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China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help?

:coffee: In fact, East Turkistan not afford to cause trouble for China. Terrorism is very difficult to succeed in China.
Uighur-issue is how to integrate into Chinese society?

They do not have the possibility of independent(In fact, surrounded by China, only have desert, if they are independent, they will not survive.), China govt will not allow them to independently.
If they do not learn to integrate into Chinese society, they will become the East Gypsies.
the one thing I do admire about china is that they have zero tolerance for religion and the baggage it brings . and like Europe they are mostly athetist or not zealots... and it has worked well for them. i.e. feel feel to pray to a dog if need be - but don't start demanding special rights and all_ just because you think your religion holds some extra Rights over another citizen. The world would be well advised to follow this one principle from them.
Two questions, Pakistan there any way to help China? Pakistan can to be trust by the Chinese? These are two conditions. If there is no good way to provide Pakistan, then to discuss it is meaningless. Pakistan is certainly the best that the country By China in the diplomatic, but if you approach deeply touched sensitive issues in China is still in a cautious, even though Saudi Arabia has had an impact in specific areas, but I believe the Chinese government would not relax any guard, I suggest Do not. Saudi Arabia, at least for now also maintained a relative respect, only some religious exchanges in the HUI. Pakistan can do, can do better?

This is my two questions.

you don't want pakistan and pakistan should not want to do this. why? because just like Kashmir when their govt fails to the level of expectations of their zealots, their internal terrorist groups will blame the Pak govt for not doing enough ( which is impossible to do enough for them), and try to move into china. Both you countries don't need that headache
you don't want pakistan and pakistan should not want to do this. why? because just like Kashmir when their govt fails to the level of expectations of their zealots, their internal terrorist groups will blame the Pak govt for not doing enough ( which is impossible to do enough for them), and try to move into china. Both you countries don't need that headache

I think you are not qualified to say. because you're ignorant.
1) india claims to be the world's largest democratic, and secular country.

2) Most Muslim countires do allow places of worship for non-Muslim minorities.

3) Pakistan Is not secular, we are an Islamic republic. We dont claim to be the world's largest Democracy like your india does.

I know you have a tremendous problem with India's "claim of" secularism and democracy. I can't really help you as I know where it comes from.
Best to maintain the theme, this non-relationship, and India. hope that the Indian members not to confuse the discussion.

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ----------

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------

I see dead people...

You look in the mirror?
The first question, Pakistan how to get to mediation? What help? of course, have a common action to combat terrorists. the other?
Please keep India out of this and also ignore the trolls (e.g. JayAtl)

LOL how is it trolling? it was a brillant analysis that I bet 99% of chinese here are secretly going- he is right. best to keep our internal politics on this internal.
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