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Chinese and Korean players throw match: Olympic shame

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these chinese did not try to save energy.. or to swap a player etc... they tried to LOSE on purpose...
it does matter.. it affects the qualifying table.. it affects who plays who... to RIG a match just so a country does not have to play its own countrymen is disgraceful... you think its great.. yet every other decent nation would see it as a disgrace... the chinese have disgraced china because of this... but even more, you are a disgrace for supporting it
The American swimmers competed against each other. The Williams sisters (tennis) faced each other for the top crown several times.
it does matter.. it affects the qualifying table.. it affects who plays who... to RIG a match just so a country does not have to play its own countrymen is disgraceful... you think its great.. yet every other decent nation would see it as a disgrace... the chinese have disgraced china because of this... but even more, you are a disgrace for supporting it
What about the Korean girl in fencing who was cheated by the judge panel?
yup ... i have seen it often western countries, americans, australians etc playing their own and knocking the other out of medal contention... and they dont complain.. they see it as that is just the way it is, it is the way things worked out.

you dont see a swimmer suddenly stop and do a doggie paddle so their team mate will win do you
But was it in the "spirit of the Olympics"?

Do you know how much doping has occurred by athletes from all the major countries? Does that mean none of them understand the "spirit of the Olympics"?

And do you know when these players are caught, they are banned?
It is so fracking amazing that there are people supporting the Chinese members' feeble justification for this out of spite for US.
So we can conclude you have no problems with cheating such as doping and throwing matches?
How exactly is it cheating to play as you wish? This is normal occurence in any sport. When you are guaranteed of qualifying you can relax and save your energy to the next match. In European Championship in football, Sweden and Denmark was in the same group a couple of years ago. The only way both teams could possibly qualify to the next rounds was if they drew at exactly 4-4, and guess what they drew 4-4.
sour grape got to be sour,just leave them alone,lol,let 's celebrate for our big Olympic success.
The whole idea of sport revolves around - "play hard but play fair". That is what sport is about. You don't quite a quarter, not expect one. I remember distinctly in the 1996 World Cup Sri Lanka could have tanked its match against Kenya and this could have resulted in Australia not qualifying for the quarters. This was when Aussies were reviled in Sri Lanka for calling Murali for chucking. What does Lanka do - they knock up the then world record score in ODIs of 398 against Kenya. That is how sport is played. You play to win.
How exactly is it cheating to play as you wish? This is normal occurence in any sport. When you are guaranteed of qualifying you can relax and save your energy to the next match. In European Championship in football, Sweden and Denmark was in the same group a couple of years ago. The only way both teams could possibly qualify to the next rounds was if they drew at exactly 4-4, and guess what they drew 4-4.
It is not exactly cheating, but it goes against the spirit of competition. Why not just forfeit? Because that is too shameful and too obvious. So instead they played but played so deliberately badly that forfeiture is no worse.

Yeah...I can see you as another one with a shortage of ethics. Convenient this time just so you can suck up to the Chinese members here. Where is your dignity, man?
sour grape got to be sour,just leave them alone,lol,let 's celebrate for our big Olympic success.

I think the Indian members are still waiting for one Gold, and Gambit is waiting for Vietnam to get one Gold as well.

Until then, they bash those who can actually do it. :wave:
BBC Sport - London 2012 Olympics - Medal Table


China is ruling the Olympics, so the mudslinging is to be expected.

Just relax and enjoy these displays of jealous heartburn for what they are...
I think the Indian members are still waiting for one Gold, and Gambit is waiting for Vietnam to get one Gold as well.

Until then, they bash those who can actually do it. :wave:

Yes not by cheating though. I'd rather my country play civilized than compared to this

It is not exactly cheating, but it goes against the spirit of competition. Why not just forfeit? Because that is too shameful and too obvious. So instead they played but played so deliberately badly that forfeiture is no worse.

Yeah...I can see you as another one with a shortage of ethics. Convenient this time just so you can suck up to the Chinese members here. Where is your dignity, man?

I don't belong to the Western or the Eastern "camp" mate, i look at things objectively. I don't see any problems with the players who chose to play "easy" because the qualifying system sucks balls. Why in the heavens name should i suck up to Chinese? Are they feeding me? Or sending me money? No. They deserve their medals, your arse however is hurt because good ole USA can't compete with China like in the olden days. Times has changed friend, you better adjust to that
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