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China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help?

Pakistan would not allow anti-China terrorists to train in Pakistan.

Our alleged ambivalence towards Afghan Taliban is as a hedge against Indian domination of Afghanistan. There is no such calculus when it comes to anti-China terrorists.

Theoretically there is.

You don't want Taliban to lose so that USA remains dependent on you and the dollar tap remains open.

Same logic can apply to China. Pakistan may not want the Uighur issue to totally go away to maintain some leverage.

This is of course a hypothesis.
Theoretically there is.

You don't want Taliban to lose so that USA remains dependent on you and the dollar tap remains open.

Same logic can apply to China. Pakistan may not want the Uighur issue to totally go away to maintain some leverage.

This is of course a hypothesis.

You should quit your job and start writing Hollywood scripts. :)
Theoretically there is.

You don't want Taliban to lose so that USA remains dependent on you and the dollar tap remains open.

Same logic can apply to China. Pakistan may not want the Uighur issue to totally go away to maintain some leverage.

This is of course a hypothesis.

:pop: The oil pipeline in Pakistan, it is China economic artery. Look at that, you will find that we trust Pakistan.
Yes, the question came up in another thread.

Absolutely. I think Pakistan already killed or handed over some Uighur terrorists to China.

The Turks are also pragmatic people. Look at the way they are working with the Armenian government.

I don't think they would want to make an enemy of a rising power like China.

In return, China will not allow anyone to use Chinese territory against Pakistan, also supported Pakistan to solve your rebels, developing countries always have a lot of problems in the internal affairs, we need peace and development in a long time, our people too need it . let us understand and support each other, so we certainly can become a long-term and reliable neighbor. Chinese proverb, "君子之交淡若水,小人之交甘若醴". A no reliable relationship as smear honey on Mouth, a gentleman of the exchanges as to drink water, plain, but you always need to drink. When you feel thirsty, you will get water. hope that China and Pakistan can become the latter.
:pop: The oil pipeline in Pakistan, it is China economic artery. Look at that, you will find that we trust Pakistan.

Is there a oil pipeline now or a proposed one?

I am sure you trust Pakistan. Good for you.
In return, China will not allow anyone to use Chinese territory against Pakistan, also supported Pakistan to solve your rebels, developing countries always have a lot of problems in the internal affairs, we need peace and development in a long time, our people too need it . let us understand and support each other, so we certainly can become a long-term and reliable neighbor. Chinese proverb, "君子之交淡若水,小人之交甘若醴". A no reliable relationship as smear honey on Mouth, a gentleman of the exchanges as to drink water, plain, but you always need to drink. When you feel thirsty, you will get water. hope that China and Pakistan can become the latter.

I hate to say it, but I am glad our military is so influential in Pakstan, because I don't trust our civilian politicians. They will sell out to any country that gives them more money. The Pakistan military knows that China is the most reliable friend we have.
Any involvement of Pakistan in Uighur issue may hurt deeply Pakistan's interest.

I see zero possibility of any gain for Pakistan to be involved in such internal affair of China.

Theoretically there is.

You don't want Taliban to lose so that USA remains dependent on you and the dollar tap remains open.

Same logic can apply to China. Pakistan may not want the Uighur issue to totally go away to maintain some leverage.

This is of course a hypothesis.
Look at the GDP per capita of Urumqi (US$6,222 in 2008). China is pouring in the development money.

Can you say the same about Chechnya or Gaza? Gaza, in which 80% of people need humanitarian aid just to survive?

I 100 % agree with you on this one CD. The uighurs have a lot to gain just because the are a part of thr PRC. I have zero support for any sort of separatist attitude anyways.
I was just pointing out at hypocracy of some of the posters through my point.
unless they can help those people become good atheists, then no.
unless they can help those people become good atheists, then no.

That is not exactly a solution though, is it?

We should not force our belief system (or more specifically, our lack of a belief system)... onto others.

That path leads to resentment and unrest.
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