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China's Ambitions Reshaping South Asia as it Surges into India's Backyard


To become an East Asian country, in my opinion, Vietnamese must abandon hinduism. Otherwise, Vietnam will end up becoming another Nepal and Vietnamese will end up with having tremendous identity crisis.

I am not against hinduism, but its a religious ideology cum socio-cultural system inherently linked with Geo-politics and race oriented imperial designs.

Vietnam is not Hindu but was Buddhist and then Cathlics and now Communist.
Vietnam is not Hindu but was Buddhist and then Cathlics and now Communist.

There is a section of a small minority (the Cham) still follow Hinduism, but they are less than 0.1% of total population (roughly several thousands) and all of them are in the south of Vietnam. The dominant school of thought is Confucianism. Most of Vietnamese, like me, are nominal Buddhist, but we have little common with Thai or Tibetan Buddishim in the sense of religion. Catholics followers, despite of western hype, are small, except that some ethnic minorities in Central Highland are Protestant. And regarding communism, if you think communism means teaching Marx, Lenin and Ho Chi Minh ideology at universities, yes we are communist.
the fact is, even though indians do boast alot and have lots of propaganda, that is not dangerous. i mean let's be serious, and think like if we were india's leaders:

new delhi is 300 km from the border.
beijing is 3000 km from the border.

are they going to attack? no way. not unless they are crazy.

but then think like the leaders of the US:

washington is 11000 km from the nearest US navy base to china.
china is 400 km from the nearest US navy base to china.

a realistic approach to our neighbors is the way to go otherwise we'll become another qing dynasty.

first go and capture taiwan,then brag abt delhi:rofl:
india's actual number of population is more than 1.5-8 billion. I know no one will believe me and I cannot show any evidence. But its the fact and even some indians in india will agree with me.

India's Govt conducted census report does not represent those people who don't have vote cards, the beggars, vagabonds and other illegal immigrants. Not all indians have vote cards and go for voting.

Now, indian govt allows the population to grow because:

1. to use the population as cheap human resources,
2. to use the population to take over other countries' lands through immigration,
3. to use the population as a non-stop supply of military troops,
4. to use the population as a domestic market,
etc etc.

actually a chinese is saying this who themselves r the most populated country in the world
Mehh, it's not always about how many political parties can compete to govern the country, what truly matters is whether the government can get its job done effectively, who knows maybe if KMT competes with CCP for government every 4~5 years, things won't get done as quickly -- extra bureaucracy, public spins, massive business funded election campaigns etc etc. Look at the US, I'm glad Sarah Palin didn't get in :D, and decent honest politicians like Ron Paul are sided lined by Mccain, if RP gets in I actually think China would have to work a lot harder to compete. Any ways, it's just my opinion :D
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There are a number of factual errors and omissions in this article, particularly about "a series of victories over India’s “fraternal” enemy, Pakistan". The only notable victory India had over Pak was in 1971, and that was because of the political crisis created by Pakistani politicians.

Haq's Musings: Demolishing Indian War Myths about Pakistan

Dude.. Wars are defined by strategic objectives and not no of casualties. 1965 war began with Op Gibralter initiated by Pakistan to incite rebellion in J&K to capture Kashmir valley. The borders of Kashmir did not change. Hence Pakistan failed its strategic objective of the war.. Also by end of the war, the Indian army was in possession of 710 mile² (1,840 km²) of Pakistani territory and the Pakistan army held 210 mile² (545 km²) of Indian territory. The territory occupied by India was mainly in the fertile Sialkot, Lahore and Kashmir sectors,[15] while Pakistani land gains were primarily south in deserts opposite to Sindh and in Chumb sector near Kashmir in north.

So if the initiator of War's strategic objectives are not met, it is termed as its defeat.

And dont forget Kargil.. You can debate all you want about how many Indian troops were killed vis-a-vis Pakistani deaths, but again, Pakistan initiated the conflict with some strategic objectives which were foiled thru a political and militatary couter attack.. So Pakistan lost..

Rest, lets get back to the topic. If you want to discuss this in more detail, I suggest you open another thread or use one of the existing ones on this topic
first go and capture taiwan,then brag abt delhi:rofl:

indian navy's tonnage is on the level of taiwan or a tiny country like south korea.

chinese navy's tonnage is on the level of Japan which is already above Russia and UK. And above japan, there's only USA.

if it was not for the 4 US carrier battle groups in the vicinity of taiwan and air bases in japan and guam, there would not be a taiwan problem. in fact US and soviet intervention were necessary to prevent us from finding a final solution to the indian problem in 1962. but don't worry, we'll get to it.
indian navy's tonnage is on the level of taiwan or a tiny country like south korea.

chinese navy's tonnage is on the level of Japan which is already above Russia and UK. And above japan, there's only USA.

if it was not for the 4 US carrier battle groups in the vicinity of taiwan and air bases in japan and guam, there would not be a taiwan problem. in fact US and soviet intervention were necessary to prevent us from finding a final solution to the indian problem in 1962. but don't worry, we'll get to it.

oh i am sorry,ur unble to go around even taiwan as u people fear just some carrier stike groups,and here some other chinese brags that u.s military is of no competition to chaina:rofl:

hey then what abt small indian navy,here in the indian ocean their is no american strike groups to help india,then whay is ur big tonnage chinese navy waiting for,or is that they cant even take care of a small navy

abt 1962,lets go to 25 yrs later,1987 sino india border skirmish

u remember that,i hope u dont

ur pla ran down to sighn the ceasefire even before firing a single bullet
after the initial muscling again for arunachal pradesh

it seems ur pla is too vulnerable to even take care of a small military like india
oh i am sorry,ur unble to go around even taiwan as u people fear just some carrier stike groups,and here some other chinese brags that u.s military is of no competition to chaina:rofl:

hey then what abt small indian navy,here in the indian ocean their is no american strike groups to help india,then whay is ur big tonnage chinese navy waiting for,or is that they cant even take care of a small navy

abt 1962,lets go to 25 yrs later,1987 sino india border skirmish

u remember that,i hope u dont

ur pla ran down to sighn the ceasefire even before firing a single bullet
after the initial muscling again for arunachal pradesh

it seems ur pla is too vulnerable to even take care of a small military like india

Hey, please stop your mental-mastu.....so-called 1987 skiirmish,

Show me a creditable source other than Wiki !

Here are the source from global security source, don't tell me its pro


This was followed by reports of large-scale troop movements on both sides of the border in early 1987, and grave concerns about a possible military clash over the border. In February 1987, India established the so-called Arunachal Pradesh in its ["illegally occupied"] Chinese-claimed territories south of the McMahon Line. The Chinese side made solemn statements on many occasions that China never recognizes the "illegal" McMahon Line and the "so-called" Arunachal Pradesh. After these events, and India's conversion of Arunachal Pradesh from union territory to state, tensions between China and India escalated. Both sides moved to reinforce their capabilities in the area, but neither ruled out further negotiations of their dispute.

China, which had always maintained a large military presence in Tibet, was said to have moved in 20,000 troops from the"53rd Army Corps in Chengdu and the 13th Army in Lanzhou by early 1987, along with heavy artillery and helicopters. By early April, it had moved 8 divisions to eastern Tibet as a prelude to possible belligerent action. Reinforcements on the Indian side began with Operation Falcon in late 1986, and continued through early 1987 under Exercise Chequerboard. This massive air-land exercise involved 10 Divisions of the Indian Army and several squadrons of the IAF. The Indian Army moved 3 divisions to positions around Wangdung, where they were supplied solely by air. These reinforcements were over and above the 50,000 troops already present across Arunachal Pradesh.

Although India enjoyed air superiority in 1987, rough parity on the ground existed between the two military forces, which had a combined total of nearly 400,000 troops near the border. The Indian Army deployed eleven divisions in the region, backed up by paramilitary forces, whereas the PLA had fifteen divisions available for operations on the border. Most observers believe that the mountainous terrain, high-altitude climate, and concomitant logistic difficulties made it unlikely that a protracted or larges-cale conflict would erupt on the Sino-Indian border.

That the Sino-Indian border has not suffered any major disruptions since 1986, as compared to the incessant firing incidents and infiltration on the Indo-Pak borders, made the Sino-Indian border an example of good neighbourly relations.
India-China Border Dispute

The real "Facts" in 1962, we slaughter more than 3000 of your army

boys like p..., please come for your sweet revenge, until than the

score will always be 1>0.

Let me refresh your shameful defeat one more time, "Enjoy"

PS, I really got a kick out of the way your army boys performing

"India Yoga"with both hand up the air, and your commander in chief

surrendered with a great smile on his face, i guess its sign of China-

India friendship ? :smitten::pakistan::china:
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india's actual number of population is more than 1.5-8 billion. I know no one will believe me and I cannot show any evidence. But its the fact and even some indians in india will agree with me.

India's Govt conducted census report does not represent those people who don't have vote cards, the beggars, vagabonds and other illegal immigrants. Not all indians have vote cards and go for voting.

Now, indian govt allows the population to grow because:

1. to use the population as cheap human resources,
2. to use the population to take over other countries' lands through immigration,
3. to use the population as a non-stop supply of military troops,
4. to use the population as a domestic market,
etc etc.


a typical communist propaganda, propaganda busted with proof

1. U said that Indian govt. don't count people who don't have voter card but the voter cards can only be taken when one person become adult i.e. 18 years of age.

so u want to say that the GoI does not count population below 18 years of age

The total number of voters in India according to Government of India = 714 million i.e. 71.4 crore people.

But the population of India as per govt. of India = 1,147,995,904/- i.e. 114.7 crore about double the number of the voters so ur propaganda busted.

From top to bottom ur post is BS but as i have busted ur propaganda genuine readers will judge ur post on merit.
Hey, please stop your mental-mastu.....so-called 1987 skiirmish,

Show me a creditable source other than Wiki !

Here are the source from global security source, don't tell me its pro


This was followed by reports of large-scale troop movements on both sides of the border in early 1987, and grave concerns about a possible military clash over the border. In February 1987, India established the so-called Arunachal Pradesh in its ["illegally occupied"] Chinese-claimed territories south of the McMahon Line. The Chinese side made solemn statements on many occasions that China never recognizes the "illegal" McMahon Line and the "so-called" Arunachal Pradesh. After these events, and India's conversion of Arunachal Pradesh from union territory to state, tensions between China and India escalated. Both sides moved to reinforce their capabilities in the area, but neither ruled out further negotiations of their dispute.

China, which had always maintained a large military presence in Tibet, was said to have moved in 20,000 troops from the"53rd Army Corps in Chengdu and the 13th Army in Lanzhou by early 1987, along with heavy artillery and helicopters. By early April, it had moved 8 divisions to eastern Tibet as a prelude to possible belligerent action. Reinforcements on the Indian side began with Operation Falcon in late 1986, and continued through early 1987 under Exercise Chequerboard. This massive air-land exercise involved 10 Divisions of the Indian Army and several squadrons of the IAF. The Indian Army moved 3 divisions to positions around Wangdung, where they were supplied solely by air. These reinforcements were over and above the 50,000 troops already present across Arunachal Pradesh.

Although India enjoyed air superiority in 1987, rough parity on the ground existed between the two military forces, which had a combined total of nearly 400,000 troops near the border. The Indian Army deployed eleven divisions in the region, backed up by paramilitary forces, whereas the PLA had fifteen divisions available for operations on the border. Most observers believe that the mountainous terrain, high-altitude climate, and concomitant logistic difficulties made it unlikely that a protracted or larges-cale conflict would erupt on the Sino-Indian border.

That the Sino-Indian border has not suffered any major disruptions since 1986, as compared to the incessant firing incidents and infiltration on the Indo-Pak borders, made the Sino-Indian border an example of good neighbourly relations.
India-China Border Dispute

The real "Facts" in 1962, we slaughter more than 3000 of your army

boys like p..., please come for your sweet revenge, until than the

score will always be 1>0.

Let me refresh your shameful defeat one more time, "Enjoy"

YouTube - The crushing moment: China India 1962 war - Part 1

YouTube - The crushing moment: China India 1962 war - Part 2

PS, I really got a kick out of the way your army boys performing

"India Yoga"with both hand up the air, and your commander in chief

surrendered with a great smile on his face, i guess its sign of China-

India friendship ? :smitten::pakistan::china:

oops i forgot u people dont take wiki as a credible source:hitwall:
i remember sometime ago a chinese posting here that the moderators of wiki r all indian and americans:bunny:
they controll wiki:blah:

yes sir we controll the biggest encyclopedia of internet wikipedia and also hu jinto's office in beijing:rofl:

and btw sir ur pla is still pathetic it cant even take care of taiwan,and bragging abt india:lazy:
Hey, please stop your mental-mastu.....so-called 1987 skiirmish,

Show me a creditable source other than Wiki !

Here are the source from global security source, don't tell me its pro


This was followed by reports of large-scale troop movements on both sides of the border in early 1987, and grave concerns about a possible military clash over the border. In February 1987, India established the so-called Arunachal Pradesh in its ["illegally occupied"] Chinese-claimed territories south of the McMahon Line. The Chinese side made solemn statements on many occasions that China never recognizes the "illegal" McMahon Line and the "so-called" Arunachal Pradesh. After these events, and India's conversion of Arunachal Pradesh from union territory to state, tensions between China and India escalated. Both sides moved to reinforce their capabilities in the area, but neither ruled out further negotiations of their dispute.

China, which had always maintained a large military presence in Tibet, was said to have moved in 20,000 troops from the"53rd Army Corps in Chengdu and the 13th Army in Lanzhou by early 1987, along with heavy artillery and helicopters. By early April, it had moved 8 divisions to eastern Tibet as a prelude to possible belligerent action. Reinforcements on the Indian side began with Operation Falcon in late 1986, and continued through early 1987 under Exercise Chequerboard. This massive air-land exercise involved 10 Divisions of the Indian Army and several squadrons of the IAF. The Indian Army moved 3 divisions to positions around Wangdung, where they were supplied solely by air. These reinforcements were over and above the 50,000 troops already present across Arunachal Pradesh.

Although India enjoyed air superiority in 1987, rough parity on the ground existed between the two military forces, which had a combined total of nearly 400,000 troops near the border. The Indian Army deployed eleven divisions in the region, backed up by paramilitary forces, whereas the PLA had fifteen divisions available for operations on the border. Most observers believe that the mountainous terrain, high-altitude climate, and concomitant logistic difficulties made it unlikely that a protracted or larges-cale conflict would erupt on the Sino-Indian border.

That the Sino-Indian border has not suffered any major disruptions since 1986, as compared to the incessant firing incidents and infiltration on the Indo-Pak borders, made the Sino-Indian border an example of good neighbourly relations.
India-China Border Dispute

The real "Facts" in 1962, we slaughter more than 3000 of your army

boys like p..., please come for your sweet revenge, until than the

score will always be 1>0.

Let me refresh your shameful defeat one more time, "Enjoy"

YouTube - The crushing moment: China India 1962 war - Part 1

YouTube - The crushing moment: China India 1962 war - Part 2

PS, I really got a kick out of the way your army boys performing

"India Yoga"with both hand up the air, and your commander in chief

surrendered with a great smile on his face, i guess its sign of China-

India friendship ? :smitten:

Having fun with wet dreams????????

The chinese have shown that they are back stabbers in 1962, the Chinese PLA army have gone and settled in occupied Tibet so they became familiar to weather of Tibet and the surroundings.

When chinese killed Indian police people yes local police not army and start invading India.

Then India dispatched its army on border as chinese have already preset their in large number with planned strategy, amunitions, tranches etc. they outnumbers Indian soldiers and there were many casualties.

In 1967 and 1987 Chinese also tried similar adventure then Chinese Army have to run away for their lives. And never again dared to invade India till date.

And for ur information which a chinese can't get in filtered Biedu 80% of Indian casualties was from harsh weather not killed by Chinese.

And as the Chinese CPC - PLA are known for secrecy and dictatorship they have not officially release a true figure of Chinese casulties in 1962 war.
Having fun with wet dreams????????

The chinese have shown that they are back stabbers in 1962, the Chinese PLA army have gone and settled in occupied Tibet so they became familiar to weather of Tibet and the surroundings.

When chinese killed Indian police people yes local police not army and start invading India.

Then India dispatched its army on border as chinese have already preset their in large number with planned strategy, amunitions, tranches etc. they outnumbers Indian soldiers and there were many casualties.

In 1967 and 1987 Chinese also tried similar adventure then Chinese Army have to run away for their lives. And never again dared to invade India till date.

And for ur information which a chinese can't get in filtered Biedu 80% of Indian casualties was from harsh weather not killed by Chinese.

And as the Chinese CPC - PLA are known for secrecy and dictatorship they have not officially release a true figure of Chinese casulties in 1962 war.

if that's what you believe.

but since the "true" figures aren't avaliable we'll have to go with what is avaliable, which is the soviet/american figures... which show a crushing defeat for india with almost its entire force captured or killed with half casualties and almost no prisoners on the chinese side.
if that's what you believe.

but since the "true" figures aren't avaliable we'll have to go with what is avaliable, which is the soviet/american figures... which show a crushing defeat for india with almost its entire force captured or killed with half casualties and almost no prisoners on the chinese side.

so what stopped u from coming and killing more indians in 1967 and 1987 because these time u were unable to come from our back and stab us,ur communist govt papa pissed this time and was ready to sign ceasefire ever before a single fire

and what abt the beating u took in 1979 from vietnam:rofl:

man the reality is ur pla is pathetic,not able to controll taiwan,got beaten by vietnam,and bragging abt india

but if ur sleep is over wake up u r sleeping since 1962,now its 2010:taz:
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