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China will lose moral authority if it colludes with Pakistan: Air Chief

"Victory" is when Indian conducted 2 successful surgical strikes in pakistan and knocked down an F-16 when pakistan tried to retaliate.
RIP trees and commander crow...
"Victory" is when we kicked you out of kargil and "Victory" is wen we control Siachen Glacier.
After 4 wars with Pakistan India is at a loss of 86,000km^2 of territory.
Victory" is when we help create Bangladesh and hold 91,000 pakistan Army men as POW for 4 years in Indian jail.
The entire eastern command was 30-50,000 soldiers, when did that number triple?
"Victory" is when Indian conducted 2 successful surgical strikes in pakistan and knocked down an F-16 when pakistan tried to retaliate.

"Victory" is when we kicked you out of kargil and "Victory" is wen we control Siachen Glacier.

"Victory" is when we help create Bangladesh and hold 91,000 pakistan Army men as POW for 4 years in Indian jail.
Victory is when a billion ostriches are nourished and swallow every piece of trash that their lungi brigade throws at them
India used Russian , French and Israeli platforms and weapons, did Pakistan complain to any of those countries....but look at you shameless creatures.....with fourth biggest air force in world, your Agni Pankh Pajeet with miserable faces crying to Pitta Sam.....Pathetic nation.

"Victory" is when Indian conducted 2 successful surgical strikes in pakistan and knocked down an F-16 when pakistan tried to retaliate.

"Victory" is when we kicked you out of kargil and "Victory" is wen we control Siachen Glacier.

"Victory" is when we help create Bangladesh and hold 91,000 pakistan Army men as POW for 4 years in Indian jail.
Ah yes, victory is when international sources and satellite images debunked both surgical strikes, no proof of the F16 being downed was ever found and the USA confirmed that all Pakistani F16s were accounted for.

Victory is when India runs to the UN every time there’s a fight because it can’t defeat an enemy 7 times smaller.

Victory is when Adverse economic situation causes a civil war and India claims victory for it while not being able to take an inch of west Pakistan, where the Pakistani military was actually fighting properly.

and victory is when the entire worlds news channels run the headline that Pakistan has shot down two India jets, bombed Indian territory for no losses and that the surgical strikes done by india are not real.
Thats how the entire world saw and knows 27th February. Apart from of course India. You can spin your tales however you like, the world will remember it how it happened.

But I don’t blame you, you can’t know what something is if you’ve never seen it, India and victory haven’t met yet.
Every time he opens his mouth, it shows his intellectual level or the lack of it. His predecessor had the same problem. It’s a reflection on IAF recruiting, training and promotion processes which doesn’t seem to attract and promote the best and brightest to top positions. With Narvane totally screwed due to Ladakh issue, this guy seems to be positioning himself for the next CDS role.

What does moral authority has to do with strategic cooperation? PAF and China have been colluding since 1966. This a Freudian slip, I think they are scared of joint operations by Pakistan and China.
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"Victory" is when Indian conducted 2 successful surgical strikes in pakistan and knocked down an F-16 when pakistan tried to retaliate.

"Victory" is when we kicked you out of kargil and "Victory" is wen we control Siachen Glacier.

"Victory" is when we help create Bangladesh and hold 91,000 pakistan Army men as POW for 4 years in Indian jail.
victory is when rihana got paid 2.5 mil for a tweep! yes we live in a godi media doninated world! and india dint just down 1 f16 it destroyed the whole fleet as per jeenewj!

happy now lo** lalit!
He really has some kind of napoleon syndrome. I guess he spent too much time with french.

I wonder what would he think about QUAD and trainings with Singaporeans and others.
This chief with running mouth must be high on bovine beer.
Posts of No-value/off-topic
The entire eastern command was 30-50,000 soldiers, when did that number triple?

You are asking the wrong person. You should ask the Government of pakistan who issued this Government stamp to "awaken the world's conscience".

As per our record it was 93,000 POW.

"Victory" is when Indian conducted 2 successful surgical strikes in pakistan and knocked down an F-16 when pakistan tried to retaliate.

"Victory" is when we kicked you out of kargil and "Victory" is wen we control Siachen Glacier.

"Victory" is when we help create Bangladesh and hold 91,000 pakistan Army men as POW for 4 years in Indian jail.
But what about the su 30mki and 2 dead pilots ? and MI 171? and 1 × mig 21? and a pilot paraded on live TV? ....... and what about the bombing of your brigade HQ and mirage 2000s running away from JF 17 formation? And 6 dead Indians in friendly fire .... that's alot of losses still if you consider it a victory then I don't think you have shame left in you and regarding F16 christine fair took care of that lie of yours on live TV that's what I call surgical strike......
Surely you must have moral authority in the first place. China does not.
"Victory" is when Indian conducted 2 successful surgical strikes in pakistan and knocked down an F-16 when pakistan tried to retaliate.
1. Victory is when in 2016 we blunted your "surgical" strikes killing your so called commandos captured valiant Maratha warrior Sepoy Babulal Chauhan and returned him weeping back to mourn his grandmother ( nani ) who died of shock. This is what is termed as "Remembering your grandmother" ( Nani yaad diladi )

2. Victory is when we chased your so called air force strike force forcing them to jettison their load knock down a few trees and kill a crow.

3. Victory is when we retaliated in broad daylight clearing a cricket pitch near your brigade headquarters.

4. Victory is when we shot down two of your jets when they tried to mess with our strike force and when we forced you to shoot down your own helicopter. Then we paraded your beaten and bloodied Wing Commander in front of the world.

5. Victory is when we stared you down over a missile threat making you back down.

6. Victory is when we nabbed your Commander Kulbhushan who will one day swing high after a 6 foot drop. We know his collar size.

"Victory" is when we kicked you out of kargil and "Victory" is wen we control Siachen Glacier.

Victory is when we have left you freezing and paying through the nose supporting troops stranded in an icy wasteland; hundreds of whom have died "defending " ice and rock. Meanwhile in a war that saw the loss of hundreds of your troops and the loss of two fighter jets, and one helicopter ( it's always two jets and a helo and a Nachiketa or Abhinandan) saw us still commanding our land access to our Chinese allies ( who by the way have punished you separately)

"Victory" is when we help create Bangladesh and hold 91,000 pakistan Army men as POW for 4 years in Indian jail.
Yes, you can only intervene in Civil Wars. You get your rears kicked in a front war. We and our Chinese allies know that.
In that war you lost:

1. Control of Chamb Jaurian.
2. The opportunity to take back
Azad Kashmir and stop the
3. The opportunity to eliminate an
emerging nuclear and missile
threat that stares you in the face
like a cocked fist.
4. The opportunity to eliminate an insurgency in a sensitive border state that resulted in the assassination of your Chief of Army Staff, Prime Minister, 90-150 Indian troops and several officers, a mutiny by key infantry regiments which occupied your armed forces for almost a decade.

5. The opportunity to free 55 key Indian Army officers who remained "missing in action" and who died as POWs in our jails simply because you would not acknowledge their covert actions prior to full blown hostilities.

Our Chinese allies define victory differently from us:
"Victory is when you decisively defeat an enemy such that it never again challenges your territory or dares to fight again."
After taking 38,000 sq.km of your territory, 4000 prisoners our Chinese allies stick to their definition.
This chief with running mouth must be high on bovine beer.

Modafinil bro, modafinil.

Last time they were confident of fighting a two front air war by using that drug.

Guess now the reality set in and they want PLAAF to sit next one out in case of a skirmish with PAF.
Surely you must have moral authority in the first place. China does not.

There is NO Morality in any War. So the question of "moral authority" does not arise.

War by its very nature is an immoral act.

Besides since the borders are not demarcated, there is no question of anyone having any moral authority. The Borders were held by loose agreements and confidence building measures, backed by military strength, logistical ability and infrastructure availability.

By those real standards, china had more authority while we hid behind "agreements" which is now worthless.

When China saw us build our border infra, they moved to consolidate their position for future negotiations. This time based on a more realistic ground realities not some vague "moral authority and claims".

China did the same move we did on siachen glacier.

SO now India china relationship is in the same position pakistan India relationship is in. We are closer to a real solution , only the solution will be political suicide.

The longer we delay the settlement, the further we will be pushed towards the US, a replica of what happened to pakistan. And that will be bad for both India and china.

Its bad for China in the short term and its bad for India in the long term.
China will lose moral authority if it colludes with Pakistan: Air Chief
Dinakar Peri

Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria. File

Falling fighter squadron of Indian Air Force has been arrested, says Air Chief Marshal R.K.S. Bhadauria.

China would lose moral authority if it colluded with Pakistan to target India, said Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal (ACM) R.K.S. Bhadauria on February 5 while stating he did not see China getting into a collusive kind of arrangement in a conflict situation to start with.

On the falling fighter squadron strength of the Indian Air Force (IAF), he said the fall had been arrested and it can now only go up.

“To my mind if they [China] start a collusive plan they would have lost the moral authority there itself. As a combat power, if you need another country to even threaten some country you have given away your weakness. We need to be prepared. There are situations where it can happen. But to say that we will start with a collusive threat, I don’t see it especially with China,” ACM Bhadauria said in an interview to The Hindu at the ongoing Aero India.

The collusive threat would be in the background, he stated in electronics, support, their (Pakistan’s) knowledge of tactics on the Western side and whatever they learnt from the U.S.

Asked about the current standoff situation with China in Eastern Ladakh, ACM Bhadauria called it “stalemate status quo” and said the situation in the summer would depend on how the talks went. “We should lay a lot of emphasis on the talks. The last round [of talks] was quite ok,” he said. In case an agreement was not reached and the current deployments continued, then as winter ended an element of higher level of alertness would be required. “It really depends on the ground realities.”

Fighter squadrons will go up
On the fighter squadrons of the IAF, ACM Bhadauria said the order for 83 Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) being awarded to the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) early this week at the Aero India and aircraft deliveries beginning early 2024 would ensure that the numbers would keep going up.

The first LCA MK-1A squadron will be made in 2024 and would be operationalised in a year after that.

While the phasing out of the MIG-21s has caused a dip in squadron strength, last year the IAF constituted the first Rafale squadron and so far inducted 11 jets. Another SU-30MKI squadron was also formed last year as also the second LCA squadron. Following these developments, he said, “Now we don’t see the numbers going down, They will only go up.”

translation: PLAAF + PAF = Game over for IAF
"Moral victory" is when you keep flashing pictures of Abhinandan when you lose the argument and the battle.

moral victory is jailing an entire nation and calling it done in the same of security... disallowing independent media into occupied Kashmir, mass human rights violation, soldiers kidnapping children, attacking UN observers etc. it is a very long list
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