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Chinese military expands high-altitude arsenal to address threat on China-India border

No it is not a joke but do you will not want to do that and I will bet my house your politicians and military know why and 100% will never launch against China nuclear weapons unless China uses first. China will not use first even small tactical nuclear weapons. We both have no first use policy for now and even if not for this policy, China will not use first so if India uses, your military and president knows why it should not. Of course here you will say bullshit India nuclear weapons better than Chinese ones. I can only bet everything that India will not use.

I don't know. Indians everywhere saying different things. Some of your guys here saying India invaded China and China waved white flag. Now what happened to that? If it is Chinese invading Indian side then I can say for myself I would be against CCP here. But is it really? Who invaded who or maybe no invasion and this whole drama is India side playing games since two weeks ago coming with different messages and reports. China side is quiet mostly until today just showing one photo after your video and now your video is said to be unendorsed by government of India and its military.

So first Indian side is saying they won and China are cowards. A few days later with continuous mentioning of China being backing down and some Indians saying Indian took Chinese territory or disputed land, then video leaked two days ago and now a photo later and some CCP saying this is getting out of control so calm down to Indian politicians, now Indian story change from mighty Indian taking something from coward Chinese with no ability to help itself into Chinese are attacking! Can you see all this is from India's side. So the confusion is again not fault of us. But if we are invaders, prove and have your government say this officially and formally say this! Today not a single fucking fart from Indian politicians since photo released.

Why are we even talking about nukes??? Things can be cooled down with dialogue.... let's just talk....
Why are we even talking about nukes??? Things can be cooled down with dialogue.... let's just talk....
There is no use of talking unless talking can settle the border. Without the border being settled there will never be any peace.
@Feng Leng @serenity @Beast
I would like to add something important. If push comes to shove and should the war start, we must finish it but with India surrendering. With India's defeat we must force them to sign the peace treaty and the border settled. If we still stick around with the 1962 policy (when we retreated and then border talks) there will never be peace in the border and with that said, they will again try to take back what they lost. This needs to be settled or the US might try to use India against us again and always. There will never be peace if this is not settled.

China can’t finish India, not without Pakistani territory to use as base camp. In 1962, Gen Ayub declined - will Pakistan participate in 2020?
@Feng Leng @serenity @Beast
I would like to add something important. If push comes to shove and should the war start, we must finish it but with India surrendering. With India's defeat we must force them to sign the peace treaty and the border settled. If we still stick around with the 1962 policy (when we retreated and then border talks) there will never be peace in the border and with that said, they will again try to take back what they lost. This needs to be settled or the US might try to use India against us again and always. There will never be peace if this is not settled.
There should not be a Republic of India after the war. India is a geographic term just like "equator".

If they use first. Can we find their ballistic missiles, warhead size, ranges? I think Indian military leaders when in real fight will die from shitting themselves. They know very well how many hours their bullets can shoot and how many missiles can be launched before everything needs to wait for post from Russia and France and Israel. When they run out, they better have sharp knives because I hope we are very cruel to them. I heard too many nasty things these animals say so sick of their shit. CCP must have no mercy for Modi and any Indian military person who is a part of a war. They are high on their farts to think they have a good military. Fucking counted their stuff and it is about 10% China's numbers. Of course all fucking perfect quality like their INSAS rifle, and Dhruv helicopter. Our machines will never work compared to their's.
They only have atomic iron bombs on aircraft. They don't even have any nuclear weapons on any ballistic missiles. All we have to do is unleash our thermonuclear warheads on their population centers to erase them from planet Earth and then the border problem is solved.
Good I hope PLA gets some experience. They have Brahmos, we have some toys to hurt them too.

Absolutely. These guys have no fucking face or shame. One side carry himself like angel and other side like this silent poison idiot. Most Indians online are silent poison trolls. Everywhere talking us down and smearing us and making lies and pointing to our faults like yes sure we are not perfect and do not have perfect country or government but it's our's and we don't say or do shit to your's. Leave us alone but keep poking, then we will poke back and when we do, don't fucking pretend as angel. We will fight you even if you are superior force like we fought USA and entire UN alliance in Korea even though we truly were poor and had bad weapons then. Now these silent poison like Indian fuckers think they are mighty USA and China is Goa. Then when the bullets start flying, these silent poison type will be silent and very dead. Their loud and dirty mouths sealed shut for eternity. The surviving ones will live pathetic lives in shithole country crying gook this chinki that. You can see this anger in the video with unprofessional zoo animal army. Only one decent man asking his colleagues to stop and shielded the Chinese guy. Good on him. Since it is India attacking China, Chinese side had reason to use some force and professionally dealing with Indian soldiers without acting like animals to continue beating already defeated men.

Indian online trolls and community also made our problems worse. This is purely from one side since years. Today most Chinese online in english will be a little more sensible and talk without so much hate but soon hopefully we change this and address hate the same way. I just hope and pray CCP has some leaders with strong spirit and courage. If USA joins, we will fight. These Indians probably have the support of USA seeing Trump's tweet.

One has to consider it has been decades PLA has fought a conventional war. China could use this border conflict with India as a test-war, all the new military technology and strategy they have developed has not been tested. Fighting India would give them a good and controlled war test for much of their new hardware and equipment and also give the vast majority of their untested soldiers actual combat experience. If I'm not mistaken, China's last war was with Vietnam in 1979.

An army that never fights is an unproven army.
True face of Indian cowardice and hypocrites, You played a nuclear card and it’s lots of lol from Pakistan nukes
So only Mard-ae-Momin Pakistanis can use Nuclear weapons for deterrence??

We pick Pakistan as ally over India? Don't blame this on Pakistan, blame it on England. None of us had huge issues before independence from England given to the three new nations and split by them. We had no issue with India either until after our war. You think we'd trust you as an ally? Why would we when you are the one who said China is our brother then take English set borders which favor India? Do you know the English set our borders which we have fought for in past? Anyway that's all history now and both our countries starting to hate each other. It's okay I feel India is at capacity. They hated us at maximum capacity since 2012. Meanwhile we have so much catching up to you in this hate department. I hope we get there.
All the best with all that catching up. It's nice to see that your cheerleaders here have taken a cue from professional cheerleaders and have started Incorporating bright colors in their texts. I think it's a win-win for both of us. You get support and we get Entertainment.

Maar China . Maar India ko. :victory: Tum nahi the yahan to isne hi bangladesh bana diya tha. :pakistan::china:. :D:D

There should not be a Republic of India after the war. India is a geographic term just like "equator".

They only have atomic iron bombs on aircraft. They don't even have any nuclear weapons on any ballistic missiles. All we have to do is unleash our thermonuclear warheads on their population centers to erase them from planet Earth and then the border problem is solved.

Good idea. Only if the keyboard warriors here could get their way in Beijing. Poor CCP.

China can’t finish India, not without Pakistani territory to use as base camp. In 1962, Gen Ayub declined - will Pakistan participate in 2020?
With its already negative growth rate ?? I think not.
China can’t finish India, not without Pakistani territory to use as base camp. In 1962, Gen Ayub declined - will Pakistan participate in 2020?
Are you a Pakistani American? Would like you more if you are.
Please realize I didn't talk nukes. One Indian member started talking about nukes.

I know... my message is to fellow Indian as well....

Right now our priorities are different.... we need to defeat one virus.... whole world is suffering... its really great to see that China is now completely free of virus but for us this is not a right time to fight....

We should be discussing how this stand off will cool down with dialogue... not war.... think about the soldiers on both sides and their families..... how many will die.....we should just stop this nonsense....
There is no use of talking unless talking can settle the border. Without the border being settled there will never be any peace.

By your post it seems you don't want peace.... kid don't misunderstand our peaceful nature as our weakness.... if you want peace we will be glad to offer the same and if you want war then please give us time and place.... remember one thing if you force us enter the war then there will be no peace from our side....

Pakistan just need to maintain pressure on indian border. Indian strategic planners cannot move their best assets away from pak border.
One has to consider it has been decades PLA has fought a conventional war. China could use this border conflict with India as a test-war, all the new military technology and strategy they have developed has not been tested. Fighting India would give them a good and controlled war test for much of their new hardware and equipment and also give the vast majority of their untested soldiers actual combat experience. If I'm not mistaken, China's last war was with Vietnam in 1979.

An army that never fights is an unproven army.

Definitely. War has changed so much since 1979 and we need to practice more in real wars. I honestly think we will find many things not working as planned and require new thinking to modify old tactics and strategies. I always think China's military way is too old fashioned still like cold war thinking in many departments even though the military leaders now have more toys and better equipment they maybe don't know how to use them best. Need to learn these lessons in a controlled war. But I don't think it will happen. Ever since India take their video back in shame, I think it indicates Modi knows what will happen if he continue pushing. If he want war, he can come back to Chinese side and sit in our land again then declare victory using his media again.
There should be an entire network of high altitude long range drones monitoring the entire border 24/7.
Information and footage of Indians tresspassing into China will give China the literal highground on the political stage and bite India back every time they try to stirr up things.

Indians started this tussle to distract from their economy and spat with Nepal. They try to escalate and hype it in their media no matter how weak they are and poorly their incursions perform.

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