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Chinese PM Visits Bangladesh

This however is true.


My reply in the other thread:


We are a democracy and we cannot take children from their parents and then start training them as one can do in China and as one could do in USSR and East European countries.

In a totalitarian dictatorship anything can be achieved. The Communist Party just has to give the orders and the people damn well obey.

See how the CCP can move people away from their hearth and home to get their way:

Since its establishment in 1949, the government of China has implemented a range of measures to control population movements within and outside of its territory. Many migration controls accompanied the policies of the centrally-planned economy and have evolved over the past few decades. They were particularly effective before the open door and economic reform policies launched in 1979, and movements of China's population had been largely involuntary. Many mass population movements were forced under government relocation plans designed to advance China's economic and social development. However, economic reforms since the late 1970s have initiated major socioeconomic changes in both urban and rural areas, with labor migration having become the most important type of population movement in China, especially toward the more developed coastal regions.

In Pakistan, they have not been able to get the Kalbagh Dam going because they are a democracy and the people are just not budging. Compare that with your Three Gorges.

As different as chalk and cheese.
I'm sorry that I never observed you are a "a san"(now that you know "democracy"pronounced "minzhu"in chinese,I think you can understand what's the meanning of "a san") .

actually I think the exist of India is just an error!your government cost most money at arms race but not at rescue thousands of millions of proles!

I hope you can answer my following questions:

1.During the China-India war in last century,China win the war compeletly even though your Indian have the support from Russia and America.Why?to my opinion,your indian is just suit for dancing,and beg!

2.As is known to all,India was(please attention,it's "was")one of the four culture ancient countries,but,to the modern world,where is the India's culture?what is the indian culture?can you tell me?maybe you can't answer,because when you were born,you were told to study english,maybe your parents also didn't know what's the India's history!

3.your indian told the world India is one of the strongest country,please tell me the reason.your huge population?or your tiny GDP?I don't know how the words were spoken out from your country's mouth!A country without itself's cultrue can be a strongest country?dreaming!

4.one thing can make the entire indian feel shame is that there is no indian player have ever win even one golden in the Olympic game!why?1.4billion people=1.4billion rubbish!

5.rely on your huge people number,India win the second Pakistan-India war lastly even though my Pakistan brothers seriously hitted.But your India government was scared when China raised up his crabstick,why?

6.Never told me your software industry.It's just epiboly!because yourself can't write the really codes!

7.do you know why America want to deep the relation between India and America?Is it really because your India is the biggest"democracy country"?No!To Bush,the only use of your India is to restrict the rebound of China! when it is needed,Bush is very glad to see 1.4billion stupid pigs which hand with guns to fight for his "democracy"!

Comparing with China in every industry,which one can you indian can win china?sorry,I remembered one,yoga,it's the only one culture that existed!

shame for your entire India!1.4 billion bitches!

My reply from the other thread jmrf has opened with this same post. Apparently a propaganda blitz like anticnn.com

istly,I will quote salim's words entirely,everyone can read in

As the reply to you,please allow me to ask you some questions:
I'm sorry that I never observed you are a "a san"(now that you know "democracy"pronounced "minzhu"in chinese,I think you can understand what's the meanning of "a san") .

actually I think the exist of India is just an error!your government cost most money at arms race but not at rescue thousands of millions of proles!
That is where you are sadly mistaken chum.

In the Tsunami, while others took aid from foreign nations, as your are doing, including from India (and I don't grudge that since all human beings are same the world over, it is just that the nationalities are not), India did not take aid and worked on its own for rescue and reconstruction. India, inspite of her own huge losses in the tsunami, sent assistance to Indonesia as also to Sri Lanks. So, get your facts right.

I hope you can answer my following questions:

1.During the China-India war in last century,China win the war compeletly even though your Indian have the support from Russia and America.Why?to my opinion,your indian is just suit for dancing,and beg!

Mistaken chum.

First of all , India got no aid from USSR or USA.

Second, you don't understand warfare. China withdrew from NEFA since there were no roads and China could not have sustained herself and would have eventually been thrown out.

In Aksai Chin, where there were roads and the terrain was flat and forces including artillery could move, China did not move out.

In the Nathu La incident on 11th September 1967, China got a bloody nose as also on 1 October 1967 at the Chola incident Chinese were sorted out and they had to leave duly defeated at Pt 15450.

The IA that you face today are no pushover as 1962, where they were rushed in summer clothing and .303 Bolt Actiion rifles.

Regarding begging, you begged and got USSR assistance with your defence forces and other requirements.

Even the airplanes were Russian!!

2.As is known to all,India was(please attention,it's "was")one of the four culture ancient countries,but,to the modern world,where is the India's culture?what is the indian culture?can you tell me?maybe you can't answer,because when you were born,you were told to study english,maybe your parents also didn't know what's the India's history!
By ranting and tearing your hair, it doesn't mean you know what you write. Are you jealous that we not only know our mother tongue, but also the National Language as also ENGLISH?

By indicating your total ignorance and lack of intelligence, it does not mean that we do not have a culture, history or a civilisation.

I was not told to study English. In a democracy, no one can force you. But the very fact that you write ''told'', indicates the slavery that the CCP subjects you to, with their dictates and makes you robotic and sub humans. Thus, when you come into real civilisation like this forum, you are so shocked, that you rant, Wail, moan and beat your chest and want to pass it as Gospel Truth!!

.your indian told the world India is one of the strongest country,please tell me the reason.your huge population?or your tiny GDP?I don't know how the words were spoken out from your country's mouth!A country without itself's cultrue can be a strongest country?dreaming!
No Indian told the world that India is one of the world's strongest country/ It is the world telling Indian so. And anyway, it does not impress me. As far as your new found wealth, it is US money that is funnel your pride. And it is making you corrupt and your CCP is running scared.

Read this:

Hu Jintao Battles the CCP's Crisis of Confidence

By Willy Lam
Minister of Science and Technology, Wan Gang
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is undergoing its worst crisis of confidence since the Tiananmen Square crackdown 18 years ago. While President and CCP General Secretary Hu Jintao is currently preoccupied with the means by which to consolidate the power of his faction at the upcoming 17th Party Congress, a loss of faith in the party as well as a dramatic decline in probity and old-style "combat-readiness" has hit the nation's 71 million party members. Yet, even as a number of retired cadres have proposed relatively radical solutions to these woes, such as the suggestion that the CCP gradually transform itself into a Western European-style socialist democratic party (SDP), Hu has instead chosen to implement Maoist-era ideological campaigns to revive the party's fortunes.

Party morale has deteriorated to such a degree that even official mouthpieces have admitted that the quality of CCP members has declined to new lows. The journal Qiushi ("Seeking Truth") noted earlier this month that some within the party "believe in gods and ghosts rather than Marxism-Leninism and they put their faith in personal [connections] rather than the collective." The journal also stated that for an unspecified number of CCP officials and members, "their loyalty regarding the party's nature, goals, programs and road-maps has become attenuated," while others had become "decadent and degenerated, and [have engaged in] corrupt and illegal activities" (Qiushi, May 2007). The recent bullish growth in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets has reinforced the mentality—prevalent among CCP members as well as among the public—of "looking at everything with only money in mind." Moreover, the party's disciplinary and anti-graft offices are investigating a record number of cases in which official funds have been diverted toward "playing the bourses"—the crime allegedly committed by former Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Liangyu and his associates.

President Hu's response to this crisis of faith and confidence has been to recycle ideological movements formulated by his large group of political commissars and propaganda specialists. In 2004 and 2005, cadres of all levels were required to sit through weekly ideological classes on "how to uphold the advanced nature of a Communist." The latest indoctrination sessions have centered on the so-called "education about the Three Consciousness." This is a reference to Hu's dictum that party cadres and members must raise "their consciousness of living in dangerous times, their sense of duty as public servants, and the virtue of thriftiness." While talking to officials in Beijing and the provinces, Hu has stressed that party members must "further boost their awareness of [impending] hardships and dangers" and that they should "exemplify the spirit of 'plain living and hard struggle'" (Xinhua, March 9). Indeed, during his four-and-a-half-year-old administration, Hu has conducted more propaganda campaigns than did former President Jiang Zemin—usually deemed more conservative than Hu—during his 13-year tenure.

Hu and Premier Wen Jiabao have also tried to purify the party by introducing several regulations with regard to moral standards, anti-corruption practices and politically correct behavior. For example, numerous statutes and codes have been issued forbidding the spouses, children and relatives of senior cadres from going into business. Late last month, Wen unveiled yet another set of penalties for cadres and civil servants who have run afoul of not only the law but also commonly accepted moral precepts. According to the new regulations, officials who have failed to render support to their ailing parents, or who have acquired "second wives" will be censured, and in serious cases, sacked (Zhongguo Xinwenshe, April 30). Earlier stipulations had already barred party cadres and civil servants from gambling, visiting nightclubs and bathhouses and worshipping in temples or churches.

The apparent failure of Hu and Wen to improve the quality and rectitude of CCP cadres and members has resulted in bold calls for the party to make a clean break with the past. The retired vice-president of the People's University, Xie Tao, created a stir in the spring when he noted in a party journal that "the CCP's only way out is through [embracing] democratic socialism" of the West European variety. "Only constitutional democracy can fundamentally solve the ruling party's problems of corruption and graft," he wrote in the respected journal Yanhuang Chunqiu [Across the Ages]. "Only democratic socialism can save China." Xie cites Switzerland as a model for a largely egalitarian society with adequate welfare benefits as well as full protection of the rights of workers and farmers (Yanhuang Chunqiu, February 2007). After all, the central plank of the Hu-Wen administration's "putting people first" platform is precisely raising the socioeconomic standards of the country's disadvantaged classes, a goal that has remained illusory so far.

In a similar vein, Chairman Mao's one-time secretary Li Rui has openly called for the adoption of Scandinavian-style democratic socialism. Li, one of President Hu's early mentors, said he agreed with late patriarch Deng Xiaoping that most party members were not even sure what socialism meant. "Yet we can be sure of one thing," Li wrote recently. "Socialism cannot do without democracy; and it cannot do without rule of law" (Wenzhai Bao, February 17). Like-minded professors and retired officials have also "resurrected" the sayings of liberal icons such as deceased CCP General Secretary Zhao Ziyang and the former head of the CCP Propaganda Department Lu Dingyi. Articles and talks by Zhao and Lu relating to comprehensive political reform, or at least allowing the people to speak freely, are being circulated on websites or blogs that have eluded the censors thus far.

Xie, Li and other liberal intellectuals have quite a few things in common. First, they are mostly second- and third-generation cadres who joined the CCP much earlier than did either Hu or Wen. While Hu has used draconian methods to prevent the pro-Western views of young or middle-aged intellectuals from emerging into the public sphere for debate, the president is forced to tolerate these occasional outbursts from the Long March veterans. Moreover, these progressive elders are not organized politically. They are not linked with political organizations or non-governmental organizations abroad, thus denying the authorities any pretext to silence them.

Therefore, to stem the tide of "bourgeois liberalization," the propaganda and censorship establishment under senior Politburo member Li Changchun has given carte blanche to the party's "leftists," or remnant Maoists, to attack the likes of Xie and Li Rui. This is despite the fact that Hu and Li Changchun had clashed with the leftists only last year—and used means that included the closing down of a few of their websites—when these arch-conservatives attacked the Hu-Wen leadership for allowing private and foreign capital to purchase state assets and "exploit" Chinese workers. Since Xie's article was released in February, leftist research institutes associated with the former director of the CCP Propaganda Department Deng Liqun have held four conferences to savage Xie for his "wholesale betrayal of Marxism and socialism." The conservatives have also rallied behind prominent individuals, such as the former director of the CCP Organization Department, Zhang Quanjing. In a widely circulated article, Zhang charged that Xie had "openly gone against the state constitution and the party charter." Zhang added that Xie's article had made not only "political mistakes," but also errors not befitting the former professor's status as a senior retired cadre (Gongnong Zhisheng, April 9).
Yet, to convince the world of the CCP's pro-reform inclinations, the Hu-Wen team has rushed through various measures in the period leading up to the 17th Congress in the fall. Last month, party and state authorities appointed Professor Wan Gang, a non-CCP member, to serve as the minister of science and technology (Shanghai Daily, April 28). This is the first time since the 1950s that a non-party member has been given a ministerial-level job. The leadership has also elevated several so-called "returnees," or Chinese with Western post-graduate degrees, to top positions. Wan received his doctorate in Germany, and the new Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi studied in London for a few years. Moreover, through calculated leaks to the foreign and Hong Kong media, members of Hu's personal think tanks have suggested the possibility of significant political reforms at the 17th Congress. There has been speculation, for instance, that the size of both the Politburo and the Central Committee would be slightly expanded to accommodate more sectors of the population, especially the fast-rising business community.

Liberal intellectuals who are disappointed by President Hu's perennial foot-dragging on reform point to the fact that a few years before he became the head of the CCP, the then vice-president had demonstrated considerable interest in the socialist democratic party (SDP) model. Hu, who was also the president of the Central Party School at the time, had assembled a team of researchers to study the ideology and organization of a number of European SDPs. A retired party cadre noted that Jiang Zemin, Hu and current Vice President Zeng Qinghong have toyed with the idea of borrowing individual elements of the SDP model. Discussion on this topic among members of official think tanks petered out by 2003, however, and Hu is known to have privately scolded the likes of Xie Tao and Li Rui for "adding confusion to the political climate." Political observers fear that if Hu and his associates remain single-mindedly focused on boosting the political fortunes of their own factions, the largest and richest political party in the world would degenerate into a hodge-podge collection of cabals interested only in power, perks and prerogatives, and little else.
From China Brief
Volume 7, Issue 10 (May 16, 2007)
Published by Jamestown Foundation

4.one thing can make the entire indian feel shame is that there is no indian player have ever win even one golden in the Olympic game!why?1.4billion people=1.4billion rubbish!


We are a democracy and we cannot take children from their parents and then start training them as one can do in China and as one could do in USSR and East European countries.

In a totalitarian dictatorship anything can be achieved. The Communist Party just has to give the orders and the people damn well obey.

See how the CCP can move people away from their hearth and home to get their way:

Since its establishment in 1949, the government of China has implemented a range of measures to control population movements within and outside of its territory. Many migration controls accompanied the policies of the centrally-planned economy and have evolved over the past few decades. They were particularly effective before the open door and economic reform policies launched in 1979, and movements of China's population had been largely involuntary. Many mass population movements were forced under government relocation plans designed to advance China's economic and social development. However, economic reforms since the late 1970s have initiated major socioeconomic changes in both urban and rural areas, with labor migration having become the most important type of population movement in China, especially toward the more developed coastal regions.

In Pakistan, they have not been able to get the Kalbagh Dam going because they are a democracy and the people are just not budging. Compare that with your Three Gorges.

As different as chalk and cheese.

5.rely on your huge people number,India win the second Pakistan-India war lastly even though my Pakistan brothers seriously hitted.But your India government was scared when China raised up his crabstick,why?

How India wins wars is not really of concern.

What is of concern is that you shout from the rooftops of your undying love for Pakistan and Pakistani brothers, but when the chips are down, you abandon your friend!!

Who is scared of China?

Enough has been done to indicate that it is not the 1962 Army that you are facing.

6.Never told me your software industry.It's just epiboly!because yourself can't write the really codes!

I don't brag.

Who cares about the software industry. If they are good, they will prove themselves.

No, they can't write the codes. And maybe they have the money to hire Chinese to write the code. Enough billionaire around in India to do so I am told.

7.do you know why America want to deep the relation between India and America?Is it really because your India is the biggest"democracy country"?No!To Bush,the only use of your India is to restrict the rebound of China! when it is needed,Bush is very glad to see 1.4billion stupid pigs which hand with guns to fight for his "democracy"!

It sure has mortified you.

Added here: Seeing Baco's ghost?

Do refrain from using cuss word like pigs to describe a Nation since I believe it is against the forums rule.

Be advised that should you resort to it again, I can give you back and more. Got that, Comrade (Tongzhi).

Comparing with China in every industry,which one can you indian can win china?sorry,I remembered one,yoga,it's the only one culture that existed!
We are not here to win.

We are here to do our job and reap the harvest as it comes our way.

One a person or a nation with a high sense of insecurity requires to highlight their achievements to assuage their own fears.

You are proving that!

shame for your entire India!1.4 billion bitches!

Careful, old chap, in your selection of words.

It is only the defeated and the fear crazed, who use language of the gutter. Not people who have some civilisation to talk about!

As far as my post is concerned on which you have opened this thread, do be good enough, my man, where I am wrong. I shall be delighted to know.

That you have been touched to the quick with your irrelevant and fact devoid rant and your uncivilised language (inspite of your claiming to have a great civilisation) indicates that it is the truth and you have nothing constructive to offer!
In 1962,China didn't use air force
I couldn't understand cultural revolution before,now I understand.In cultural revolution, people have freedom of speech, free to strike and the the procession right, after the abolition of the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping abolished these rights ,fabricating lies to defame the Cultural Revolution
Deng Xiaoping made China became a capitalist country,Chinese don't like him.
support pakistan people

What is this abstract comment in connection to?

Let's not get the counter ticking does with ridiculous posts. There is an separate thread that is registering thanks. You may like to use that.

What is the idea of this comic relief?
What is this abstract comment in connection to?

Let's not get the counter ticking does with ridiculous posts. There is an separate thread that is registering thanks. You may like to use that.

What is the idea of this comic relief?

The idea is very clear: Sino-Pakistan relationship is higher than mountain and deeper than the sea.

No one would be surprised should you consider this "comic", as you yourself couldn't be zanier.
The idea is very clear: Sino-Pakistan relationship is higher than mountain and deeper than the sea.

No one would be surprised should you consider this "comic", as you yourself couldn't be zanier.

So you are a Precious Heart fan?
Oh wow!

Higher than the highest mountain
Deeper than the deepest sea
I'll die in your arms tonight
If it means that we can be

Higher than the highest mountain
Deeper than the deepest sea
I'll die in your arms tonight
If you'll give your life to me

If you will share your precious heart with me

Alas, if words could only move mountains and churn the seas!
The idea is very clear: Sino-Pakistan relationship is higher than mountain and deeper than the sea.

No one would be surprised should you consider this "comic", as you yourself couldn't be zanier.

yeah ,only indian is jealous to the relations of china and pakistan:china::pakistan:
so i will wait for the message of your death tonight, and a person like you who always lie and slander should die immediately

Dear DD,

Don't wish for anybody's death.

Have a beer with Salim. I am sure he is a nice guy just like you.


BTW still waiting to hear your comments on bangladesh.

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