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China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help?

It is sharp but there is no trust, at least for now, no. "7.5" after only two months, we invite Turkish Prime Minister special envoy to visit China, visiting Urumqi, but they in addition to pouring oil to fire, did not anything, so sensitive problem, I and China do not believe Turkey in any sense, at least in the short term, even long term. China and Turkey need time and sincerity to make up the differences, now time and sincerity both far not enough to work together to solve this problem.

No offense, but that is reason enough for Pakistan not to get involved. We are friends with both China and Turkey. If this is such a sensitive matter between you two, we should definitely stay far far away from it.
No offense, but that is reason enough for Pakistan not to get involved. We are friends with both China and Turkey. If this is such a sensitive matter between you two, we should definitely stay far far away from it.

Did you start this thread which is named China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help? :what:
No offense, but that is reason enough for Pakistan not to get involved. We are friends with both China and Turkey. If this is such a sensitive matter between you two, we should definitely stay far far away from it.

Agree to that. China has a understanding it. It is not related and Pakistan. Although you did not say your opinion about Pakistan how to help China. Also, if the terrorists use Pakistani territory to attack China, Pakistan also has the responsibility to meet China's action .

More want to say that Pakistan should know that it is that Turkey first to stir up the problem to China (of course, the support of the West), as a country to harm the sovereignty of another country, even harm to civilians, China is only to fight back. hope that Pakistan knows it. Of course, I sincerely hope that this issue can be resolved with common interests instead of deep divisions for China and Turkey. sincerely hope so, cooperation certainly better than fighting.
In fact, I think that Pakistan may be better to mediation in China and Turkey, it would be more appropriate. Anyway, I see there are many lovely members of Pakistan to do it, I think it is also for Pakistan's interests. China hopes to solve this problem, if Pakistan can provide help, it is very good, as the year of China and the United States.
In fact, I think that Pakistan may be better to mediation in China and Turkey, it would be more appropriate. Anyway, I see there are many lovely members of Pakistan to do it, I think it is for Pakistan's interests. China hopes to solve this problem, if Pakistan can provide help, it is very good, as the year of China and the United States.

Yep Pakistan played a very important role in mediating the establishment of relations between China and the US.
I do not think it was a zero chance to go to bridge the differences between China and Turkey, so that there is room for Pakistan to play a role, of course, if Pakistan agreed.

The way that you really think that the Turkish government is concerned about the Uighur? That is Turkey's geopolitical ambitions, Turkey has access to the interests of both the East and West, but also have the opportunity to become a sandwiched by East and West. China always a cooperative stance in this, look at Turkey's choice.
Did you start this thread which is named China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help? :what:

Yes, the question came up in another thread.

Agree to that. China has a understanding it. It is not related and Pakistan. Although you did not say your opinion about Pakistan how to help China. Also, if the terrorists use Pakistani territory to attack China, Pakistan also has the responsibility to meet China's action .

Absolutely. I think Pakistan already killed or handed over some Uighur terrorists to China.

I do not think it was a zero chance to go to bridge the differences between China and Turkey, so that there is room for Pakistan to play a role, of course, if Pakistan agreed.

The way that you really think that the Turkish government is concerned about the Uighur? That is Turkey's geopolitical ambitions, Turkey has access to the interests of both the East and West, but also have the opportunity to become a sandwiched by East and West. China always a cooperative stance in this, look at Turkey's choice.

The Turks are also pragmatic people. Look at the way they are working with the Armenian government.

I don't think they would want to make an enemy of a rising power like China.
You're making Pakistan out to be a threat to China. This is just not the case.

Pakistani government is not a threat. But the tribal region bordering China is. Thats why your border with Pakistan is heavily guarded .
There is no Uighur issue for the last time.

There is a terrorist issue. 99% of Uighurs have nothing to do with these terrorists.

With modern information technology and dissident management techniques, these attacks will be a thing of the past.
Pakistani government is not a threat. But the tribal region bordering China is. Thats why your border with Pakistan is heavily guarded .

Pakistan would not allow anti-China terrorists to train in Pakistan.

Our alleged ambivalence towards Afghan Taliban is as a hedge against Indian domination of Afghanistan. There is no such calculus when it comes to anti-China terrorists.
Yes, the question came up in another thread.

Absolutely. I think Pakistan already killed or handed over some Uighur terrorists to China.

:pop: My friends, Pakistan has been helping China.
East Turkistan is the alliance with the Taliban. In the border, Pakistan has been helping China crack East Turkistan.
In fact, the Uighur issue, Pakistan is the largest country on the help of China. :tup:
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