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Church denies funeral to Priyanka Chopra’s grandmother

You cant wake up a man who deliberately acts like sleeping. If you cant understand simple facts even after so much explanation, its just a waste of time explaining to you. You can stay happy with your belief and me with mine.

Let me be very straightforward with you. If you believe that resurrection will be of same earthly body, you are wrong. If you say that resurrection will be with a new divine body, then I agree with you.

These are not "certain" people. These are Catholic Church, Evangelical Church, and all other Churches as stated by the Wikipedia link I gave you which was full of citations from various theological colleges. These are Christian saints including St. Augustine and all the apostles as per Apostles Creed which is the ecumenical symbol of the faith.

All of them too base their understanding on the basis of scriptures. You won't find a single Church anywhere in the world which agrees with your belief.

This is what Bible.org has to say about itself: Since 1995 Bible.org has been the place for free Trusted Biblical Resources. We have leveraged the Internet to provide these resources to over 200 countries and territories. Every month millions of people rely on us for answers and their next step in faith. We will continue to develop these resources so that they can be used to help grow God’s kingdom.
You cant wake up a man who deliberately acts like sleeping. If you cant understand simple facts even after so much explanation, its just a waste of time explaining to you. You can stay happy with your belief and me with mine.

Let me be very straightforward with you. If you believe that resurrection will be of same earthly body, you are wrong. If you say that resurrection will be with a new divine body, then I agree with you.

First of all you could not produce even one link where people agree with your point of view. Next, you denied there will be resurrection of the physical body right at the onset. In fact you claimed that you had never heard of such a thing. When disproved with enough links and citations about the necessity of physical body and even the same physical body but with enhanced features from your very church resources, you are accusing me of sleeping when the one sleeping is you.

I am not a Christian, so it is not my belief. I am just pointing out what the Christian belief is. You on the other hand are not even aware of Christian beliefs being a Christian.
If I dont believe in the dogma of resurrection of body, does that make me a lesser Christian? Does not believing in Kali or Durga make a person less Hindu? Everyone has his views and beliefs.

I quoted you the Bible, the most authentic source on the subject. Can you quote any verse from Bible which says you will be resurrected with same body?

All sources you quoted claimed that a man will be ressurected with body. Noone claimed it will be 'same' physical body which a person had on earth. In the contrary, I gave you the proof from Bible that it will be a wholly new body. What is there to debate?

Please come up with a verse from Bible which claim otherwise.

You have stuck on to debate just to prove that I know little about my religion. If I started about your beliefs on Hinduism, it will create cesspool here resulting in bannings and bad blood between people.

First of all you could not produce even one link where people agree with your point of view. Next, you denied there will be resurrection of the physical body right at the onset. In fact you claimed that you had never heard of such a thing. When disproved with enough links and citations about the necessity of physical body and even the same physical body but with enhanced features from your very church resources, you are accusing me of sleeping when the one sleeping is you.

I am not a Christian, so it is not my belief. I am just pointing out what the Christian belief is. You on the other hand are not even aware of Christian beliefs being a Christian.
Can a Hindu allow anyone to wear 'janeu' without going through proper rites? Can a Hindu allow any Muslim or Christian to be cremated in his Shamshan Ghat without following Hindu rites? Can a Muslim allow any Hindu to be buried in their graveyard?

There are certain religious rites which have to be properly followed by its followers. Since her mother had officially left Christianity and become proper Hindu, she should have logically been cremated. Had she maintained her Christian roots, nobody would have objected.

A failed attempt to demonize Christians...
Anyone can wear a janeu. You can cremate anyone in a Samshan ghat. In fact MANY non Hindu people chose cremation over burial - especially for transporting remains to other countries or for other reasons.

Yes, many a Muslim won't allow a Hindu to be buried. You are probably in the same category. Of course, not all Christians are like you. Thank God for that.

If everyone comes to bury their beloved ones like this.. there will be no space left for active members..

Yeah, it's best if they are all cremated in our shamshans.
If I dont believe in the dogma of resurrection of body, does that make me a lesser Christian? Does not believing in Kali or Durga make a person less Hindu? Everyone has his views and beliefs.

I quoted you the Bible, the most authentic source on the subject. Can you quote any verse from Bible which says you will be resurrected with same body?

All sources you quoted claimed that a man will be ressurected with body. Noone claimed it will be 'same' physical body which a person had on earth. In the contrary, I gave you the proof from Bible that it will be a wholly new body. What is there to debate?

Please come up with a verse from Bible which claim otherwise.

You have stuck on to debate just to prove that I know little about my religion. If I started about your beliefs on Hinduism, it will create cesspool here resulting in bannings and bad blood between people.

Did I say you are a lesser Christian or more of a Christian? I just stated what is Christian doctrine which you said was false and I disproved you on it. I did quote from Bible many many verses and interpretation given by all religious bodies about it. Bible.org in fact came out with many quotes about it. Remember these are evangelicals who are hardcore Bible followers. It will be the same body is what even your apostle John says in the Bible by inference because Jesus also ascended with the same body. "John says: “We know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). When our Lord ascended into Heaven, He was thirty-three years of age, a young man in the strength and glory of His youth. Senility had not overtaken our Lord when He died upon the Cross for our sins. In David’s Psalm of the exalted Christ in the glory, we read: “Thou hast the dew of Thy youth” (Psalm 110:3). O wondrous thought! We shall be clothed upon with perennial youth. We shall be like Him, fashioned like unto His glorious body."

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/church-d...pra’s-grandmother.433882/page-2#ixzz4B3rWDf1Q

You can start about my beliefs on Hinduism. You did question earlier on whether non-Brahmins can wear Janeu and whether Muslims and Christians can be cremated in Hindu crematorium without rites. You were given a response. You also asked me about every Hindu worshipping Lakshmi and Ganesha and got a response to that too. Problem is you don't know your own religion. You know even lesser about Hinduism.
Anyone can wear a janeu. You can cremate anyone in a Samshan ghat. In fact MANY non Hindu people chose cremation over burial - especially for transporting remains to other countries or for other reasons.

Yes, many a Muslim won't allow a Hindu to be buried. You are probably in the same category. Of course, not all Christians are like you. Thank God for that.


Yeah, it's best if they are all cremated in our shamshans.

I prefer what I like to do.. everyone got their own believes .. I guess you mind your own..
History books run red with the blood shed by the Christian church through millenniums. From Inquisition to the Holocaust to the endless tales of sodomy, rapes, pedophilia and other depravity - the Christian church has been a shame to human civilization.
Anyone can wear a janeu. You can cremate anyone in a Samshan ghat. In fact MANY non Hindu people chose cremation over burial - especially for transporting remains to other countries or for other reasons.

Yes, many a Muslim won't allow a Hindu to be buried. You are probably in the same category. Of course, not all Christians are like you. Thank God for that.


Yeah, it's best if they are all cremated in our shamshans.

Why not just make it simple. People belonging to different religions stick to their ways.

If Hindus still want to allow non-Hindus to be cremated in the shamshan ghat then that is their choice and good for them.

Don't expect others to do the same.
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Re-read what you quoted in BOLD. Where does it imply that resurrection of human will be in ’same' earthly body?

You quoted "When we will be raised, we will be like him for we will be able to see him like He is." To see Jesus like He is, does not equate to 'have earthly body' like Jesus did. For Christians, Jesus was God. He raised himself from dead on his own. We are human. We won't raise up on our own. We will be given a new body. I quoted this to you from Bible. You cant deny it.

Bible.org took two different quotes from different places to narrate their own version. Who says bible.org is the ultimate truth. You have yet to provide me concrete verse. Dont come up with such phrases where two three different verses are joined out of context to build a narrative.

Regarding your answer on Janeu, you know you are fooling us. Please dont misquote me. I didnt say that only Brahmins can wear janeu. I said can a hindu allow 'anyone' to wear Janeu. Big difference.

Its pretty well known that janeu is a sanskar. Nobody can just wear it like that!

Secondly, your answer on Shamshan Ghat is also wind. We all know pretty well, nobody can just bury or cremate anybody in a Shamshan Ghat. In your locality there must be just a chowkidaar to look after such Ghats. In other places proper rules are followed.

Secondly, cremating someone is not equal to burying someone. When you cremate someone, everything is gone up in the air. When you bury someone, a portion of prime land is given up. At a time, when land is at such a premium, you expect certain community of a church to give up their land to bury someone who is not with them.

If they start following your rule, there would be no land left for original members of that church. Do you know there is a big scarcity of burial land in Kerala? Do you even know about the price people have to shell for getting such burial ground.

Did I say you are a lesser Christian or more of a Christian? I just stated what is Christian doctrine which you said was false and I disproved you on it. I did quote from Bible many many verses and interpretation given by all religious bodies about it. Bible.org in fact came out with many quotes about it. Remember these are evangelicals who are hardcore Bible followers. It will be the same body is what even your apostle John says in the Bible by inference because Jesus also ascended with the same body. "John says: “We know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). When our Lord ascended into Heaven, He was thirty-three years of age, a young man in the strength and glory of His youth. Senility had not overtaken our Lord when He died upon the Cross for our sins. In David’s Psalm of the exalted Christ in the glory, we read: “Thou hast the dew of Thy youth” (Psalm 110:3). O wondrous thought! We shall be clothed upon with perennial youth. We shall be like Him, fashioned like unto His glorious body."

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/church-denies-funeral-to-priyanka-chopra’s-grandmother.433882/page-2#ixzz4B3rWDf1Q

You can start about my beliefs on Hinduism. You did question earlier on whether non-Brahmins can wear Janeu and whether Muslims and Christians can be cremated in Hindu crematorium without rites. You were given a response. You also asked me about every Hindu worshipping Lakshmi and Ganesha and got a response to that too. Problem is you don't know your own religion. You know even lesser about Hinduism.
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And the Christians are the most vocal blaming Modi for being anti secular! Jeeez! The double standards are appalling!

I think you missed this part.

However, the funeral was finally conducted at St Thomas Jacobite Church at Ponkunnam, some 50 km east of Kumarakom, situated in the same district.

A lot of smoke and noise over nothing at all.
And the Christians are the most vocal blaming Modi for being anti secular! Jeeez! The double standards are appalling!

Oh how evil the Christians are, the presstitutes only ever harm the Hindus.
Being a very small fraction of the population they are somehow dominating the majority Hindus, oh the horror.:coffee:

"However, the funeral was finally conducted at St Thomas Jacobite Church at Ponkunnam, some 50 km east of Kumarakom, situated in the same district. It was not clear how the church allowed burial in a different parish."
Watching these Christian poster- They should be the last people to complain about beef ban and similar religion related demands by non Christians which affect Christian rights-

A place for burial for that old lady would've been for a noble cause- She was a firm believer even after her marriage and till her death- All the good work done by that kidney donation has now gone in drain- thanks to this stupid church-
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