind born of incestuous relationship of Adam and Eve's children is not decadent in its core and scriptures? Lot who sleeps with his own daughters is not part of your Bible. Christianity where verses after verses slavery is condoned is not decadent?

You are a fool if you believe that Indian Christians naturally know english or follow western lifestyle. Is that what they teach you in Shakha? Christianity is a "World Religion" not a puny stone worshipping cult followed in just one country. Christians of each country in the world have their own flavor. A Japanese Christian is totally different in culture to an Indian or an African. We follow the culture of our respective countries. You must have seen lots of bollywood movies to think that all Christians speak english, drink wine, wear suits and gowns!!

Christians in India were always the bootlickers of the West and copycats from weddings to baptism to your churches. Every bit a copy of the West. If Bollywood stereotyped Christians it was not for nothing. Christianity in different countries does not have different flavor. It is the same everywhere. Even down to the fake plastic 3-4 tiered cake in the Weddings with a small wedge of real cake in between.

The puny stone worshipping cult is the culture of this land and as you say now you are following the culture set by the stone worshippers of this land.

I do not want to malign your religion as I have many Hindu friends, for their sake I wont go further on it.

God forbid we are in internet or else you would have sent your sword/lathi weilding RSS goons to my house!

Sure, you Christians do not malign Hinduism. Where did I get such a silly idea from.

If I have 80% population among 1.2 billion people, I would not really care about a few who marry elsewhere. Christians are a miniscule 2.3% of the pupulation. They would be very touchy of if their people marry elsewhere and dilute the community.

Yeah they are so puny poor just 2.3%, and not over 100 million as claimed by various evangelical websites. Why we should make a museum in case the 2.3 Christians in India become extinct.

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