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China's Ambitions Reshaping South Asia as it Surges into India's Backyard

Trade helps more for India.

India is the problem of security in South Asia for the following reasons:

1) India interferes internal affairs of its neighbours. Most border problems are not yet solved. it's not going to be solved by peaceful means.

2) India is using China as en excuse to increase its arms. India does everything to prove she is the enemy of China to gain Western support.

It's better for China to have India as a competitor for energy and natural resources later.

india interferes in internal affairs of its neighbours china invades its neighbors tibet india vietnam
Trade helps more for India.

India is the problem of security in South Asia for the following reasons:

1) India interferes internal affairs of its neighbours. Most border problems are not yet solved. it's not going to be solved by peaceful means.

2) India is using China as en excuse to increase its arms. India does everything to prove she is the enemy of China to gain Western support.

It's better for China to have India as a competitor for energy and natural resources later.

as u wish ,it is always good for a nation to have a good competitor and we r blessed we r getting competition from the worlds strongest emerging ecnomy,it also help as to develop a lot

abt border disputes we only have disputes with china and pakistan

abt meddeling in other countries affair,u dont meddle in case of taiwan

abt military moderanization,r not ur nation moderanizing its army,and u have a bigger budjet then india also(anyway thats not a problem)

anyway its ur call,but as far as i know the trade is increasing between both the country every passing year

its time for me to go to sleep:lazy:bye
India still occupies the South Tibet. India invaded China in1962 and got a blue face (Check your rediff website information). China did invade Vietnam because Viets were invading our allies.

allways excuse what you call soth tibet is called arunachal pradesh,you invaded india and what about 69 when you tried it with the soviets but this time you guys had blue face
No, South Tibet is the official name, not some lamo wacko Hindi name which 80% of people can't pronounce. By the way, it belongs to China, remember? So we got the rights to call it whatever we want.

you can call it what you want but it does not change the fact that it indian territory and 1.2 billion people call it arunachal pradesh so keep calling it south tibet makes no differance to us
A silly assertion. 30 years ago, we already achieved universal literacy below age 30, elimination of starvation and mass electrification of the east at least. Also, India's number of railroads is attributed to the British, since there was almost no new growth in that sector since they left .

IMO, it would be much easier to deal with Britain to the south of our borders, than an independent India.

Ignorance is bliss. Please don't post BS. I hope wiki is not censored ... take a look at this link.
Indian Railways - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China needs India more or India needs China more is one of the funniest topics on which people here spend a lot of time.

All of us know that the domestic demand in India matches the current production patterns and the empowerment of rural India is bolstering demand further. China on her part has improved trade relations with south asian countries including development of ports etc that will go a long way in access to markets.

India needs China as much as China needs India. Please do the math and add all the trade China has with the other nations in south Asia when compared to india and make a note of the growth rate of that trade. That gives a good idea that each country needs the other and how much more or less even if quantifiable is academic in nature.
No, South Tibet is the official name, not some lamo wacko Hindi name which 80% of people can't pronounce. By the way, it belongs to China, remember? So we got the rights to call it whatever we want.

don't have wet dreams ... When you could not do much about an Island that you claim as yours, you are fooling yourself calling Arunachal your territory. Just because you can't pronounce does not mean 80% cant. And how did you come up with the figure of 80%? again do you dream numbers aswell? This is not a fantasy website and people present provable facts and figures. Don't treat this website as a punch bag to get over your frustration.
hmmm good facts,it made me think but shed some light on some other points also

were does vietnams gdp($88 billion) stands infront of india($1.25 trillion)as far as i think the gap has widened very much in this 20 yrs in india's favour

and abt per capita the cia factbook show some thing other than what u said

what abt the growth rate of india,considered as the second fastest growing ecnomy in world,we managed to put a rate of more than 6 % even in times of global depression,what was ur growth at the same time

what was ur fdi in the last two yr when india was pulling fdi worth around $ 24 billion in just the months between jan and oct in 2009 itself and $2.5 billion in november alone.i am not getting in what we attracted in the previous years which is even higher then this

abt different indices u put

in internet we have the 4th highest internet using population around 80 million with annual growth rate of 1520% and population penetration of 7%(its low but just look at the growth rate).i was unable to find data of ur nation as i dont find it in the top 20 nations

in terms of mobile users india is in 2nd place with 545 million users with a penetration of 46.5 %,only china is above india with 747 million users and 56 % penetration.

according to cia world fact book report
literacy rate
india-61 %
vietnam-90 %:tup:

if u really think that u have raced ahead of india,think again

or if ur intention was to say that we cant aspire for big things based on ur penetration reports,the china itself is lagging by far not only to u.s.a but also to a number of nations(in terms of ur so called % penetration),so i think they had also stopped aspiring

CIA facts is wrong, because it calculates based on wrong data on Vietnamese population. Our population is 85.6 millions according to 2009 census taken in July, lower than CIA data (88.9 millions). Vietnam nominal GDP per capita for 2009 is still merely 1050 US$ (too low indeed), not higher than 2008, because of dong depreciation, but i doubt India can reach 1000 this year, after rupee depreciation and higher rate of population growth taken into account.

Internet penetration in Vietnam is at least 25% now, because it vie for 35% rate in 2010.
Mobile phone penetration rate: at least 120%. We have more than 130 millions registers, both fixed and mobile. The number for mobile is roughly 110 millions.
I think your country's statistics say better than CIA numbers. CIA can bend on the facts to suit their purpose, or just are too lazy to correct their mistakes. After all, it is not their responsibility to provide the accurate figures about other countries growth to their citizens.
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hmmm good facts,it made me think but shed some light on some other points also

were does vietnams gdp($88 billion) stands infront of india($1.25 trillion)as far as i think the gap has widened very much in this 20 yrs in india's favour

and abt per capita the cia factbook show some thing other than what u said

what abt the growth rate of india,considered as the second fastest growing ecnomy in world,we managed to put a rate of more than 6 % even in times of global depression,what was ur growth at the same time

what was ur fdi in the last two yr when india was pulling fdi worth around $ 24 billion in just the months between jan and oct in 2009 itself and $2.5 billion in november alone.i am not getting in what we attracted in the previous years which is even higher then this

abt different indices u put

in internet we have the 4th highest internet using population around 80 million with annual growth rate of 1520% and population penetration of 7%(its low but just look at the growth rate).i was unable to find data of ur nation as i dont find it in the top 20 nations

in terms of mobile users india is in 2nd place with 545 million users with a penetration of 46.5 %,only china is above india with 747 million users and 56 % penetration.

according to cia world fact book report
literacy rate
india-61 %
vietnam-90 %:tup:

if u really think that u have raced ahead of india,think again

or if ur intention was to say that we cant aspire for big things based on ur penetration reports,the china itself is lagging by far not only to u.s.a but also to a number of nations(in terms of ur so called % penetration),so i think they had also stopped aspiring

CIA facts is wrong, because it calculates based on wrong data on Vietnamese population. Our population is 85.6 millions according to 2009 census taken in July, lower than CIA data (88.9 millions). Vietnam nominal GDP per capita for 2009 is still 1050 US$, not higher than 2008, because of dong depreciation, but i doubt India can reach 1000 this year, after rupee depreciation and high population growth rate taken into account.

Internet penetration in Vietnam is at least 25% now, because it vie for 35% rate in 2010.
Mobile phone penetration rate: at least 120%. We have more than 130 millions registers, both fixed and mobile. The number for mobile is roughly 110 millions.
Your country's statistics say better than CIA numbers. CIA can bend on the facts, or just is too lazy to correct their mistakes. After all, it is not their responsibility to provide the accurate figures about other countries growth to their citizens.

About your country the second fastest growing country in the world, i think educated people shoud just ignore the claim. Vietnam have claimed the same (second fastest after China) for many years. But the fact is many countries, like Ethiopia, Somalia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan etc. are growing at much faster rate. Given both Vietnam and India too low starting points, it is surely not something to be proud. Korea, a very advanced country, is striving for 5.5% growth this year and I think that is something to be marvelled.
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I agree with you completely. It's stupid to help India with infrastructure development or to boost India's foreign trade since India economy is already taking advantages of increasing trade with Chinese. China should try to leave India alone, and instead, focus on development in other South Asian countries.

China should take indian nuclear threats seriously at the same time. if Beijing goes for any cooperation with india, I am sure within a few years, China will be back stabbed and Tibet will become separated.

It is more harmful for China to cooperate with india, than not to cooperate with india. Beijing should allow some sites like Youtube in China, so that Chinese will know the true colors of india.

Well, I personally want a small scale war between China and india, where China will get defeated by india, because only then the Chinese will realize what I am saying is true. Right now, ordinary Chinese think that indians are very very very very peaceful friendly people. But only after a defeat, Chinese will realize how peaceful indians are and will come out of the delusional mentality.
China needs India more or India needs China more is one of the funniest topics on which people here spend a lot of time.

All of us know that the domestic demand in India matches the current production patterns and the empowerment of rural India is bolstering demand further. China on her part has improved trade relations with south asian countries including development of ports etc that will go a long way in access to markets.

India needs China as much as China needs India. Please do the math and add all the trade China has with the other nations in south Asia when compared to india and make a note of the growth rate of that trade. That gives a good idea that each country needs the other and how much more or less even if quantifiable is academic in nature.

Wow, what kind of logic ? Indian's style ?

China need an extreme poverty country name "India" ? are you

kidding me ? Take a look at your impressive achievements, be proud

of your accomplishments !

(1)India 134 on UN development index - India - The Times of India

Between 1980 and 2007, India’s HDI increased by about 1.3% every year. Many African countries show even higher growth rates in HDI.

China showed the maximum improvement, jumping 7 places to rank 92. Since 1980 there is significant advances in human development, with an average improvement of 15% in countries’ HDI scores. The strongest gainers have been China, Iran and Nepal.

(2)India tops world hunger chart - India - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India is failing its rural poor with 230 million people being undernourished — the highest for any country in the world. Malnutrition accounts for nearly 50% of child deaths in India as every third adult (aged 15-49 years) is reported to be thin (BMI less than 18.5).

According to the latest report on the state of food insecurity in rural India, more than 1.5 million children are at risk of becoming malnourished because of rising global food prices.

(3)India ranks 171 out of 175 in public health spending, says WHO study - India - The Times of India

This is less than some of the sub-Saharan African countries.

For a country of one billion, India spends 5.2% of the GDP on healthcare. While 4.3% is spent by the private sector, the government continues to spend only 0.9% on public health. When the economic growth index is moving forward, the wellness index is dipping.

"Public health spending as a percentage of GDP is minuscule. Due to this India is being overly dependent on private sector. With lowest insurance penetration people are forced to spend out of their resources. In fact, neighbouring China ranks among the leading developing countries in public health spending, almost 6% of the GDP,’’ said Vishal Bali, CEO, Wockhardt hospitals.

(4)Extreme Poverty and Hunger in India

Despite the economic growth and outsourcing of foreign jobs by western companies to India, majority of the Indian population still wallow in extreme poverty and disease. Behind India’s new-found economic strength are three hundred million poor people that live on less than $1 per day. Government figures may indicate a reduction in poverty. But the truth is, with increasing global food prices, poverty is spreading everywhere like a swarm of locust. Conditions are worst in the rural areas where close to 70% of India’s population resides. Statistics show, that 2.1 million children under 5 years old die of malnutrition yearly.

As families cut back at the number, quality and quantity of food they consume per day; meat, a source of protein, is no more an option in the menu of many families. People now opt for less nutritional meals – just to put something in the stomach— which has a bad effect on child’s growth. Meanwhile, it’s estimated that 40% of children in India are suffering from stunted growth.

Congrates to "New Super Power" of the world="India" :smitten::pakistan::china:
I agree with you completely. It's stupid to help India with infrastructure development or to boost India's foreign trade since India economy is already taking advantages of increasing trade with Chinese. China should try to leave India alone, and instead, focus on development in other South Asian countries.

Come on ! It's just business not help, we didn't give India free lunch. Building infrastructure is not something hi-tech, if Chinese contractor wouldn't do other country will do.:coffee:
china did good in few last years but its not mean India cant catch china growth

now first priority is china not Pakistan
CIA facts is wrong, because it calculates based on wrong data on Vietnamese population. Our population is 85.6 millions according to 2009 census taken in July, lower than CIA data (88.9 millions). Vietnam nominal GDP per capita for 2009 is still 1050 US$, not higher than 2008, because of dong depreciation, but i doubt India can reach 1000 this year, after rupee depreciation and high population growth rate taken into account.

Internet penetration in Vietnam is at least 25% now, because it vie for 35% rate in 2010.
Mobile phone penetration rate: at least 120%. We have more than 130 millions registers, both fixed and mobile. The number for mobile is roughly 110 millions.
Your country's statistics say better than CIA numbers. CIA can bend on the facts, or just is too lazy to correct their mistakes. After all, it is not their responsibility to provide the accurate figures about other countries growth to their citizens.

About your country the second fastest growing country in the world, i think educated people shoud just ignore the claim. Vietnam have claimed the same (second fastest after China) for many years. But the fact is many countries, like Ethiopia, Somalia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan etc. are growing at much faster rate. Given both Vietnam and India too low starting points, it is surely not something to be proud. Korea, a very advanced country, is striving for 5.5% growth this year and I think that is something to be marvelled.

most of the communist nations dont belive cia fact book report,i cant do much abt that,ur nominal gdp is taken from imf report rather than cia fact book

what u said if cant even reach $1000 per capita,do ur research properly it is $3100

ur penetration rate of internet and telephone is good,but in total numbers ur still lagging far behind,or if ur take penetration as the real indicator then congrates ur not only ahead of us but also ahead of china

as far as growth rate is considered i cant do much if u consider somalia and etiopia as major ecnomies

abt growth we achived 7.5% growth in last fiscal,higher than ur marvellous south korea

and abt the claim of india as the worlds second fastest growing major ecnomy,its not only we who claim

imf,cia factbook and western media also think the same,oh but i forget u educated people ignore even their claim

and r u really a vietnamese or some chinese behind a vietnam flag

i had stayed in germany for nearly 5 months were i befriended 3 vietnami guys,what they perceive abt india is in complete contrast what u say here
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