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Chinese Car Brands Would Compete Better If Makers Were Privatized


Jul 25, 2011
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Chinese Car Makers Would Compete Better If Privatized | Global News - Advertising Age

Chinese Car Brands Would Compete Better If Makers Were Privatized
Government Ownership Lets Them Expand Recklessly and Pay Little Heed to Customers

By: Yang Jian Published: January 16, 2012
What's wrong with Chinese automakers?

Chinese brands are losing market share in the world's largest auto market.

In the first 11 months of 2011, Chinese brands' light-vehicle sales dropped 3% year on year, even though industry sales rose 5%.

Their performance contrasts with double-digit sales growth in China by European, American and Korean brands.

"What is more worrisome is this situation (for the domestic brands) will most likely get worse, not better, over the next few years,"
lamented Dong Yang, secretary general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, last week in an open letter.

Mr. Dong and others blame the domestic brands' weak sales on poor brand images. But the underlying problem is state ownership.

China's government considers auto manufacturing a pillar industry -- too important to privatize. So when China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, Beijing retained its state-owned automakers.

The government also required foreign automakers to form joint ventures with state-owned Chinese companies if they want to produce in China. By doing so, the government hoped state-owned companies would learn from the global brands.

But these protective policies have done more harm than good to domestic automakers.

Now that nearly all global automakers do business here, China's auto industry has become highly competitive. To prosper in such a market, a company must be responsive to customer needs and nimble in operations. But state-owned automakers have three deep-rooted weaknesses.

They are more willing to listen to the government than to customers.

Supported by government-backed loans and lacking rigorous accountability, they have an incurable desire for reckless expansion.

The largest state-owned automakers rely heavily on the profits and sales of their joint ventures in China with foreign automakers. Without that crutch, they would be lost.
Few state-owned automakers have developed respectable domestic brands. As a result, their profits plunged last year after the government ended sales subsidies for small cars. Now, they must clean up their mistakes. For example, Chery Automobile Co. is losing money because it introduced too many models too quickly.

How should those state-owned players be revived?

The government is urging foreign automakers to create new brands for their joint ventures, supposedly giving the state-owned Chinese partners opportunities to learn.

Will this plan work? I don't think so because of the weaknesses noted above. To reform state-owned automakers, the government should look to private domestic automakers for inspiration.

Take Great Wall Motor Co. and Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. The two private Chinese automakers did not start making cars until the late 1990s. These latecomers started with inexpensive products, then began to move upscale. In the first 11 months of 2011, Great Wall's sales surged 31%, according to LMC Automotive. Meanwhile, Geely's sales rose 7%, not bad for such a difficult year. Now these companies are competing overseas.

Private Chinese automakers also make mistakes. Consider the plight of BYD Co. Sales crashed last year after the company over-expanded its dealership network.

But BYD is quicker to learn from its mistakes than a state-owned automaker such as Chery. BYD has cut back on its distribution network and is now focusing on launching upscale models. By contrast, Chery kept rolling out too many models since it began building vehicles in 1999 and is now stuck in a financial quagmire.

From the examples of Great Wall, Geely and BYD, Beijing should learn that the best way to revitalize state-owned automakers is through privatization.

As the global brands expand into China's inland markets, the domestic automakers will be forced to compete. If the government really cares about the domestic automakers' welfare, it should privatize them -- and do it soon.

Chinese brand cars are getting killed by foreign brand cars .... in China.
Chinese car brands are nothing more than cheap copies of western cars. I happened to take a ride in my friend's car which is the chinese copy of daewoo matiz. It was the worst car I ve been it. Maruti 800 is a gazillion times better than that.
And the car I rented out there, seemed like I could punch a hole in there with my hands. I wonder how those cars get approval from the government.
Indian cars are so much better. Tatas and Mahindras in true sense,are some of the most rugged vehicles out there. Hell, even malaysia's proton is better than Chinese cars even though they didnt get approval from EU to market their cars over there. Tells a tale about Chinese engineering doesnt it?
It looks like, the chinese peoples have started realizing the brand and quality...:lol:
Although the chinese companies have tried their level best to copy some of the product but atlast, the brand, quality and original comeout to be the winner...:yahoo:
Chinese car brands are nothing more than cheap copies of western cars. I happened to take a ride in my friend's car which is the chinese copy of daewoo matiz. It was the worst car I ve been it. Maruti 800 is a gazillion times better than that.
And the car I rented out there, seemed like I could punch a hole in there with my hands. I wonder how those cars get approval from the government.
Indian cars are so much better. Tatas and Mahindras in true sense,are some of the most rugged vehicles out there. Hell, even malaysia's proton is better than Chinese cars even though they didnt get approval from EU to market their cars over there. Tells a tale about Chinese engineering doesnt it?

1960s: Japanese cars are just cheap copies of American cars
1990s: Korean cars are just cheap copies of Japanese cars
2010s: Chinese cars are just cheap copies of Korean cars

I see a pattern here. ;)
Japan : 98% of sales are of local brands.
Korea : 95% of sales are of local brands.
China : 28% of sales are of local brands.

The pattern broke and the Chinese aren't following the pattern.

In india too maximum numbers (70-80%) of cars on road are indian like tata, maruti and mahindra while in foreign cars only hyundai santro and i10 have been sucessful.
Japan : 98% of sales are of local brands.
Korea : 95% of sales are of local brands.
China : 28% of sales are of local brands.

The pattern broke and the Chinese aren't following the pattern.

The thing is, in both Japan and Korea foreign imports were essentially banned, to this day Toyota and Hyundai have a captive market in their homeland.
A Honda civic in Korea costs as much as a BMW in America.

Ironically enough, Chine being a communist country, has a more open market system then Japan or Korea.
The thing is, in both Japan and Korea foreign imports were essentially banned, to this day Toyota and Hyundai have a captive market in their homeland.
A Honda civic in Korea costs as much as a BMW in America.

Ironically enough, Chine being a communist country, has a more open market system then Japan or Korea.
So what u want 2 say is, china imports more auto parts than Japan & Korea...???If i m not wrong..:hitwall:
The thing is, in both Japan and Korea foreign imports were essentially banned
And China should have followed this strategy. But the temptation of a quick jump start on domestic auto industry via JV and the WTO membership screwed that plan.

Japan and Korea went the hard way, and they have world-class auto industries as the result.
What's the ironic?

One who believe in the market will eventually perform best in the market.

---------- Post added at 06:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 AM ----------

And China should have followed this strategy. But the temptation of a quick jump start on domestic auto industry via JV and the WTO membership screwed that plan.

Japan and Korea went the hard way, and they have world-class auto industries as the result.

The only company left in Korea is Hundai, Daewoo has become part of GM years ago.
And China should have followed this strategy. But the temptation of a quick jump start on domestic auto industry via JV and the WTO membership screwed that plan.

Japan and Korea went the hard way, and they have world-class auto industries as the result.

I agree with you, there needs to be some kind of protection
But Japan and Korea are just too extreme in their protection.
I live in Korea at the moment and almost every Korean I talk to hates Samsung, LG, Hyundai, etc.
While Hyundai car is good quality in export markets, in Korea it is God aweful.

so in Short, the Korean/Japan models are good for companies and bad for consumers, the chinese model is good for consumers but bad for companies.
They need to find a middle ground here somewhere
Korea is too small. It's domestic market is not enough for any global-scale company. If Hyundai lose in China or US, it will collaps.
Korea is too small. It's domestic market is not enough for any global-scale company. If Hyundai lose in China or US, it will collaps.
How can u forget India ???:angry:
Hyundai is the second largest car saling company in India..
And their volume is growing every quater..
You should have included India..:agree:
From cheap copies of iPhone to cars to aircraft, don't the Chinese have any originality to produce their own designs and ensure quality control? They always seem to take the easy way out! For them, spending on R&D is a pain in the a$$! So they opt for the easy way out by copying everything under the sun which saves time, money and a lot of effort!

My Chinese iPhone copy died an inglorious death after just one poodle faking week! Call me an idiot for buying one! Good money gone down the blessed drain! Penny wise, pound foolish! Jeeez! :undecided:
How can u forget India ???:angry:
Hyundai is the second largest car saling company in India..
And their volume is growing every quater..
You should have included India..:agree:

Didn't someone said that 70% to 80% of the cars in India are Indian cars??? So I guess Hyundai must have dominated the India foreign car brand.
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