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Chinese PM Visits Bangladesh

Where is Blair now ? Thats the way things are done peacefully in democracies. The world saw Tiannman square and Tibet. So please take a chill pill. BTW still waiting for your reply on how China wants to return Bangladesh to Pakistan ?


To quicken the speed,I wrote my words in chinese.you can use google search engine to translate my words into english.


对于西藏问题,还有今年的火炬事件,西方人都以为这样是给了共产党中国一记响亮的耳光,却从来没有想到,你们是给了你们自己一记响亮的耳光!号称民主的西方国家居然眼睁睁地在几千垃圾警察的守护下让一个藏独分子去抢火炬!我为你们的警察们感到羞耻!(I'm shame for your policements!)

还有,千万不要忘记了,克什米尔问题的起因(the origin of kashmir),要不是英国佬所谓的“印巴分治”,会有今天的克什米尔问题吗?还会有印度和巴基斯坦的几次战争吗?

对于你所谓的“中国政府归还孟加拉”,我不知道怎么鄙视你。巴基斯坦被分裂起源于第三次印巴战争,期间中国处于内乱和苏联政府的重兵压境之下。虽然美国人曾经试图劝动中国出兵以保护巴基斯坦,但是出于国家安全的考虑中国拒绝了这个建议。巴基斯坦战败,被分裂为现在的巴基斯坦和孟加拉国。我承认中国政府未能及时出兵保护巴基斯坦不被分裂,甚至后来还承认了孟加拉国,这是中国政府的一大败笔,这是中国对巴基斯坦兄弟的伤害(the hurt to Pakistan brothers),但是,中国政府已经尽力了,我们提供了我们所能提供,药品,武器,政治经济的支持……

但是,印巴战争的时候你们英国人在哪里(where were your UK between Pakistan-India war?)

Where is Blair now ? Thats the way things are done peacefully in democracies. The world saw Tiannman square and Tibet. So please take a chill pill. BTW still waiting for your reply on how China wants to return Bangladesh to Pakistan ?

To quicken the speed,I wrote my words in chinese.you can use google search engine to translate my words into english.


对于西藏问题,还有今年的火炬事件,西方人都以为这样是给了共产党中国一记响亮的耳光,却从来没有想到,你们是给了你们自己一记响亮的耳光!号称民主的西方国家居然眼睁睁地在几千垃圾警察的守护下让一个藏独分子去抢火炬!我为你们的警察们感到羞耻!(I'm shame for your policements!)

还有,千万不要忘记了,克什米尔问题的起因(the origin of kashmir),要不是英国佬所谓的“印巴分治”,会有今天的克什米尔问题吗?还会有印度和巴基斯坦的几次战争吗?

对于你所谓的“中国政府归还孟加拉”,我不知道怎么鄙视你。巴基斯坦被分裂起源于第三次印巴战争,期间中国处于内乱和苏联政府的重兵压境之下。虽然美国人曾经试图劝动中国出兵以保护巴基斯坦,但是出于国家安全的考虑中国拒绝了这个建议。巴基斯坦战败,被分裂为现在的巴基斯坦和孟加拉国。我承认中国政府未能及时出兵保护巴基斯坦不被分裂,甚至后来还承认了孟加拉国,这是中国政府的一大败笔,这是中国对巴基斯坦兄弟的伤害(the hurt to Pakistan brothers),但是,中国政府已经尽力了,我们提供了我们所能提供,药品,武器,政治经济的支持……

但是,印巴战争的时候你们英国人在哪里(where were your UK between Pakistan-India war?)

To quicken the speed,I wrote my words in chinese.you can use google search engine to translate my words into english.

但是,印巴战争的时候你们英国人在哪里(where were your UK between Pakistan-India war?)


While I appreciate your fondness for speed, English is the language I can respond to and thats what the language of this forum is.

While I appreciate your fondness for speed, English is the language I can respond to and thats what the language of this forum is.

do you know why I look down upon you limey?

follow the America's arse,is not decided by who the premier is,but the UK's character.your nation have no ability to protect yourselves,so your government binding the whole UK's future with Uncle sam.

BTW,can you tell me who controled the nuclear bomb's buttonof England?UK,or USA,or even Russia?

do you know why I look down upon you limey?

follow the America's arse,is not decided by who the premier is,but the UK's character.your nation have no ability to protect yourselves,so your government binding the whole UK's future with Uncle sam.

BTW,can you tell me who controled the nuclear bomb's buttonof England?UK,or USA,or even Russia?


Dear Friend,

Firstly thanks to us you have a language which allows you to communicate with the rest of the world otherwise no one would read your Chinese gibberish.

As for the US policy Blair paid for it by risking his political career, which is more than you can talk about your leadership for slaughter of innocent Chinese in Tiannman and innocent Tibetians in Tibet. Does it hurt you that Chinese never conquered Europe while you were ruled by us. BTW thanks to USA you have country otherwise you would be Japanese.


Ps : Nuke button is under my pillow safely in UK. Still waiting for your reply on how you wish to give Bangladesh back to Pakistan ?
I'm sorrr for your ignorance!May be I can get a message from your words that to most people,China was a totalitarian regime,1.3 billion people live under the pressure from CCP.


You have to jump to whatever the CCP has to say.

Those who did not want to were purged in the Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution and the Tienanmen Square in modern times (1989).

Remember them?

But something I should tell you is I'm a member of CLY,but I didn't love CCP.and one thing you can't believe is that I support CCP!Funny?NO!Idon't wanna show my disdain because your nation never have so many problems like China,we need a strong Party to solve these problems:employment,the ageing of the population,environment,sparatists and so on.use you head to image,who can solve these prolems in a democracies?American?UK or you,Pakistan?The answer is NONE!

It does not matter whether you are a member of even the Falun Gongo whatever.

All that matters is that you have to jump to at the crack of the whip of the CCP or else.......Tienanmen or re-education! Heard of the Human Rights chaps ******* in the Re-education camps, euphemism for prisons?

Every nations has problems and it is not just China that God has given the problems. Why live in a fairy tale world? You think only China requires a strong govt in the world. India and Pakistan have coalition govt and it is besotted with problems and are not what one understands to be strong govts. Do you think Indians and Pakistani want weak govts? Which world are you living in? Don't be self centred and think only of China and then cover up ruthlessness of the CCP by sitting in the corner and moaning and weeping and calling the world bad.

Who do you think can solve our problems in India and Pakistan? China? Obviously not. So, what's so unique that you are mentioning about China?

Never told me democracy,American want to reconstruct the Iraq's democracy,they want to reconstruct the Afghanistan's democracy,they want to reconstruct the whole world's democracy.What's the result of Iraq and Afghanistan?Have the receive peace and happy?No!what the received was wars,endless wars!

And you want to reconstruct Vietnam, Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Darfur et al. The US does it openly and you do it underhand. That is the difference.

May be you won't believe,most chinese support the CCP even though many people didn't endorse with CCP's policies!

I have to tell you that the "democracy" didn't work in China!

When was there democracy in China?

Democracy (translated into Chinese as " minzhu ," or "people-as-masters") is not a concept inherent in Chinese culture or political philosophy. In fact, it is in complete opposition to Confucian ideology, which stresses harmony and obedience.

Maybe we can have a debate about China to improve you knowledge!You can send mails to me ,my E-mail is jefmq@msn.com.

Thank you, but an open forum is better,
^^ ^i dont know why we r flogging this thread - where is it going to lead us - we r already off topic here
Dear Friend,

Firstly thanks to us you have a language which allows you to communicate with the rest of the world otherwise no one would read your Chinese gibberish.

As for the US policy Blair paid for it by risking his political career, which is more than you can talk about your leadership for slaughter of innocent Chinese in Tiannman and innocent Tibetians in Tibet. Does it hurt you that Chinese never conquered Europe while you were ruled by us. BTW thanks to USA you have country otherwise you would be Japanese.


Ps : Nuke button is under my pillow safely in UK. Still waiting for your reply on how you wish to give Bangladesh back to Pakistan ?
give you two letters:SB! maybe you can ask a chinese what's the meaning of that.

actually,you can ask your government who controled the nuke button,then the official will embarrass tell you the truth.

thanks to USA your country ,otherwise you would be German,and your British women maybe are making love with German^_^

It is a joke your limey developed America,but now your are following them just like a dog,a lugubrious dog!

BTW,remind your government,when they are slaughtering North Irland Kingdom's resisters,have they ever thought of "democracy"?

send all your "democracy world" a word:hypocritical!
Dear Friend,

Firstly thanks to us you have a language which allows you to communicate with the rest of the world otherwise no one would read your Chinese gibberish.

As for the US policy Blair paid for it by risking his political career, which is more than you can talk about your leadership for slaughter of innocent Chinese in Tiannman and innocent Tibetians in Tibet. Does it hurt you that Chinese never conquered Europe while you were ruled by us. BTW thanks to USA you have country otherwise you would be Japanese.


Ps : Nuke button is under my pillow safely in UK. Still waiting for your reply on how you wish to give Bangladesh back to Pakistan ?
give you two letters:SB! maybe you can ask a chinese what's the meaning of that.

actually,you can ask your government who controled the nuke button,then the official will embarrass tell you the truth.

thanks to USA your country ,otherwise you would be German,and your British women maybe are making love with German^_^

It is a joke your limey developed America,but now your are following them just like a dog,a lugubrious dog!

BTW,remind your government,when they are slaughtering North Irland Kingdom's resisters,have they ever thought of "democracy"?

send all your "democracy world" a word:hypocritical!
give you two letters:SB! maybe you can ask a chinese what's the meaning of that.

actually,you can ask your government who controled the nuke button,then the official will embarrass tell you the truth.

thanks to USA your country ,otherwise you would be German,and your British women maybe are making love with German^_^

It is a joke your limey developed America,but now your are following them just like a dog,a lugubrious dog!

BTW,remind your government,when they are slaughtering North Irland Kingdom's resisters,have they ever thought of "democracy"?

send all your "democracy world" a word:hypocritical!

Your post shows your bitterness. Care to stick to the thread and answer how you will Give Bangladesh BACK to Pakistan ?

give you two letters:SB! maybe you can ask a chinese what's the meaning of that.

actually,you can ask your government who controled the nuke button,then the official will embarrass tell you the truth.

thanks to USA your country ,otherwise you would be German,and your British women maybe are making love with German^_^

It is a joke your limey developed America,but now your are following them just like a dog,a lugubrious dog!

BTW,remind your government,when they are slaughtering North Irland Kingdom's resisters,have they ever thought of "democracy"?

send all your "democracy world" a word:hypocritical!

Thats why so may Chinese pay 1000s to enter Europe illegally !

Democracy (translated into Chinese as " minzhu ," or "people-as-masters") is not a concept inherent in Chinese culture or political philosophy. In fact, it is in complete opposition to Confucian ideology, which stresses harmony and obedience.

Firstly,I appreciate you know democracy pronounced"minzhu"in chinese,and know the "Confucian ideology".

But it is impossible for a foreigner to understand the soul of chinese culturethe(I'm not doubt about your intelligence).Please don't pronounce our language and mention our culture,because you are affront them!

I don't mind you fancy of being slaves by obeying America's control,then,you are devoting yourself to the "democracy",American will appreciate you!

You have to jump to whatever the CCP has to say.

Those who did not want to were purged in the Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution and the Tienanmen Square in modern times (1989).

Remember them?

It does not matter whether you are a member of even the Falun Gongo whatever.

All that matters is that you have to jump to at the crack of the whip of the CCP or else.......Tienanmen or re-education! Heard of the Human Rights chaps ******* in the Re-education camps, euphemism for prisons?

Every nations has problems and it is not just China that God has given the problems. Why live in a fairy tale world? You think only China requires a strong govt in the world. India and Pakistan have coalition govt and it is besotted with problems and are not what one understands to be strong govts. Do you think Indians and Pakistani want weak govts? Which world are you living in? Don't be self centred and think only of China and then cover up ruthlessness of the CCP by sitting in the corner and moaning and weeping and calling the world bad.

Who do you think can solve our problems in India and Pakistan? China? Obviously not. So, what's so unique that you are mentioning about China?

And you want to reconstruct Vietnam, Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Darfur et al. The US does it openly and you do it underhand. That is the difference.

May be you won't believe,most chinese support the CCP even though many people didn't endorse with CCP's policies!

When was there democracy in China?

Democracy (translated into Chinese as " minzhu ," or "people-as-masters") is not a concept inherent in Chinese culture or political philosophy. In fact, it is in complete opposition to Confucian ideology, which stresses harmony and obedience.

Thank you, but an open forum is better,
I'm sorry that I never observed you are a "a san"(now that you know "democracy"pronounced "minzhu"in chinese,I think you can understand what's the meanning of "a san") .

actually I think the exist of India is just an error!your government cost most money at arms race but not at rescue thousands of millions of proles!

I hope you can answer my following questions:

1.During the China-India war in last century,China win the war compeletly even though your Indian have the support from Russia and America.Why?to my opinion,your indian is just suit for dancing,and beg!

2.As is known to all,India was(please attention,it's "was")one of the four culture ancient countries,but,to the modern world,where is the India's culture?what is the indian culture?can you tell me?maybe you can't answer,because when you were born,you were told to study english,maybe your parents also didn't know what's the India's history!

3.your indian told the world India is one of the strongest country,please tell me the reason.your huge population?or your tiny GDP?I don't know how the words were spoken out from your country's mouth!A country without itself's cultrue can be a strongest country?dreaming!

4.one thing can make the entire indian feel shame is that there is no indian player have ever win even one golden in the Olympic game!why?1.4billion people=1.4billion rubbish!

5.rely on your huge people number,India win the second Pakistan-India war lastly even though my Pakistan brothers seriously hitted.But your India government was scared when China raised up his crabstick,why?

6.Never told me your software industry.It's just epiboly!because yourself can't write the really codes!

7.do you know why America want to deep the relation between India and America?Is it really because your India is the biggest"democracy country"?No!To Bush,the only use of your India is to restrict the rebound of China! when it is needed,Bush is very glad to see 1.4billion stupid pigs which hand with guns to fight for his "democracy"!

Comparing with China in every industry,which one can you indian can win china?sorry,I remembered one,yoga,it's the only one culture that existed!

shame for your entire India!1.4 billion bitches!
shame for your entire India!1.4 billion bitches!

I just could not help pointing the above. Classical debate material. The Author does great credit to Confucious. The Indians here can reply to his post but the author still does not want to let us know anything about Bangladesh and how he wants to return it to Pakistan.

Chinese people I must say are one of the hardest working people in the world people so I am suprised at such comments.

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