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China's UN envoy interrupts Israeli representative's speech and demands respect in UN meeting


Nov 4, 2011
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China's UN envoy interrupts Israeli representative's speech and demands respect in UN meeting

3.38 I@V.lp YzG:/ 01/30 以色列代表不断攻击大会通报人,作为联合国安理会轮值主席,张军大使打断发言提醒:请对通报人保持起码的尊重!# 联合国安理会 # 巴以冲突 https://v.douyin.com/iR4Rh79s/ 复制此链接,打开Dou音搜索,直接观看视频!
Chinese are principled people and asserting themselves as the world's sole superpower. US is a deadbeat controlled by the Zionist child killing swine. The Chinese have always been good at calculus, 2.3 BILLION Muslims versus 13 million child killing Jews and perhaps another 300 million brainwashed western patsies, simply does not add up. The future belongs to China and the global south. The Indian Hindu turds yet again are on the wrong side history and geography. India is landlocked west wards by Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. On the east is hostile Bangladesh and even the Nepalese don't like the Indians. China knows that it is well placed to accelerate the decline of deadbeat US, especially since the Islamic world and the global south are seething with hate and anger at Zionist war crimes and hubris. The bombs and jets that are committing the holocaust of Palestine are MADE IN THE USA.
Chinese are principled people and asserting themselves as the world's sole superpower. US is a deadbeat controlled by the Zionist child killing swine. The Chinese have always been good at calculus, 2.3 BILLION Muslims versus 13 million child killing Jews and perhaps another 300 million brainwashed western patsies, simply does not add up. The future belongs to China and the global south. The Indian Hindu turds yet again are on the wrong side history and geography. India is landlocked west wards by Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. On the east is hostile Bangladesh and even the Nepalese don't like the Indians. China knows that it is well placed to accelerate the decline of deadbeat US, especially since the Islamic world and the global south are seething with hate and anger at Zionist war crimes and hubris. The bombs and jets that are committing the holocaust of Palestine are MADE IN THE USA.
Not to mention there are 30 million Muslims in China too so it doesn’t make sense to side with Israel over the Muslim world.
The Israeli diplomat knew he can only act like petulant baby demanding compliance to western nations , as israel have blackmail materials on all western leaders..

they cant do this to chinese diplomat as there is no such thing..

but the israeli might leverage their hold and blackmail material they have on indian politicials , the foolish move of GOI in openly supporting israel is a proof that indian leaders are all bribed / blackmailed by israeli / western intelligence
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