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Chinese military expands high-altitude arsenal to address threat on China-India border

China will NOT attack India.
Never done that for centuries, only friendly ties until the BRITISH enslaved INDIA.

In 1962, China won the war over SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS in JUST 7 Days.
Troll account, bro. Don't take the bait.
i still dont think it will lead to a war, only time will tell.

There will be a war only if Chinese do not go back. They have already started going back.Now it is the only question how they can they save face. After all they have done a lots of bravado so face saving is required like only few trees fell in Balakot etc.
Christopher Columbus, the man who discovered america was actually an indian too. His real name was krishna kolumbh-melasingh.

Had Columbus been a Pakistani and They had names like krishna, 22 million people would have been believing it.
If war really happens :enjoy:

Nuclear weapons - Am I a joke to you ?

Oh another Indian with nuke's ultimatum.
You tried that by threatening Pakistan after 27th Feb, cooled down after you were told the response would be 3 times. You are targeting 6 points, we have 18 targets, fingers on the buttons.
Indians should wake up and smell the coffee.
It's very disappointing not only for us but for Pakistan as well. These Indians will think it as their victory and will haunt China like they did when Doklam happened.
No need to be dissapointed.
China India peaceful for centuries but ADVERSARIAL after BRITISH ENSLAVED INDIA.
Relations became worse after BRITISH TRAINED EXPANSIONIST LEADERS took over India and set their GREED towards Chinese territories.

China have settled border treaties with all their land neighbors EXCEPT INDIA and India have border disputes with ALL their land neighbors.
Troll account, bro. Don't take the bait.
Thks, but facts in my posts still relevant.
My facts are backed by info from India itself, so not trolling like this guy.
Female have lower muscle mass than men, so LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS are SISSY is FACT and NOT Trolling.

Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone

Relevant because it explains why SISSY Indians are EASILY TRASHED by the Chinese in a FAIR FIGHT.
No need to be dissapointed.
China India peaceful for centuries but ADVERSARIAL after BRITISH ENSLAVED INDIA.
Relations became worse after BRITISH TRAINED EXPANSIONIST LEADERS took over India and set their GREED towards Chinese territories.

China have settled border treaties with all their land neighbors EXCEPT INDIA and India have border disputes with ALL their land neighbors.
Yes, it's high time for both the nation to resolve these pending issues. It also gives us space to discuss some positive news. How many times we will discuss Bravery of PLA soldiers?

Oh another Indian with nuke's ultimatum.
You tried that by threatening Pakistan after 27th Feb, cooled down after you were told the response would be 3 times. You are targeting 6 points, we have 18 targets, fingers on the buttons.
Indians should wake up and smell the coffee.
Yes Nuclear bluff does not make any sense, it's already broken.
It's better to be focussed on increasing Conventional Firepower.
Yes, it's high time for both the nation to resolve these pending issues. It also gives us space to discuss some positive news. How many times we will discuss Bravery of PLA soldiers?

Yes Nuclear bluff does not make any sense, it's already broken.
It's better to be focussed on increasing Conventional Firepower.
You should put more your efforts on your fellow countrymen BRAGGING.
Chinese post picture of TRASHED INDIANS only after Indians leak doctored video showing SHAMELESS LYNCHING of a SINGLE Chinse soldier.

We know, and the Chinese know that we need to cooperate in order to shake off this Western Hegemon hold on ASIA.
See how we took care of our South Asian foreign workers to understand that we value their contribution to the prosperity and development of Singapore.
May not be 1st class, but heaven and earth when compared to how India treated their migrant workers.

We must unite to finally break off this SHACKLES imposed on Asia(and the world) by the WHITE COLONIALIST.
At 1st I have nothing against India, but I felt REALLY INDIGNANT after learning how India forcefully ANNEXED Kashmir and instead of giving them freebies to entice them had used BRUTALITY and ATTROCITIES to subdue Kashmiris for DECADES in a modern world.
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1. It is stupid to say that my nuclear weapons are better than yours. So no , I am not gonna say anything like that.

2. Even if we both have no first use policy , what do you expect us to do in a conventional war in which we are heavily short on resources compared to you ?

3. What do you get by aggression? I mean you receive nearly $50B as trade surplus from us. That may not be a huge amount for China given your total trade but in absolute terms , it is a huge amount .

4. India and China don't have any toxic ( people to people ) hostility even after 1962 war. An aggressive China will only make India look for friends outside the region. It will further complicate the matters for both the parties.

Oh boy. These are marvellous admissions by an Indian on so many levels. These short points exposes the Indian's hypocrisy from their elites to the common man.

1- Indians channels full of stupid reports how India would annihilate Pakistan by use of Air power then nuclear power. But when the going get tough, Modi said "agar Raphel hota tu natija kuch aur hota".

2- When Pakistanis quote use of first nuclear strike based on similar argument that in conventional war, India has advantage of , if nothing else, of numbers. Indians make hue and cry. But now an Indian is making the point, Pakistan makes all the time.

3- Buniya trying to lure the Chinese with Trade, dangling the carrot.
4- What about you and your channels spewing unlimited hatred for Pakistan and Pakistanis 24/7!! Look for friends outside the region. This imply that you have China as a friend. Laugh is all ours.
This is also an acknowledgement that India actually have no friends in the region. It pissed off all of his neighbours due to its racists, vile character and hatred policies towards other nations in the region. Due to its playing dirty tricks and involved in terrorists activities in neighbouring countries.

I am sure we all know Indians scores from Burma to Pakistan and extending to Afghanistan and Iran.
Indians should be humiliated, targeted, scorned upon and make an example of.
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Indian Military has proved its might by curving out a new nation out of the one which considers it to be very powerful nation with mighty military power. so yes, India is powerful.

By that definition, Pakistan's military is a hyper power as it has managed to thwart, beat like a dog, subdue and prevent a 7× bigger enemy who has the full backing of the West and Russia from reclaiming over 35% of it's former territory that it lost when india was cut to pieces and dismembered in the creation of Pakistan on August the 14th 1947........:azn:

PS So you admit that india is too weak and powerless to take on Pakistan that the ONLY time 7× bigger india could compete with Pakistan was when bangladesh had to help india and did most of the fighting.........:rofl::rofl::rofl:..........that too when there were only 45,000 Pakistani soldiers who were 2750 kms from their homeland surrounded by 100 million hostile bengalis and a further 500 million hostile indians........:lol:......:azn:

PS You have openly admitted that india is too weak, powerless and scared to take on the Pakistan military. That 7× bigger india can only look at the Pakistan Army when they jump on the backs of bengalis..........:rofl::rofl:........:disagree:

Had Columbus been a Pakistani and They had names like krishna, 22 million people would have been believing it.

Good job they don't believe that indians invented the internet 10,000 years ago as indians claim:

So Pakistan army created Pakistan? In which Madrasa did this history taught to you?

But we believe that a donkey can go to moon and come back in a night.

Not quite, but the 7× smaller Pakistani Army has slapped, humiliated, battered and neutered the indian army for 73 years to such an extent that it can now NEVER EVER get back 35% of former indian territory that was lost when india was cut to pieces and dismembered in the creation of Pakistan on August the 14th 1947...........:azn:

The Madrassah education is actually better than india's which is why the racial IQ of india is lower than that of Pakistan.......:azn::


The above is the reason why 1.4 billion indians HAVE NEVER EVER invented or pioneered ANY advanced Sciences or technologies EVER..........:azn:
Thks, but facts in my posts still relevant.
My facts are backed by info from India itself, so not trolling like this guy.
Female have lower muscle mass than men, so LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS are SISSY is FACT and NOT Trolling.

Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone

Relevant because it explains why SISSY Indians are EASILY TRASHED by the Chinese in a FAIR FIGHT.
Still PLA is not able to teach lessons. There is something wrong with PLA. What is the purpose of High-tech Military Gadgets if your army is not willing to fight. Better to go with Buddha way and take all weapons from PLA.

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