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China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help?

没关系, 和他玩玩. 他什么都不懂, 只会自己往套里跳.

I like the circus...what you got against clowns:D
:pop: Uighurs r not terrorists. East Turkistan is only part of the Uighurs.

right , thanks for the clarification . I was confused by his " terrorist" claim when speaking of mediating for the Uighur's. as I figured - probably got lost in translation.
right , thanks for the clarification . I was confused by his " terrorist" claim when speaking of mediating for the Uighur's. as I figured - probably got lost in translation.

:coffee: You r not confused, u just r trolling. But I was willing to answer to u.
East Turkistan r terrorists, their Declaration all r meaningless.
1) india claims to be the world's largest democratic, and secular country.

2) Most Muslim countires do allow places of worship for non-Muslim minorities.

3) Pakistan Is not secular, we are an Islamic republic. We dont claim to be the world's largest Democracy like your india does.

india claims to be the world's largest democratic, and secular countr

No need to claim, we are the largest democratic country in the world.

Going by the definition of DEMOCRACY "Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives"

We have been electing people for 6 decades without any intervention from Army.

We are secular

Going by the definition of SECULARISM "1. Religious skepticism or indifference.
2. The view that religious considerations should be excluded from civil affairs "

Religion has not been given preference in Civil Affairs. Each and every citizen of India has the same constitutional rights regardless of religion (Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhist, Jain, Jews, Zoroastrians, etc ).

3) Pakistan Is not secular, we are an Islamic republic. We dont claim to be the world's largest Democracy like your india does

Here you contradict your own statement.

Pakistan is not secular, its Islamic republic... Accepted. When India doesn't have a state religion. It should be Secular right?

You are entitled to have your own opinion, but that doesn't change the fact. the fact is "India is the largest Democracy" in the world.
Muslim Brotherhood does not exist.

Pakistanis have our loyalty with China. China has helped Pakistan more than any of the so called "Muslim Brothers".

mark ur post on the walls.
now next time dont try to talk about kashmir or palistene ,muslims in india etc
We won't tolerate any country that want to meddle our internal affairs. You can forget about that for sure.

China won't care at all.

From what I understand Xinjiang's ratio of Han-UIghur population has changed dramatically over recent decades. The Uighurs are concerned about that.

Again, this is something that other countries have dealt with, so there is precedent about what works better than others. The territorial issue is obviously an internal matter between Chinese government and Uighur leaders.

About the religion and cultural aspects, both the Uighur and Hui practise a variant of Sufi Islam, from what I understand, so Pakistan should be in a good position to mediate.

I fear that if you bring in Saudi Arabia, the Uighurs will move from the Sufi version to the more hardline Wahhabi version of Islam. But as long as the Chinese are keeping an eye on things...
Even in our high school, we provide special dining place and food preparations for muslim students.

:coffee: Each China-university has a Muslim canteens. Every city(Municipal level) has mosque.
i don't think china needs help as CD point out...
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