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Chinese and Korean players throw match: Olympic shame

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Bad analogy. If your mediocre players can beat the other team, why use your best? That is not cheating. You will win regardless. If you send your best, you will win by a greater margin. But why for? Your best players can get injured, reducing your odds for a victory against a comparable opponent. The issue is that the CURRENT match is supposed to be won, not lost. This attempt to justify the throwing of this match tells me you have a shortage of ethics.

No wrong good ethics is you always try your best to win which in case of football
they obviously not if you dont send out the best team
No wrong good ethics is you always try your best to win which in case of football
they obviously not if you dont send out the best team
All I can say is that you obviously have no sense of honest competition, tactics and strategies in team sports.
No wrong good ethics is you always try your best to win which in case of football
they obviously not if you dont send out the best team

even if they dont put in all their players, they rest 2 or 3.. wow.. big deal, they still go out to WIN... they dont deliberately score own goals and give extra points to the other team so they would lose... you see the difference??? china deliberately hit the net, hit the ball long or wide so the other team scored points and won...
All I can say is that you obviously have no sense of honest competition, tactics and strategies in team sports.

tell that to millions of football fans and footballers worldwide if they agreed with you
tell that to millions of football fans and footballers worldwide if they agreed with you
Anybody who says that resting and swapping out players constitute cheating will be laughed at. YOU, my friend, are the clown du jour.

even if they dont put in all their players, they rest 2 or 3.. wow.. big deal, they still go out to WIN... they dont deliberately score own goals and give extra points to the other team so they would lose... you see the difference??? china deliberately hit the net, hit the ball long or wide so the other team scored points and won...
I think we can let this guy go. Either he is totally clueless about team sports or he definitely is trying (in vain) to justify the Chinese athletes' actions.

That mean the Bulls with Michael Jordan cheated all these years. :lol:
even if they dont put in all their players, they rest 2 or 3.. wow.. big deal, they still go out to WIN... they dont deliberately score own goals and give extra points to the other team so they would lose... you see the difference??? china deliberately hit the net, hit the ball long or wide so the other team scored points and won...

Not really most of the time they are looking for a draw if both side only needed a draw or if a draw is needed for an easy opponent in the next match, this sort of practice happen all over the place
Anybody who says that resting and swapping out players constitute cheating will be laughed at. YOU, my friend, are the clown du jour.

I think we can let this guy go. Either he is totally clueless about team sports or he definitely is trying (in vain) to justify the Chinese athletes' actions.

it is something all of the chinese here are guilty of.. and your right they have no ethics at all.. but at least they are consistent across the board... they do the same thing in regards to everything and have no problem using dirty underhanded tricks to get business, steal technology, artificially keep their currency low... the list goes on. they dont care about anything except their own desires... in this sense they are more greedy then capitalist in america
I can't believe the chinese members are actually trying to justify cheating in sports :disagree:
All I can say about the Chinese feeble attempt to justify the Chinese athletes' actions is: Wow...!!!

If I win just with my mediocre players and not with my best, that is cheating...


Really gold medal caliber mental gymnastics.
Not really most of the time they are looking for a draw if both side only needed a draw or if a draw is needed for an easy opponent in the next match, this sort of practice happen all over the place

this is so far from the truth... you thought process is clearly affected by your own agenda to justify chinese cheating.

the fact is.. it is WRONG... it is not justified... it is not real sportsmanship... it is not honest!

any self respecting person or country would never allow, let alone encourage it like china does.... lead by example eh.. china certainly does that and it shows their olympians copy them at every step
Anybody who says that resting and swapping out players constitute cheating will be laughed at. YOU, my friend, are the clown du jour.

I think we can let this guy go. Either he is totally clueless about team sports or he definitely is trying (in vain) to justify the Chinese athletes' actions.

That mean the Bulls with Michael Jordan cheated all these years. :lol:

win or loose in this case both chinese korea players will qualified anyway this result dont really matter,i dont see why can you label them cheats or as usual you are living in the 70 erra????? or you just dont have a clue i think may be both
If I can beat the competition at 200mph when my car could go 210. That is cheating, according to the Chinese here.

As if Europeans and Americans don't pull the same sheet. Instead of complaining why do you not try understanding why 1 bio India got a single bronze medal?

Congratz with the 13 gold China, you deserve every bit of it. Don't listen to a couple of...:blah:
It's normal, their arses hurt :meeting:
win or loose in this case both chinese korea players will qualified anyway this result dont really matter,i dont see why can you label them cheats or as usual you are living in the 70 erra????? or you just dont have a clue i think may be both

it does matter.. it affects the qualifying table.. it affects who plays who... to RIG a match just so a country does not have to play its own countrymen is disgraceful... you think its great.. yet every other decent nation would see it as a disgrace... the chinese have disgraced china because of this... but even more, you are a disgrace for supporting it
As if Europeans and Americans don't pull the same sheet. Instead of complaining why do you not try understanding why 1 bio India got a single bronze medal?

Congratz with the 13 gold China, you deserve every bit of it. Don't listen to a couple of...:blah:
So we can conclude you have no problems with cheating such as doping and throwing matches?
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