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"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War" Major

Oh yeah and by the way
why Khamenei never accepted the elections to be controlled by independant group or most importantly by international organization , let's say UNO?
Everything is in his hands

i guess you'll not answering this ;)
lol what for independent organizations hussein ? Open your goddamn eyes man, you know i am starting to feel sorry for you. You are brainwashed, you cant put 2+2 together yourself. THINK INDEPENDENTLY, BE A FREE MAN
Still waiting for Hussein's scientific proof. So far he has failed to turn in any except more rants and attempts to change the issue and topic. That is the hallmark of a liar.
No, there is date, maybe you should have your eyes checked. One website belongs to an American analyst and the other belongs to World Public Opinion, an American NGO specializing in polling and statistical analysis of populations. So stop lying and derailing the issue at hand. Provide scientific proof or concede defeat, you liar.
the only fake data that were criticized before elections if the famous World Public Opinion one
And since you are not interested to check why they were criticized i am going to teach you:
they gave calls to Iranians : by phones ! and everyone in Iran knows our calls can be listened. So nobody would say damned what they think by phone.

---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 AM ----------

Still waiting for Hussein's scientific proof. So far he has failed to turn in any except more rants and attempts to change the issue and topic. That is the hallmark of a liar.
yeah sure that if you don't want to read the links i gave you'll never discover the truth
but don't you want? lol
the only fake data that were criticized before elections if the famous World Public Opinion one
And since you are not interested to check why they were criticized i am going to teach you:
they gave calls to Iranians : by phones ! and everyone in Iran knows our calls can be listened. So nobody would say damned what they think by phone.
lol. Those green boys call BBC Persian in London from Tehran. Are they being stopped too ? Iran is a free country and you are a free man unless you break the laws

---------- Post added at 02:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 AM ----------

Still waiting for Hussein's scientific proof. So far he has failed to turn in any except more rants and attempts to change the issue and topic. That is the hallmark of a liar.
I dnt think he is a genuine liar, he seems to be a nice guy but influenced by the wrong people. He needs to see the light. I say we offer him a 2 week visit to the beautiful Kish Island :P
Why does the US not allow their elections to be monitored and controlled by international organizations, like the UN?

Everything is in the hands of the military generals, bankers and Lockheed Martin/Boeing/Northrup Grumman.
i am sorry but i don't know USA. I heard about Florida yeah what a shame
the only fake data that were criticized before elections if the famous World Public Opinion one
And since you are not interested to check why they were criticized i am going to teach you:
they gave calls to Iranians : by phones ! and everyone in Iran knows our calls can be listened. So nobody would say damned what they think by phone.

---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 AM ----------

yeah sure that if you don't want to read the links i gave you'll never discover the truth
but don't you want? lol

Oh, shut up. You even did not read that. All the data are American and are from both before and after election. Now you are lying to our faces, shamelessly. All the data are from reputable polling agencies of United States with immaculate record in statistical data analysis. I am still waiting for you to provide one single scientific study to prove your point that Iran's election was fraudulent. But you have not. Since there is none. In science when something can not be proven and when already a proof to the contrary exists it means you are a liar. Alas, your mind is better with rants than with science.

---------- Post added at 02:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 AM ----------

I dnt think he is a genuine liar, he seems to be a nice guy but influenced by the wrong people. He needs to see the light. I say we offer him a 2 week visit to the beautiful Kish Island :P

If some one does not have to humility to see the scientific evidence and either accept it or refute it in a scientific manner then I as a science lover have no respect for him. The only thing separating us from animals is our scientific thought processes. So he does not deserve a holiday.
i am sorry but i don't know USA. I heard about Florida yeah what a shame

So then does that suffice to say that the US's elections are just as shameful as Iran's, and that the US has no right to accuse Iran of election misconduct when the US itself does the same?

The generals at the Pentagon are openly ignoring the people and they're now just trading jobs like they're cattle. General David Petraus and Mr Leon Panetta just traded CIA/military jobs like cattle and people are powerless to stop them.

Leon Panetta was a military spy in the 1960's as well.

The CIA, the military, the bankers, and the arms companies have hijacked the US. They openly ignore the people and the US g-ov-ern-ment, they do what they want. The US g-ov-ern-ment is implicit, as they are just kleptocrats that wnat to enrich themselves with inside trading.

Everyone knows that the phones and computers in the US are all tapped. It is an open secret. Otherwise, how do they keep catching "terrorists" just as they are THINKING of doing something?
Oh, shut up. You even did not read that. All the data are American and are from both before and after election. Now you are lying to our faces, shamelessly. All the data are from reputable polling agencies of United States with immaculate record in statistical data analysis. I am still waiting for you to provide one single scientific study to prove your point that Iran's election was fraudulent. But you have not. Since there is none. In science when something can not be proven and when already a proof to the contrary exists it means you are a liar. Alas, your mind is better with rants than with science.

can you stop acting like a kid and read the links or shut up

anyway to answer your stupid statement:
"why USA CAnada and Europe elections are not controlled by UN"
first there is no strong part of the population that says elections are cheated (except Florida results)
and more important i never said i am not against the UN controls it
But this is something you don't understand and again 'll teach you something:

The opposition of Iran is asking an independant control of the process of elections
No opposition parti in Canada or England or Germany or France is asking UNO to help them to check because in the country the process in the eyes of the opposition is not good
So it means that if the opposition believes in the right process that means that it is not that bad
can you stop acting like a kid and read the links or shut up

anyway to answer your stupid statement:
"why USA CAnada and Europe elections are not controlled by UN"
first there is no strong part of the population that says elections are cheated (except Florida results)
and more important i never said i am not against the UN controls it
But this is something you don't understand and again 'll teach you something:

The opposition of Iran is asking an independant control of the process of elections
No opposition parti in Canada or England or Germany or France is asking UNO to help them to check because in the country the process in the eyes of the opposition is not good
So it means that if the opposition believes in the right process that means that it is not that bad

Just because the population doesn't say so, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Only 50% of Americans even bother voting. The other half realize that voting is a joke because the g-ov-ern-ment is in a deal with the CIA, military generals, bankers and arms companies to rake more money for themselves while leaving the US population to fend for themselves.

The average federal employee makes 3 times the wages of an entire American FAMILY. That's to say, 1 federal employee is worth 6 private sector workers.
they gave calls to Iranians : by phones ! and everyone in Iran knows our calls can be listened. So nobody would say damned what they think by phone.

It is amazing how much you lie. Both terror free tomorrow and World public opinion had already said that they had taken the telephone fear factor mathematically into account in their results. Not only they had used standard statistical formulas dealing with it but also they had gone further and put in control questions to see how much fear Iranians were under actually. The control questions were of a more fearful nature such as direct election for supreme leader or such questions. The results showed that fear did not have a statistically significant effect on results. Anyways how come the protester were able to send thousands of hours of video and audio reporting in real time despite this draconian
telephone fear. Again you are lying Hussein. Your links did not have science in them only rants. I am still waiting here for your scientific proof. :coffee:

---------- Post added at 02:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 AM ----------

can you stop acting like a kid and read the links or shut up

anyway to answer your stupid statement:
"why USA CAnada and Europe elections are not controlled by UN"
first there is no strong part of the population that says elections are cheated (except Florida results)
and more important i never said i am not against the UN controls it
But this is something you don't understand and again 'll teach you something:

The opposition of Iran is asking an independant control of the process of elections
No opposition parti in Canada or England or Germany or France is asking UNO to help them to check because in the country the process in the eyes of the opposition is not good
So it means that if the opposition believes in the right process that means that it is not that bad

Well, we say they are. A significant US population says too specially with automatic voting machines. Besides, rules should be the same for all. American or Iranian. We can not have one set of rules for Iran and another for France and another for India. So stop changing the topic and provide us with scientific proof or shut up you liar.
The conspiracy theorists found this fake analysis pre election and use it largely . One stupid call system meaning nothing (people don't answer by phone) is YOUR proof: and all my scientific proofs are not true.
It is obvious who is the liar.

a video of basiji making fake vote papers:
Iran Riots Fake Election and How They Fake It See Election Fraud Evidence!
yeah seems some basij was ashamed of his job

The real results were given by minister of interior and someone gave to us the paper which on what they asked the offices to have exactly the results they ask to be:
Does Letter Prove Iran Election Fraud? - World Watch - CBS News

A strong proof is as well: in a few hours the results were set. What country can give so fast results???
This is explained in the link you didn't want to read. it shows the TV showing the results AND even the stupid mistakes of it.
But if you don't want to read...

see on the link how people of Iran were treated during protest:
Iran's Disputed Election - The Big Picture - Boston.com
The conspiracy theorists found this fake analysis pre election and use it largely . One stupid call system meaning nothing (people don't answer by phone) is YOUR proof: and all my scientific proofs are not true.
It is obvious who is the liar.

a video of basiji making fake vote papers:
Iran Riots Fake Election and How They Fake It See Election Fraud Evidence!
yeah seems some basij was ashamed of his job

The real results were given by minister of interior and someone gave to us the paper which on what they asked the offices to have exactly the results they ask to be:
Does Letter Prove Iran Election Fraud? - World Watch - CBS News

A strong proof is as well: in a few hours the results were set. What country can give so fast results???
This is explained in the link you didn't want to read. it shows the TV showing the results AND even the stupid mistakes of it.
But if you don't want to read...

see on the link how people of Iran were treated during protest:
Iran's Disputed Election - The Big Picture - Boston.com

Again all rant and no science. Your links do not contain science. And again you are lying more. It was not one study that I provided to you rather a dozen, go and read the links I gave above. And they all came to one conclusion that Iran's election was fair. It means the result stands peer reviewed. It means you are the conspirator here who is pathologically lying without providing any scientific proof, whatsoever.
There are three ways to argue a point philosophically speaking. Ethos, Logos and pathos. You are using all pathos depending on lies and raw empty emotions. While I have provided you with cold logos of mathematics. Mine is superior despite yours being more verbose. As for the ethos, you have been lying all along and tried to change the issue at hand by deflection and manipulation which shows your ethos is inferior to mine. You have lost the scientific argument. Your point stands discredited and non-peer reviewed. Though I gotta give this to you that you are very good at lying and ranting.
It is not enough to say "this is not proof" when you obviously don't read it.
And your blabla about philosophy has nothing to do with a discussion but a rhetoric sense of saying bullshit.

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here a basij is firing on the people from roof

they enter in private buildings and act as terrorists against the people .. yeah what a band of nice guys is n't it?
Basiji revolutionary guards invading people homes in( Esfahan-Iran ) - YouTube


basiji blocking a streets croice so people cannot move to protest

people paid to beat the people

---------- Post added at 03:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 AM ----------

Ah here the police is breaking a car so they say later they are the protester who break it
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