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Chinese military expands high-altitude arsenal to address threat on China-India border

This May movement in LAC is response to last year's Indian decision on Kashmir and annex Kashmir. Back before then, China was pissed off India by itself decided on their action in Kashmir. I remember CCP in 2019 subtle mention that China will respond to this movement on Kashmir by causing issues in LAC.
propaganda machine at its full swing. you can bring what ever you want and lets see what happens.

only remember one word... Doklam.

Everything what is happening now already happened in Doklam. end result, chinese went back with bloody nose (not actually to be very clear that was two weeks back when our yound soldier gave a bloody nose to your major)

India has enough satellites to know what is "Actually" going on, so chill and no need to post each useless update.

all other talk of Kashmir and that is just ignored with disdain....

i still dont think it will lead to a war, only time will tell.
propaganda machine at its full swing. you can bring what ever you want and lets see what happens.

only remember one word... Doklam.

Everything what is happening now already happened in Doklam. end result, chinese went back with bloody nose (not actually to be very clear that was two weeks back when our yound soldier gave a bloody nose to your major)

India has enough satellites to know what is "Actually" going on, so chill and no need to post each useless update.

all other talk of Kashmir and that is just ignored with disdain....

i still dont think it will lead to a war, only time will tell.

Wow so might... super power no... definitely India is ultra power, one level above hyper power. We are very scared obviously so we will retreat! IT cell you see I am helping you help the CCP.
India must not fight a border war with china. If they can be stupid enough to instigate a war, lets be stupid enough to take it to next level. Throw all those stuff at Beijing

Of course PLA is an aggressor here. Have you got any doubt ? The satellite images depict it clearly that you guys are violating the status quo.
india came to siahchin glaciers when they didnt find Pakistani army their and still their why cant china take the place where you cant find any india or its undisputed area or put your army their to defend the land which is disputed between 2 countries.
India is the reason of having to many neighbours against it.. why cant she sit down and solve the issue even if she has to give away some land to keep its poor people out of trouble..
China is doing the right thing this is the only thing india understand.
When was India's last war?
surmas train themselves by murdering innocent in Kashmir!

battle ready surmas are scary!

propaganda machine at its full swing. you can bring what ever you want and lets see what happens.

only remember one word... Doklam.

Everything what is happening now already happened in Doklam. end result, chinese went back with bloody nose (not actually to be very clear that was two weeks back when our yound soldier gave a bloody nose to your major)

India has enough satellites to know what is "Actually" going on, so chill and no need to post each useless update.

all other talk of Kashmir and that is just ignored with disdain....

i still dont think it will lead to a war, only time will tell.
if you had one little cell in your brain youll understand one simple thing if your suwarmaas did manage to push china chin from dokhlam they would be scared and wont have repeated the same in ladakh!!

but they have captured "your" land in ladakh but all you brave souls are doing is thumping your big boobies and destroying your keyboards!

2020/5/31 18:28:41

Since the Doklam standoff with India in 2017, the Chinese military has expanded its arsenal with weapons like the Type 15 tank, Z-20 helicopter and GJ-2 drone that should give China the advantage in high-altitude conflicts should they arise, Chinese analysts said on Sunday.

China's Type 15 tank made its public debut at the National Day military parade on October 1 last year.

With a powerful engine, the Type 15 lightweight main battle tank can effectively operate in plateau regions difficult for heavier tanks, and with its advanced fire control systems and 105 millimeter caliber armor-piercing main gun, it can outgun any other light armored vehicles at high elevations, the experts told the Global Times on Sunday.

China's most advanced vehicle-mounted howitzer, the PCL-181, also debuted at the parade.

At 25 tons, the PCL-181 is lighter, faster and can endure longer than the previous 40-ton self-propelled howitzer on crawler tracks.

It can digitally deploy its gun at the press of a button, with automatic calibration and semi-automatic reloading.

Both the Type 15 tank and the PCL-181 howitzer were displayed in the high-elevation plateau region of Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region in a China Central Television report on military exercises in January.

Another new weapon which debuted at the parade was a multiple-rocket launcher system, which uses an 8x8 wheeled high-mobility chassis and carries two sets of four 370-millimeter rockets, making it viable for high-altitude deployment, according to publicly available reports.

In the air, China unveiled the Z-20 utility helicopter at the parade. This medium-lift helicopter can adapt to all kinds of terrain and weather and can be used on missions including personnel and cargo transport, search and rescue and reconnaissance.

The Z-20 can operate in oxygen-depleted plateaus thanks to its powerful homemade engine, Chen Guang, vice general manager of Avicopter, the helicopter branch of Aviation Industry Corporation of China that developed the helicopter, told the Global Times previously.

Joining the Z-20 is the modified Z-8G large transport helicopter displayed at the Fifth China Helicopter Exposition held in Tianjin in October.

Focusing on plateau operations, the Z-8G is the first of its kind in China and can take off from 4,500 meters above sea level with a ceiling higher than 6,000 meters.

At Airshow China 2018, the Chinese Air Force unveiled the GJ-2 armed reconnaissance drone, which has a higher ceiling and can carry more payload than the previous GJ-1. Reports said it can be used to patrol the long border in high-altitude areas like Tibet.

These specially designed weapons have boosted the Chinese military's combat capabilities in high-altitude regions, enabling it to better safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Chinese analysts said.

Border incidents have recently occurred between troops of China and India.

Chinese border defense troops have bolstered border control measures and made necessary moves in response to India's recent, illegal construction of defense facilities across the border into Chinese territory in the Galwan Valley region in May.

Indian media reports said China recently deployed 5,000 more troops to the border area with India, and diplomats of the two countries have started talks on a peaceful resolution.

Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Ren Guoqiang said Friday at a regular press conference that the Chinese border defense troops are devoted to safeguarding peace and stability in the border regions and that the overall situation along China-India border was stable and under control.

The two countries are capable of resolving border issues through dialogue and negotiations, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Wednesday.

2020/5/31 18:28:41

Since the Doklam standoff with India in 2017, the Chinese military has expanded its arsenal with weapons like the Type 15 tank, Z-20 helicopter and GJ-2 drone that should give China the advantage in high-altitude conflicts should they arise, Chinese analysts said on Sunday.

China's Type 15 tank made its public debut at the National Day military parade on October 1 last year.

With a powerful engine, the Type 15 lightweight main battle tank can effectively operate in plateau regions difficult for heavier tanks, and with its advanced fire control systems and 105 millimeter caliber armor-piercing main gun, it can outgun any other light armored vehicles at high elevations, the experts told the Global Times on Sunday.

China's most advanced vehicle-mounted howitzer, the PCL-181, also debuted at the parade.

At 25 tons, the PCL-181 is lighter, faster and can endure longer than the previous 40-ton self-propelled howitzer on crawler tracks.

It can digitally deploy its gun at the press of a button, with automatic calibration and semi-automatic reloading.

Both the Type 15 tank and the PCL-181 howitzer were displayed in the high-elevation plateau region of Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region in a China Central Television report on military exercises in January.

Another new weapon which debuted at the parade was a multiple-rocket launcher system, which uses an 8x8 wheeled high-mobility chassis and carries two sets of four 370-millimeter rockets, making it viable for high-altitude deployment, according to publicly available reports.

In the air, China unveiled the Z-20 utility helicopter at the parade. This medium-lift helicopter can adapt to all kinds of terrain and weather and can be used on missions including personnel and cargo transport, search and rescue and reconnaissance.

The Z-20 can operate in oxygen-depleted plateaus thanks to its powerful homemade engine, Chen Guang, vice general manager of Avicopter, the helicopter branch of Aviation Industry Corporation of China that developed the helicopter, told the Global Times previously.

Joining the Z-20 is the modified Z-8G large transport helicopter displayed at the Fifth China Helicopter Exposition held in Tianjin in October.

Focusing on plateau operations, the Z-8G is the first of its kind in China and can take off from 4,500 meters above sea level with a ceiling higher than 6,000 meters.

At Airshow China 2018, the Chinese Air Force unveiled the GJ-2 armed reconnaissance drone, which has a higher ceiling and can carry more payload than the previous GJ-1. Reports said it can be used to patrol the long border in high-altitude areas like Tibet.

These specially designed weapons have boosted the Chinese military's combat capabilities in high-altitude regions, enabling it to better safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Chinese analysts said.

Border incidents have recently occurred between troops of China and India.

Chinese border defense troops have bolstered border control measures and made necessary moves in response to India's recent, illegal construction of defense facilities across the border into Chinese territory in the Galwan Valley region in May.

Indian media reports said China recently deployed 5,000 more troops to the border area with India, and diplomats of the two countries have started talks on a peaceful resolution.

Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Ren Guoqiang said Friday at a regular press conference that the Chinese border defense troops are devoted to safeguarding peace and stability in the border regions and that the overall situation along China-India border was stable and under control.

The two countries are capable of resolving border issues through dialogue and negotiations, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Wednesday.

Chinese Maal is not worth fighting a war with a nation like India. they should buy something worthwhile so that they can use it in battle ground.
surmas train themselves by murdering innocent in Kashmir!

battle ready surmas are scary!

if you had one little cell in your brain youll understand one simple thing if your suwarmaas did manage to push china chin from dokhlam they would be scared and wont have repeated the same in ladakh!!

but they have captured "your" land in ladakh but all you brave souls are doing is thumping your big boobies and destroying your keyboards!

You don't understand. indians are ALWAYS the winners and the best. No matter what. Even after they have been defeated, annihilated and conquered for 1000s of years. They still have the best military and are the winners. india even has the greatest ever Football team even though they have NEVER EVER played in a Football world cup.............:disagree:
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You don't understand. indians are ALWAYS the winners and the best. No matter what. Even when they have been defeated, annihilated and conquered for 1000s of years. They still have the best military and are the winners. india even has the greatest ever Football team even though they have NEVER EVER played in a Football world cup.............:disagree:

aryan hindu invented football and shared their skills with their british masters alwho spread the game all over thebworld!

so wc koi bhi jeetay winner indian he hota hai!
When was India's last war?
1999 Kargil

You don't understand. indians are ALWAYS the winners and the best. No matter what. Even when they have been defeated, annihilated and conquered for 1000s of years. They still have the best military and are the winners. india even has the greatest ever Football team even though they have NEVER EVER played in a Football world cup.............:disagree:
I can see why you would think the way you do.
aryan hindu invented football and shared their skills with their british masters alwho spread the game all over thebworld!

so wc koi bhi jeetay winner indian he hota hai!

Bro, in all seriousness and jokes aside, I have even heard indians claim that they were the first to discover america. They claim that is the reason why the Whites call Native Americans, "Red indians"...........:lol:
Bro, in all seriousness and jokes aside, I have even heard indians claim that they were the first to discover america. They claim that is the reason why the Whites call Native Americans, "Red indians"...........:lol:
ohh i always wondered why were they called indians now i know man ee should be scared of them they are so might!
Problem is there is already no peace from the Indian side. No matter what we do or say Indians are never gonna be friends with this Chinese. We've experienced this since 1962. War is the only solution for peace sometimes.
So much warmongering by Chinese. If China can arm Pakistan we should arm Taiwan. How about nuclear weapons in Taiwan? Akash 6 is enough for now. If China believes in One China policy and wants us to honour it, they should also honour our policies.

Nuclear weapons are for deterrence if there is an open conventional war we will use them. This will send us all back to the 10th century and all our economic gain from last 70 Decades will go down the drain. But that's China's call, if they want to go down that path, we are prepared to die while making sure you bleed too.

A war between India and China is an eventuality, it will happen sooner or later. No two powers at these scales can live together without mutual respect. China has to respect India's aspirations, we have always respected yours.

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