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China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help?

Just like you won't want pork to be served in an Islamic country!

It is the spirit of mutual tolerance. I see nothing wrong in this.

However, not allowing religious places of minorities (like is many Islamic countries) would be wrong. So would be not allowing religious freedom to other Islamic sects (again common to many Islamic countries).

Wrong. non-muslims in Pakistan are allowed to eat pork and eat and drink whatever they want and we are an Islamic Republic.

India claims to be secular but doesnt even allow Muslims to slaughter cow on Eid day because for Hindus cows are sacred, but for us Muslims cow meat makes excellent Seekh Kababs. You Hindus could've never stopped us Pakistani Muslims from slaughtering cow and cooking their meat.

Thank God for Partition.
China indeed has religion tolerance towards all religions. However, China does not tolerate any religion that tries to challenge the government. Religion and State is 100% separate.

the one thing I do admire about china is that they have zero tolerance for religion and the baggage it brings . and like Europe they are mostly athetist or not zealots... and it has worked well for them. i.e. feel feel to pray to a dog if need be - but don't start demanding special rights and all_ just because you think your religion holds some extra Rights over another citizen. The world would be well advised to follow this one principle from them.
Wrong. non-muslims in Pakistan are allowed to eat pork and eat and drink whatever they want and we are an Islamic Republic.

India claims to be secular but doesnt even allow Muslims to slaughter cow on Eid day because for Hindus cows are sacred, but for us Muslims cow meat makes excellent Seekh Kababs. You Hindus could've never stopped us Pakistani Muslims from slaughtering cow and cooking their meat.

Thank God for Partition.

Eating , cooking and selling beef is allowed in India. I am not sure about cow slaughter. Should the muslims slaughter only cows? is there a religious reason or it is OK to slaughter goat instead?
First, nobody recognized East Turkistan. That is just a fantacy for certain uighur separatists and terrorists.

Second, Uighur as a whole are not on terrorist list. Only those uighur terrorists and separatists are hunted down as dogs.

Moderate Uighurs are more than welcome in China.

oh- the Uighur's are the same? and they on the UN terror list ?
We won't tolerate any country that want to meddle our internal affairs. You can forget about that for sure.

China won't care at all.

Pakistan will not meddle in China's internal affairs.

A strong and powerful China is in Pakistan's interest.

:china: :pakistan:
Actually it is in both our countries' interest to fight those terrorists even though they claim they are muslim. The current situations in Pakistan have already shown how many damages they have done towards Pakistan.

Pakistan will not meddle in China's internal affairs.

A strong and powerful China is in Pakistan's interest.

:china: :pakistan:
Eating , cooking and selling beef is allowed in India. I am not sure about cow slaughter. Should the muslims slaughter only cows? is there a religious reason or it is OK to slaughter goat instead?

We can eat all kind of meat except for human meat, pig meat, dog meat, cat meat, mouse meat, snake meat and all dirty animals on planet earth we can not eat.

On Eid-al-Adha we can slaughter cow, goat, sheep, or camel but cow meat tastes the best. Why stop people from eating the meat they prefer, thats if your country is really secular.
Actually it is in both our countries' interest to fight those terrorists even though they claim they are muslim. The current situations in Pakistan have already shown how many damages they have done towards Pakistan.

I think the Uighur problem is more of an ethnic problem than a religious. Most Chinese Muslims are Han Chinese and are very loyal to China. The Uighur Muslims in China dont even seem to be very religious.

Besides we Pakistanis believe it'll be best for Uighurs if they stay with China because China is the most wealthiest and powerful country in Asia and soon to be superpower. If they want a good future for their children, they should be loyal to China.

:china: :pakistan:
We can eat all kind of meat except for human meat, pig meat, dog meat, cat meat, mouse meat, snake meat and all dirty animals on planet earth we can not eat.

On Eid-al-Adha we can slaughter cow, goat, sheep, or camel but cow meat tastes the best. Why stop people from eating the meat they prefer, thats if your country is really secular.

As I told you, people can eat what ever they want .There are beef shops everywhere in India. But public cow slaughter is banned. is it that intolerant? I don't think so.
Indian Muslims have bakrid , they don't have any issues slaughtering goat instead of cow, its just the Pakistanis who have the problem with it.
Wrong. non-muslims in Pakistan are allowed to eat pork and eat and drink whatever they want and we are an Islamic Republic.

OK. Good for you.

India claims to be secular but doesnt even allow Muslims to slaughter cow on Eid day because for Hindus cows are sacred, but for us Muslims cow meat makes excellent Seekh Kababs. You Hindus could've never stopped us Pakistani Muslims from slaughtering cow and cooking their meat.

You got it. We just claim to be secular.

Thank God for Partition.

I think the Uighur problem is more of an ethnic problem than a religious. Most Chinese Muslims are Han Chinese and are very loyal to China. The Uighur Muslims in China dont even seem to be very religious.

Besides we Pakistanis believe it'll be best for Uighurs if they stay with China because China is the most wealthiest and powerful country in Asia and soon to be superpower. If they want a good future for their children, they should be loyal to China.

:china: :pakistan:

Agreed. It has been proven that the leader of the Uighur terrorists Rebiya has taken money from the CIA. In fact, this seems to be much like Osama Bin Laden's story of being a US supported terrorist. Uighurs in China are arguably more turkish than any other turkish country in the world because they still write using their traditional Arabic script instead of Russian or Latin script. And if they really don't want to live here, they can immigrate to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikstan or Turkmenistan any time they want.
Where is muslim brother saga?

We Pakistani Muslims will never support "muslims" like these:



And we Pakistanis do care for Chinese Muslims (regardless of their ethnic group) thats why we want them to be loyal to China, the wealthiest and most powerful nation in Asia and the next global superpower. We want them to be part of the superpower.

Even I would love it if there was a China-Pakistan confederation (so our Pakistani cities and towns looks like Chinese cities and towns) and I dont have a drop of Chinese or Uighur blood in me. I am 100% Muslim Pakistani Punjabi Gujjar :)
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