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"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War" Major

It is not enough to say "this is not proof" when you obviously don't read it.
And your blabla about philosophy has nothing to do with a discussion but a rhetoric sense of saying bullshit.

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here a basij is firing on the people from roof

Again no scientific proof of election fraud.

And who cares? As for as I am concerned the traitors who wanted to bring down a democratically elected government should be shot on sight. Not just beaten on head. They should be shot. If such a thing ever happens in US, rest assured they will be shot. In 1953 Iranian forces did not crush the protesters and Iran's democracy died. Good thing in 2009, they dealt decisively with liars like you who can not put forward a single coherent scientific proof in support of their allegation. Only scientific data can be counted as proof. Only philosophy separates us from animals. So your insistence on pathos instead of logos and ethos has more animalistic urge in it than human. You might call logos as BS but the rest of humans have a different idea. I repeat again, you lost the scientific argument. Your trying to compensate by pathos is pathetic and cheap.
Hussein, since you feel strongly for all protesters against injustice, what do you think of Occ|upy W|all Stre|et?
Hussein, since you feel strongly for all protesters against injustice, what do you think of Occ|upy W|all Stre|et?
I am sadly an ignorant about USA.
I grew up in the Shariati ideas anyway. I guess as a Chinese you didn't know him. But if you check on wiki you can find some of his ideas and litterature.
Anyway see in Europe how they suffer from this world crisis: most people here think the future of the country is worst and worst. There is not so much hope. I guess in USA too the people are worried .
A few companies, a few banks play with the world? I often hear that. But just see how the human nature sometimes doesn't help for a better world.
The Iranians w'ont say different i guess but the rich people of Iran didn't care so much of the poor people. I lived in a family that i met many Iranians from my social conditions that they hatred the rich people. But it is a long discussion ...
I guess the thread of Wall Street is in USA policy part, because i didn't see on in world affair...
I've been reading up this thread, didn't mean to intervene as I don't have enough insight about iranian internal affairs, but this message made me literally jump on my chair.

Again no scientific proof of election fraud.

And who cares? As for as I am concerned the traitors who wanted to bring down a democratically elected government should be shot on sight. Not just beaten on head. They should be shot.

Your call, but killing people who disagree isn't the best proof of respect of democracy and human life.

If such a thing ever happens in US, rest assured they will be shot.

No, just no. In the US, just like in France where I live, and most european countries (I can't speak for the balkan countries though, I've no idea how things are there) you are allowed to protest. You are allowed to claim the elections were rigged. You are allowed to speak out against the govt in the media, freely, and you wont be shot, or secretly assasinated by the CIA or some secret governement agency. Btw, nobody from the 'Occupy wall street' movement has been killed. And you don't have to fear for your life when imprisoned by the police. You don't get beaten up or assasinated.

As for the amount of prisonners in US prisons, it's actually a big shame for the US, and most of the western world is highly critical of it. Please note however, that there are NO political prisonners in these prisons, as this is against the basic human right of freedom of thought.

In 1953 Iranian forces did not crush the protesters and Iran's democracy died.

Freedom of expression is paramount to democracy. Even the people you feel shouldn't be allowed to express their opinion/live MUST be given that right. This is democracy. If you dont want that, then stop with the whole democracy thing, it's not what you're looking for.
As a matter of fact, this is also why in western countries (towards which lots of people here seem to be quite hostile), muslims, christians, jews, communists, socialists, liberals, and all kind of religious and political groups are allowed to freely coexist, because we dont kill/put in jail people whom we disagree with. It's just to easy to conveniently label someone as a traitor to get rid of him and his ideas.
This is no joke, China depends pretty much on Iran for its oil supplies 30% or more. An Attack on Iran will affect China's economy badly. And by the way, where have anyone ever seen Chinese officials pull propaganda stunts, let alone a high ranked General speaking in the name of the Chinese armed forces on a very serious situation. They are as serious as deadly serious, because the fall of Iran will open a huge door to china's land, only Pakistan will stand in the way to China, and it is not enough geostrategically speaking to protect the western flank of China and give it a certain depth, and that is why Iran is getting stronger by the day, since it understands its own needs as well as the needs of its allies and vis versa.
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