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Chinese PM Visits Bangladesh

You are right.

Fraud and falsehood only dread examination.

T Rex needs to take heed!

There can be discussion between humans, but Indian Razaakars are subhumans so no discussion with a subhuman, go have discussion with your own species.
Tui bata Indian Razaakar, it means you are that Indian Razaakar who has to call someone traitor when their is discussion going on about relation between China and Bangladesh. Secondly, if the Indian Razaakar asks me why Bangladesh is not joining Pakistan then I will tell that Indian Razaakar that India should unite with Israel since they have the same character. Thirdly, who I am is not at all important here and for that matter I am pretty sure I am dealing with one Nazi war criminal disguised as a Muslim.Now it seems he has found a job as a RAW operative:whistle:

:) :)

i had to sahre my discussion with three Bangladehsi friends who are here with me at the moment in India.

It is firsthand statment of these Bangladeshi friends that India is trying to disrupt the recent development of improving relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The Issue of that "Razzakar" recengtly been pushed by some elements is also part of that strategy.

So lets get united and have good relation my dear Bangla friend.

@Sir Salim

Sir why dont you take up the criminals and their case who are involved in Gujrat massacar of Muslims, besides the Nandigram issue.
:) :)

i had to sahre my discussion with three Bangladehsi friends who are here with me at the moment in India.

It is firsthand statment of these Bangladeshi friends that India is trying to disrupt the recent development of improving relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The Issue of that "Razzakar" recengtly been pushed by some elements is also part of that strategy.

So lets get united and have good relation my dear Bangla friend.

@Sir Salim

Sir why dont you take up the criminals and their case who are involved in Gujrat massacar of Muslims, besides the Nandigram issue.

Where are you in India? Can you post some pics?:cheers:
:) :)

i had to sahre my discussion with three Bangladehsi friends who are here with me at the moment in India.

It is firsthand statment of these Bangladeshi friends that India is trying to disrupt the recent development of improving relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The Issue of that "Razzakar" recengtly been pushed by some elements is also part of that strategy.

So lets get united and have good relation my dear Bangla friend.

@Sir Salim

Sir why dont you take up the criminals and their case who are involved in Gujrat massacar of Muslims, besides the Nandigram issue.

My dear friend,
It is the strategy of the Indian Razaakars to call people razaakars who expose their dirty faces. There is one Indian Razaakar here in this forum, he uses different names and one of them is 'Salim'. Do not discuss anything with this Indian Razaakar, simply ignore his stinky presence, these Indian Razaakars are subhumans, it is a misuse of time to discuss with subhumans. Remember the goal of these subhumans is to disrrupt any meaningful discussion. All those who use this forum should follow my advice, that will teach this c..r a lesson.;)

If you are a scoundrel RAW will pick you up without my say so!

And who are your Bangladeshis?

I am right now in Peshawar for your info!!
There can be discussion between humans, but Indian Razaakars are subhumans so no discussion with a subhuman, go have discussion with your own species.

My dear friend,
It is the strategy of the Indian Razaakars to call people razaakars who expose their dirty faces. There is one Indian Razaakar here in this forum, he uses different names and one of them is 'Salim'. Do not discuss anything with this Indian Razaakar, simply ignore his stinky presence, these Indian Razaakars are subhumans, it is a misuse of time to discuss with subhumans. Remember the goal of these subhumans is to disrrupt any meaningful discussion. All those who use this forum should follow my advice, that will teach this c..r a lesson.;)

Mods, I have already reported this madman T-Rex for his rubbish.

Is this the kind of language and behavior you want to promote on this forum? If yes, I feel the decent folks should leave this forum ASAP.

This guy should be banished for good and taken to the nearest mental asylum near his Lahore slum.
T Rex,

Here is something interesting for your type from Tui Razaakar

TUI RAZAKAR — An allied movement against the War Criminals in Bangladesh

Razakar Razakar - AOL Video

You may not be able to understand the video since it is in Bengali.

How is it that Pakistan is failing to take you all in Pakistan even though you were so loyal to them! And you are wailing and weeping and they don't hear you plaintive cries?

Could it be that they don't trust turncoats and quislings?

I wouldn't blame them.

Who can trust a traitor?

Talking of rubbish, read the post above. The discussion was about Bangladesh China relation and this guy brought up the issue of razaakar. He talked of the presence of a razaakar and even mentioned the word 'traitor', of course implying that I was that traitor. Now that he has the reply he and his buddy 'Vinod' are crying to you as if you are their mother. I think calling someone traitor is a good enough reason to ban someone from this post. I f anyone, this 'Salim' and 'Vinod' (I believe both of them are same) should be banned from this forum if you want to have a decent discussion in this forum.
T Rex,

Will you refrain from your juvenile and ignorant outbursts?

You are coming out as the brain deficit person that you are.

Do interest us with your intelligence, if you indeed have any, and quit playing the goat!

Indeed, those that decry their own nation are nothing but traitors.

Do read the thread and discover treachery that I spoke of in generic terms!

Your shrill wail does indicate something worth note!

I do see you are incapable of any ''decent'' ( as you so quaintly put it) discussion!

That I have had "decent" discussion is indicative in the number of posts that I have done out here and do compare it with your pathetic double digit and you self proclaimed position on the forum!

That you are a super ignoramus is proved beyond doubt since you do not even know how a forum is run! To believe that the Mods are fools and do not know of sock puppet activities is most insulting to them, though I am sure they will forgive you since you have proved that you are an *** who has no idea how a forum is run and monitored!!
Excuse my ignorance but can someone please explain the word "Razakaar", I'm unfamiliar with it.

In the meantime I strongly suggest we refrain from personal attacks and insults to avoid infractions.

The thread will be closely monitored.

T-Rex, you'll learn to pay respect to senior members, kill the messege not the messenger!

Vinod, leave moderation to the mods and admins. Use the report button.

Excuse my ignorance but can someone please explain the word "Razakaar", I'm unfamiliar with it.

In the meantime I strongly suggest we refrain from personal attacks and insults to avoid infractions.

The thread will be closely monitored.


I will give my understanding of the word. Other may pl. improve upon that.

The word "Razakaar" was used for the Bihari Muslims who supported Pakistan during the 1971 events. They were accused by the Bengalis of siding with the Pakistani army and acting as collaborators. They were accused of terrible acts of murders and rapes. Bangladeshis extracted their revenge on them afterwards and they are still looked down upon and are living in camps. They consider Pakistan as their country but Pakistan is not ready to take them in.

This is my understanding of the Bangladeshi Razakaars and I may be wrong or incomplete in few areas.

Similiarly there were Razakaars in Hyderabad too who indulged in thousands of killings before the Indian army's police action.

A quote from Wikipedia about the Hyderabad Razakaars:

When India gained independence in 1947, the British, left the choice of independance or unification up to the local rulers of the princely states. The Muslim ruler of Hyderbad, the last Nizam, wished to remain independent. First he tried to declare Hyderabad as a part of Pakistan but the British government did not allow this. Later in the same year, he announced his intention to become independent.

Qasim Razvi's armed militias known as Razakars had moral support of Pakistan and the Nizam thought that he could rule with the help of this militia. The Razakars troubled the Hindus in every conceivable way.

Some people of the Hyderabad state rebelled against the Nizam. The Communist Party of India succeeded in organizing some peasants. The Telangana peasant armed struggle was successful in driving out local Muslim landlords called Zamindars, and distributing their land to the landless. Nizam sought the help of Razakars, a local Muslim rogue militia, to suppress the rebellion. Qasim Rizvi, also known as Kasin Razvi, the ring-leader of Razakaars, had also stated at one point of time that he "aims to hoist the Islamic flag on Delhi's Red Fort." In 1947-48, Rizvi unleashed his forces in support of the Nizam’s claims to independence and thousands — both Hindus and Muslims opposed to Osman Ali Khan — were killed before the Indian Army swept into the State in September 1948.

The 'Police Action' (officially Operation Polo) by Indian forces neutralized the Razakars, paving the way for absorption of Hyderabad into India.

There was widespread violence against the Muslims as an aftermath of the Police Action and Nehru had a committee investigate the pogrom against Muslims, but the resulting Sundarlal Report was never made public.

Hyderabad State - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, the article says: "The neutrality of this article is disputed."

I guess it is true for most articles regarding Pakistan now. Many have taken their cue from Solid Snake it seems. ;)
Razaakar as in the Mose.lem manner of understanding is not applicable to Bangladeshis!

They are proud to be Mos#lems, but it is used in a derogatory term for those who are anti BD and are collaborators!
The people who fought along with PA with Indian army and their agents in 1971 are called ‘Razakars’ and this term is being used by the Indians as they were the people who were involved in killings but actually it was not the case; not all the Bengalis wanted to separate and I can’t understand why our Indian friends are so ambitious to prove that all the Bangladeshi people who are supporting Pakistan are ‘Biharis’.

Indians must accept that the drama created by them is slowly being revealed to the Bangladeshis and they are exposed in front of them by developing Farraka barrage.

There are many Bangladeshi friends on this forum who are pro Pakistan because they were not against the country but system and surely all of them cannot be Razakars.

So my dear Indian friends! accept the reality that Pakistan and Bangladesh will always remain friends and who knows we might form a confederation so don’t waste your energies in disturbing the rebuilding relations between 2 parts of Pakistan.
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