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Chinese Arab people


Speaking about the looks of Chinese people of Arab descent then I found this one from Hong-Kong - Aarif Rahman. Of Arab, Malay and Chinese descant. Notice the Semitic/Arab nose.


There are millions of Indonesians/Malaysians of Arab descent and I guess that Chinese people of Arab descent do not look much different from those ones.

Except the Chinese are northern mongoloid, while Malays are southern mongoloid.

I think northern mongoloid + semitic can produce more robust and macho individual.

The Chinese guy has a more manly look than the Malay guy.

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Except the Chinese are northern mongoloid, while Malays are southern mongoloid.

I think northern mongoloid + semitic can produce more robust and macho individual.

The Chinese guy has a more manly look than the Malay guy.



I was not referring to any "macho" look but I think I know what you mean. That individual I posted has Arab, Malay and Chinese ancestry btw.

Yes, I know that Malay and Indonesian people (including the Filipinos too) are looking slightly differently, including the Vietnamese. But for a foreigner it is not easy to pick them apart from for example Chinese people living in the South.

But for sure China has a lot of different ethnic groups and probably quite a bit of mixture going on despite the vast majority being Han Chinese.;)

ويبدو أن شهرة الرازي العلمية والتدريسية في مجال الطب قد ذاعت، فأصبح طلاب الطب يقصدونه من مختلف الأماكن والأصقاع كما تذكر بعض الكتب مثل وفيات الأعيان (21) ومرآة الجنان (22) وغيرهما. ويرجح أن الرازي قد استقر بعد شهرته وذيوع صيته في الري وتفرغ في أواخر أيامه للتدريس والتأليف والمعالجة. وقد بلغ من ذيوع صيت الرازي أن ابن النديم يذكر أن رجلا قصده من الصين ليدرس عليه الطب باللغة العربية، ونقل عنه كتب جالينوس الستة عشرة (23).

Alpheios:Ibn al-Nad

الكتابة الصينية تجرى مجرى النقش يتعب كاتبها الحاذق الماهر فيها وقيل انه لا يمكن الخفيف اليد ان يكتب منها فى اليوم اكثر من ورقتين او ثلثة وبها يكتبون كتب ديانتهم وعلومهم فى المراوح وقد رأيت منها عدّة واكثرهم ثنوية سمنية وانا استقصى اخبارهم فيما بعد وللصين كتابة يقال لها كتابة المجموع وهو ان لكل كلمة تُكتب بثلثة احرف واكثر صورة واحدة ولكل كلام يطول شكل من الحروف ياتى على المعانى الكثيرة فاذا ارادوا ان يكتبوا ما يكتب فى مائة ورقة كتبوه فى صفح واحد بهذا القلم قال محمد بن زكرياء الرازى قصدنى رجل من الصين فاقام بحضرتى نحو سنة تعلم فيها العربيّة كلاماً وخطّاً فى مدة خمسة اشهر حتى صار فصيحا حاذقا سريع اليد فلما اراد الانصراف الى بلده قال لى قبل ذلك بشهر انى على الخروج فاحبّ ان يملّ على كتب جالينوس الستة عشر لاكتبها فقلت لقد ضاق عليك الوقت ولا يفى زمان مقامك لنسخ

Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 1, Introductory Orientations - Joseph Needham - Google Books

A History of Chinese Civilization - Jacques Gernet - Google Books

I was not referring to any "macho" look but I think I know what you mean. That individual I posted has Arab, Malay and Chinese ancestry btw.

Yes, I know that Malay and Indonesian people (including the Filipinos too) are looking slightly differently, including the Vietnamese. But for a foreigner it is not easy to pick them apart from for example Chinese people living in the South.

But for sure China has a lot of different ethnic groups and probably quite a bit of mixture going on despite the vast majority being Han Chinese.;)

I mean the guy you posted definitely has some Arabid traits, but he is too effeminate.

While the Arab men are generally pretty manly, while the Chinese guy i posted has a more Arabic manly look than that Malay guy.

I think he retains more manly Arabid features, only his eyes are a bit more softened.



Except the Chinese are northern mongoloid, while Malays are southern mongoloid.

I think northern mongoloid + semitic can produce more robust and macho individual.

The Chinese guy has a more manly look than the Malay guy.


If you want to have a new generation Chinese who can conquer the whole world, then go for a genetic engineering project.

China has money, so it is not difficult for China to collect Y Chromosomes (male sperms) from the world's most notorious white Caucasoid criminals, wanted by Interpol or FBI.

An intelligent criminal is a good predator and if you want to conquer the world, you have to have skill to hunt Homo Sapiens.

Build a sperm bank to store the sperms. Good looking healthy and tall Chinese girls should be used to breed female babies who will now be given rigorous military training from childhood. Dump the male babies.

As soon as they reach the age of puberty, marry them off to the most decorated PLA commandos. Now their children will have Chinese ancestry.
If you want to have a new generation Chinese who can conquer the whole world, then go for a genetic engineering project.

China has money, so it is not difficult for China to collect Y Chromosomes (male sperms) from the world's most notorious white Caucasoid criminals, wanted by Interpol or FBI.

An intelligent criminal is a good predator and if you want to conquer the world, you have to have skill to hunt Homo Sapiens.

Build a sperm bank to store the sperms. Good looking healthy and tall Chinese girls should be used to breed female babies who will now be given rigorous military training from childhood. Dump the male babies.

As soon as they reach the age of puberty, marry them off to the most decorated PLA commandos. Now their children will have Chinese ancestry.

Dude, stop posting those political craps, you are ruining this thread.

And spare me for your Brown Aryan rapist supremacy, lmao.
Where is that individual from in China? Do you know what a big percentage of him that is Arab or which Arab country his ancestors/family is from?

I found this picture of a Uyghur man. Could maybe pass for an Arab. More than most of the Uyghur's I have seen.


Here is an old Arab man from KSA (old picture):

If we look past the shape of the head and the nose then there are some similarities. Otherwise I have not seen any Chinese/Mongoloid people that resemble any Semitic people as of yet. But it is for sure an interesting mixture.:)
Where is that individual from in China? Do you know what a big percentage of him that is Arab or which Arab country his ancestors/family is from?

I found this picture of a Uyghur man. Could maybe pass for an Arab. More than most of the Uyghur's I have seen.


Here is an old Arab man from KSA (old picture):

If we look past the shape of the head and the nose then there are some similarities. Otherwise I have not seen any Chinese/Mongoloid people that resemble any Semitic people as of yet. But it is for sure an interesting mixture.:)

Here are Pakistani Uyghurs:


Where is that individual from in China? Do you know what a big percentage of him that is Arab or which Arab country his ancestors/family is from?

I found this picture of a Uyghur man. Could maybe pass for an Arab. More than most of the Uyghur's I have seen.


Here is an old Arab man from KSA (old picture):

If we look past the shape of the head and the nose then there are some similarities. Otherwise I have not seen any Chinese/Mongoloid people that resemble any Semitic people as of yet. But it is for sure an interesting mixture.:)

The Tarim basin region of Xinjiang and Gansu province in China used to be inhabited by indoeuropean, caucasian Tocharians. Then Turkic peoples and Han chinese moved in. Almost everyone there, Han Chinese in Gansu, Uyghurs, and Hui have caucasian genes and some features.

The Uyghurs have around half mongoloid and half caucasoid genes. There is slightly less in Han and Hui populations but its there.

Yes, Uyghurs are a new hybrid population : Gene Expression

There is a village with Han who have caucasian features.

Liqian (village) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I personally think the roman theory is nonsense and that they are just descended from Chinese tocharian mix.
Where is that individual from in China? Do you know what a big percentage of him that is Arab or which Arab country his ancestors/family is from?

I found this picture of a Uyghur man. Could maybe pass for an Arab. More than most of the Uyghur's I have seen.


Here is an old Arab man from KSA (old picture):

If we look past the shape of the head and the nose then there are some similarities. Otherwise I have not seen any Chinese/Mongoloid people that resemble any Semitic people as of yet. But it is for sure an interesting mixture.:)

The guy is 6 foot 2 inches tall and he is from Shanghai, and some people said that he has some Arab in him, but maybe he could have some Hui Muslim background as well.

China also has many paleo-mongoloid inviduals which can have some pseudo-caucasoid features, but the paleo-mongoloids mostly have small flat nose, while a big Arabid nose is not common at all.

Uyghurs also carry many haplogroup J, so they have a significant Arabic ancestry apart from the Tocharian and Turkic ones.
The guy is 6 foot 2 inches tall and he is from Shanghai, and some people said that he has some Arab in him, but maybe he could have some Hui Muslim background as well.

China has also many paleo-mongoloid inviduals which can have some pseudo-caucasoid features, but the paleo-mongoloids mostly have small flat nose, while a big Arabid nose is not common at all.

Uyghurs also carry many haplogroup J, so they have a significant Arabic ancestry apart from the Tocharian and Turkic ones.

The Haplogroup J could be from the Naqshbandi Khojas. There were two factions of Khojas, Aqtaghliks were pro China and Qarataghliks were pro Dzunghar.
Here you can see the frequency of the Haplogroup J-P209 that originated on the Arabian Peninsula. The map is far from precise since the haplogroup is much more widespread in North Africa where about 33% of all people have it some areas even 66%. It is the most frequent haplogroup in North Africa, Horn of Africa, the Arab world and the Arabian Peninsula and surprisingly the Caucasus. It is very popular in Iran and Turkey too and large parts of Southern Europe. Especially the Iberian Peninsula that was ruled by Arabs for 800 years, Southern Italy, Greece and parts of the Balkan.

As you can see there are areas of Xinjiang where it is present. Might be distant Semitic settlements that moved eastward. Who knows?
Before 1921 there was no Uyghur ethnic group.

The Turkic speaking sedentary inhabitants of the Tarim Basin didn't identify by a particular ethnic group. Their language was called Turki and they identified by Oasis. If they were from Turpan they would identify as Turpanlik, from Khotan as Khotanlyk. They were also called Sarts, which indicated they were sedentary. These were all identifiers by their location or way of life and not an ethnic identity.

The Soviet Union in 1921 started a conference in Tashkent to determine the identities of different peoples and at this conference, they took the name Uyghur from the ancient Uyghur Khanagante and slapped it on all sedentary Turkic speakers in the Tarim Basin. The pro Soviet puppet Governor of Xinjiang, Sheng Shicai then implemented this identification when he took power in 1934.

There are actual descendants of the ancient Uyghur khaganate, they are a buddhist ethnic group in Gansu called the Yugur.

Since there was no ethnic identity prior to 1921, many travellers from all over the silk road, persians, arabs, turks, could all settle in an oases and blend in.

The Chagatai Khans themselves were descended from Genghis Khan and the Naqshbandi Khojas were Sayyids, with the Chagatai Khan as the secular leader and the Khojas as the religious leaders in the Tarim. The Aqtaghlik Khojas sided with China to oust the Qarataghlik Khojas and the Dzunghars in 1758-1759.
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