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China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help?

@ Truthteller this thread is not about India. Stick to the topic, you as a Muslim do you support your Uighur brothers struggle for independence or your brotherhood only extends to the Kashmiri Muslims?
Are you sure? I thought the only Muslims in China were Uighur and Hui.

:coffee: Hui people is Han people. Han Chinese Muslims is Hui people.
We are the same nation.
In fact, Zhuang people also is Han people. China has some "Minority" are Han Chinese.
1949, Mao Zedong created some new "Minority." That is a very funny history. Fu*k Mao Zedong, that is a stupid mistake he committed.

Han Chinese Muslims(not Hui people):
@ Truthteller this thread is not about India. Stick to the topic, you as a Muslim do you support your Uighur brothers struggle for independence or your brotherhood only extends to the Kashmiri Muslims?

Muslim Brotherhood does not exist.

Pakistanis have our loyalty with China. China has helped Pakistan more than any of the so called "Muslim Brothers".
It's not a troll and it's a serious question. Not directed at the chinese though because your policy is quite clear.

However the concept of muslim brotherhood seems quite important to a majority of pakistanis here and it would be interesting to hear from this member on this issue
However the concept of muslim brotherhood seems quite important to a majority of pakistanis here and it would be interesting to hear from this member on this issue

The concept of loyalty Is very Important to Pakistanis.

We have always kept loyalty with other Muslim countries, but they've not kept loyalty towards us, like we have towards them.
Actually that brings up an interesting question: Why should the Uighurs accept Pakistani intervention, when clearly Pakistani loyalties lie with their enemies?
Actually that brings up an interesting question: Why should the Uighurs accept Pakistani intervention, when clearly Pakistani loyalties lie with their enemies?

Uighurs are not oppressed due to religion. If they were Voodoo religion or Atheists and rebelled, they'll be managed the exact same way. In fact, Uighurs are more free than most muslims and can be said to be the closest to the original turks. At least they did not interbreed with whites and give up their ancient language based on arabic script.
:pop: If you want to know the problem in Xinjiang, I can tell you, it is the fundamental reason is that the wealth gap.
Northern Xinjiang is rich, southern Xinjiang is poor. So north-Uighurs are not interested in East Turkistan. All the troubles in the southern Xinjiang.

There is almost no Han living in south Xinjiang, that is a Uighur neighborhood. So south-Uighurs think that the China govt is unfair, East Turkistan organizations emerged.

But the China govt is innocent. Northern Xinjiang has oil and railway(connect Europe) and oasis, Southern Xinjiang has only the desert... So wealth gap can not be avoided. We need time to resolve this issue.
Two questions, Pakistan there any way to help China? Pakistan can to be trust by the Chinese? These are two conditions. If there is no good way to provide Pakistan, then to discuss it is meaningless. Pakistan is certainly trust by China in the diplomatic, but if your approach deeply touched sensitive issues in China is still in a cautious, even though Saudi Arabia has had an impact in specific areas, but I believe the Chinese government would not relax any guard, I suggest Do not. Saudi Arabia, at least for now also maintained a relative respect, only some religious exchanges in the HUI. Pakistan can do, can do better?

This is my two questions.
Thanx for the info. I have 1 more follow up question if you don't mind.

In the situation described by you, how is Pakistan expected to mediate?
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