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China’s new stealth fighter makes Britain’s ‘new’ F35s look antique by comparison


Sep 24, 2016
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CHINA has unveiled its most advanced stealth fighter jet ever amid growing tensions with the US and President Donald Trump.
And the J-20 aircraft are so technologically advanced, they make Britain’s new US-built F35s look antique in comparison.

The futuristic Chinese aircraft have longer range, more internal fuel capacity and a larger weapons capacity.

And this latest military addition is believed to be equipped with unique WS-15 turbo engines capable of reaching supersonic speeds.

The F-35's top speed is 1199mph – The J-20s is a hefty 1,305mph.

However when fully operational the F-35 may offer significant advantage in terms of manoeuvrability as questions hang over the Chinese plane’s air-to-air capability.

The F-35B can also land vertically – meaning it can be used in many more theatres of operations.


Chinese plane-spotters first caught a glimpse of the J-20 in 2010, before the public got its first viewing of the craft at the Zhuhai airshow in November 2016.

Visitors were reportedly not permitted to view the aircraft on the ground, sparking speculation the aircraft was falling behind production schedule.

Now the fighter jets have reportedly joined the arsenal of the People’s Liberation Army’s airforce as part of a high-priority military revamp.

But only a few of the stealth fighters have entered service so far – with more planned by the end of the year.

The new addition comes after the Chinese PLA released a statement saying that war with the US is a "practical reality".

Tensions have continued to escalate between the US and Beijing over North Korea and the South China Sea.

On Monday, Beijing announced its defence budget would increase by seven per cent, roughly a quarter of what Washington spends annually.

And defence sources close to the PLA reveal the unveiling of the J-20 was also meant as a warning to Japan and South Korea.

One source said: “It’s urgent for China to show off its achievements as soon as possible.”


Britain is being forced to pour millions of pounds of new funds into the troubled F-35 stealth fighter programme being developed in America and considered a vital part of the UK’s future defences.

The F-35 - built by the US in partnership with countries including the UK – is intended to be a cornerstone of UK defences for decades to come, flying off two new aircraft carriers.

But the aircraft - the costliest weapon ever developed by the Pentagon – has been plagued with difficulties. One expert even claimed the F-35’s laser guided missiles could only hit stationary objects.

Other software problems have seen the project costs soar from $233bn in 2001 to around $379bn.

Donald Trump has even instructed his own military to look at alternatives such as Boeing’s F-18 Super Hornet.


China’s new stealth fighter makes Britain’s ‘new’ F35s look antique by comparison

I don't think so but one thing for sure with Chinese j-20 and j-31, China will not look antique and obsolete :D as during the cold war which when Western and Soviet flown F-15, and Su-27, China was still operated J-6 (mig-19) and J-7 :lol:. But if any western claim F-35 is an antique maybe then they can trade F-35 for J-31, I think China will be glad for such deal.:P
The Britain is far away from China, it's irrelevant from China's POV... unless it aspires to "play" in the South China Sea or Western Pacific ring too :-) But I'd like to see its CSG readiness first. Hopefully its Trident already got cured.

For Britain, it should concern more about the Russian Federation if it ever thinks of seriously teasing the Bear in European Theater! But please settle first all the Brexit bills before focusing on these defense-offense affairs.

Just funny to read on how the media of the much waning former empire is trying hard to stay relevant nowadays! :coffee: Just quiz the young generation today how much they are aware of the greatness of the late British Empire at one era. Just curious.
Incoming "if j-20 is so good why are they buying su-35" comments.

I don't know if J-20 is so good but SU-35 is good for transition period to fill the gap. China will never close the door for defense cooperation with any nation even J-20 seem to be promising. I foresee Sino-Russia military cooperation will increase and continue since India now buy less and less from Russia :D.
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