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"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War" Major

No, you have to maximize any cues from any major nations(espectially China, Russia and Pakistan) in a full scale war against the west. for you own goodness. Only trust yourself is quite kid talk.
Pakistan? what can you guys do for Iran? No offense to Pakistanis, but this guy doesn't realize the reality of Pakistani politics it seems. You guys need to start putting your foot down for pakistan first.

And Russians are snakes. The only people that can be trusted are the Chinese and that's only because they don't do things hastily. They act rationally. Iran can offer China oil for decades at discounted prices. For that, China will probably start sending arms in the coming years to make sure Iran can defend itself.
Correct. China will do NOTHING for Iran except issue 'supportive' statements for Iran and statements to 'condemn' the US. China's interests can be amended to coincide with whoever is the winner left standing. It is one thing to 'walk the walk' on your side of the world, it is another to do it on the other side and militarily speaking, China has no way of supporting a long duration military venture beyond China's coast.

If so the US would not wait a second to attack Iran.
Pakistan? what can you guys do for Iran? No offense to Pakistanis, but this guy doesn't realize the reality of Pakistani politics it seems. You guys need to start putting your foot down for pakistan first.

And Russians are snakes. The only people that can be trusted are the Chinese and that's only because they don't do things hastily. They act rationally. Iran can offer China oil for decades at discounted prices. For that, China will probably going to start sending arms in the coming years to make sure Iran can defend itself.

Pakistan has few corrupt traitors, but its majority will support Iran against any invasion from the West.
why are we even discussing the words of a neocon fatass whose word comes from a "friend" that looks like a homeless thug, and his "Chinese" wife.
How about some nuclear suitcases? :D A perfect accessory for fashion-conscious Hezbollah or Hamas.
We are already ruling the Middle East without nuclear weapons. If Iran wants peace in ME it will happen, if it doesnt want it will not happen. I cant put it more simply, its time for the US to accept defeat and accept Irans nuclear program or otherwise they will continue to decline every day
its all rubbish from china ...they said " attack on pakistan is attack on china ".....and see what happened now...

Any one with a brain knew When we said an attack on Pakistan is attack on China what we meant is a full scale war or invasion on Pakistan , not a one off mishap on the border.Now will you stop trolling
If so the US would not wait a second to attack Iran.
What a stupid argument. Just because I can do 'something' that does not mean I should do it. For example...If it is possible to let Iran implode from domestic issues, why not let that happen?

Wat they said for Pakistan?? "ATTACK ON PAKISTAN IS ATTACK ON CHINA" few days ago..NATO bombed pakistan...Wat they did??

NO Pakistan's Nuke or Iran's nuke won't deter NATO or US from Invading u ..

Pakistan has 100 nukes and increasing more,did it stop NATO from raiding pakistan often and stop OBL raid??

Today war is fought by other means

Good example,see wat has Intelligence agencies of different countries has done to pakistan the moment they got nukes...

Just wait and see,and chineese are not that dumb to spend their resource and waste their people's life to save some remote country in ME...
the US apologised to pakistan, and have to move their base away. have you ever see US apologized to iraq, afhanistan?
"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War"

Chinese are finally certified for their Blah Blah Blah officially ...

I will stand by Iran against any military attack by western countries....ban maska with irani chai is any time better than pizza with garlic sauce...
And you are definitely a certified troll here on PDF

I can understand you are saying this out of frustration , but honestly do you really think China would risk its growth potential and its own people for the sake of Iran .. do you buy the argument "China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War"

My response is more regarding this than anything else !!!
What a stupid argument. Just because I can do 'something' that does not mean I should do it. For example...If it is possible to let Iran implode from domestic issues, why not let that happen?
the green movment didn't have support from the foreign countries
they let it die
what we can see now is England pushing MeK the terrorist group

Inside Iran, Karoubi and Mousavi cannot speak anymore. Mousavi is still in good health condition but not Karoubi.
They have two speakers but the government created a fake "green wave" and took two famous websites
to confuse the people
and don't give any real information about protests planned
in the same time China is providing high efficiency internet spy to find any Iranian speaking about protest

And see the war between Ahmadinejad and Khamenei that led to the attack of the embassy which was planned by Khamenei
means Khamenei doesn't care of the country
And you know what? He said he didn't want president anymore

Our country clearly gets down about democracy.
It will be more and more dependant to China's will . And that's why China will do everything to protect Iran's regime.
It is nothing to do with the people of Iran.
It will be more and more dependant to China's will . And that's why China will do everything to protect Iran's regime.
It is nothing to do with the people of Iran.
Does anybody remember what the pundits said about international support for Iraq?
I can see why, Iran is a major supplier of oil to China, and if the rest of the West refuses to do business with Iran, China can dictate the price they get the oil at.

This just might mean something if China had the capability to project meaningful power to Iran when it came to fighting the US.
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