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China will lose moral authority if it colludes with Pakistan: Air Chief

You are asking the wrong person. You should ask the Government of pakistan who issued this Government stamp to "awaken the world's conscience".

As per our record it was 93,000 POW.

I think you should send this post to the chinese to plead your case. maybe they will serve your pilots tea instead of sending them to Labour camps. but then again they might not be interested in your airforce chiefs standards of Morality.

because the Chinese are already higher on the morality ground and Himalayan grounds ;)
checking by this picture. China doesnt need morality lecture by Indian chief.
look Chinese are treating the Indian soldiers tenderly after treating them with special clubs


You understand the context right ?

" As a combat power, if you need another country to even threaten some country you have given away your weakness. "

I think he said "moral victory" which the press translated as "moral authority".

I agree. I wonder why India threatens China with 2 front war in the South China Sea with QUAD then. Maybe it's because they know they'll get destroyed in a 1v1 or even 1v2 and in their puny little heads they think that 1v4 is the only possible way they can avoid their fate.
I agree. I wonder why India threatens China with 2 front war in the South China Sea with QUAD then. Maybe it's because they know they'll get destroyed in a 1v1 or even 1v2 and in their puny little heads they think that 1v4 is the only possible way they can avoid their fate.

Its fairly straight forward.

When China puts pressure on India on the Himalayan border, we put pressure on your SCS border.

When China collaborates with pakistan to "contain" India, India collaborates with US, Japan & Australia to "contain" China.

I hope that clears your confusion.
I think you should send this post to the chinese to plead your case. maybe they will serve your pilots tea instead of sending them to Labour camps. but then again they might not be interested in your airforce chiefs standards of Morality.

because the Chinese are already higher on the morality ground and Himalayan grounds ;)
checking by this picture. China doesnt need morality lecture by Indian chief.
look Chinese are treating the Indian soldiers tenderly after treating them with special clubs



Come on, we both know that is a Fake propaganda picture.

China, the propaganda king "capture 5 Indian soldiers" and release the picture and NOT ONE of their face is clearly visible ? :lol:

Only ONE picture is released ? Not one name tag, not one rank. :lol:

Not one video ? not even half a video.

IT has FAKE written all over it. And you know it.
China will lose moral authority if it colludes with Pakistan: Air Chief
Dinakar Peri

Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria. File

Falling fighter squadron of Indian Air Force has been arrested, says Air Chief Marshal R.K.S. Bhadauria.

China would lose moral authority if it colluded with Pakistan to target India, said Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal (ACM) R.K.S. Bhadauria on February 5 while stating he did not see China getting into a collusive kind of arrangement in a conflict situation to start with.

On the falling fighter squadron strength of the Indian Air Force (IAF), he said the fall had been arrested and it can now only go up.

“To my mind if they [China] start a collusive plan they would have lost the moral authority there itself. As a combat power, if you need another country to even threaten some country you have given away your weakness. We need to be prepared. There are situations where it can happen. But to say that we will start with a collusive threat, I don’t see it especially with China,” ACM Bhadauria said in an interview to The Hindu at the ongoing Aero India.

The collusive threat would be in the background, he stated in electronics, support, their (Pakistan’s) knowledge of tactics on the Western side and whatever they learnt from the U.S.

Asked about the current standoff situation with China in Eastern Ladakh, ACM Bhadauria called it “stalemate status quo” and said the situation in the summer would depend on how the talks went. “We should lay a lot of emphasis on the talks. The last round [of talks] was quite ok,” he said. In case an agreement was not reached and the current deployments continued, then as winter ended an element of higher level of alertness would be required. “It really depends on the ground realities.”

Fighter squadrons will go up
On the fighter squadrons of the IAF, ACM Bhadauria said the order for 83 Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) being awarded to the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) early this week at the Aero India and aircraft deliveries beginning early 2024 would ensure that the numbers would keep going up.

The first LCA MK-1A squadron will be made in 2024 and would be operationalised in a year after that.

While the phasing out of the MIG-21s has caused a dip in squadron strength, last year the IAF constituted the first Rafale squadron and so far inducted 11 jets. Another SU-30MKI squadron was also formed last year as also the second LCA squadron. Following these developments, he said, “Now we don’t see the numbers going down, They will only go up.”

The subtle message by Bahaduria is that next time, we may face bigger humiliations compared to Feb 19.
Pakistan has better weapons and fighters knowledge learned from using of US aircraft, which it is departing to China in progressing and producing more capable fighter jets.

China in return would pass some build goodies to Pakistan, which would result in more humiliations for us i.e. India.

At the end, if you look at the recent statements by IA Chief and now IAF Chief, one thing is clear , "Tangain buri tarah kaan rahi hain", they are fully stressed.

They are afraid that the false persona they have created within their population that they are "supapowa" and can tackle two front war , is about to burst and reality becoming apparent day by day.

Got humiliated by Pakistan and then by China by losing thousands of sq km land. In response Indians have done doodle.

They failed to response to Pakistani attacks in Feb 19, despite getting their missiles ready for launch to strike Pakistan. After they were informed by the Gulf states that Pakistan is not listening, it will strike back hard and in massive numbers.

They have failed to respond to China as of today, after losing considerable territory. No amount of negotiations would do any good, they should know it by now. But they have no other option. They cannot fight China, it should be very clear to the Indians, if they have any brains left.

In a nutshell, the facts since Feb 19 have proven that India is not capable of fighting one front war, let alone two front war. Something Indians should understand by now.

That is the reasons we hear so many stupid comments by their Military Brass.
No, the borders have been demarcated by the claims , and victory of the country that won
the war. Unless the victory of that war is reversed, the borders will
stay demarcated whether your nation likes it or not .

"claims" are not borders, they are just that. CLAIMS.
Borders are those that have been agreed by BOTH countries. Only certain sectors of the Indo China borderland have clearly demarcated "borders". Rest is only PERCEPTION backed by constant patrolling and no agression agreements .

There never were agreements except in 1993 when "differences in perception of the LAC were acknowledged" with a "no firearms" use.

There are multiple agreements at various levels of government. All of them broadly talk about toning down aggression on the border land.

Correct...Whoever carries the bigger stick wins unless the other side is not afraid and willing to die and not budge an inch. At the Battle of Stalingrad when the Soviet Red Army got the order "not one step back" they obeyed orders at the cost of 1.29 million killed vs 800,000 enemy killed. They were not "counting bodies" , as they had no Arnab Goswami to fudge the news for them. There was no news of how many killed over the 5 month long battle. The funerals would come later. What was important was driving the enemy out, and taking back the land . Any army with "nuts" will do this . The USA fought a bitter battle with the Japanese in the re-capture of the Aleutian Islands which was US territoy.
Neither the Soviet Union nor the USA signed a "no firearms use " with Germany or Japan over their territory captured. They chased the enemies into their own nations, permanently ending the threat.

The day of the sword and the gun has almost come to an end. This is the age of information.

China has scrupulously kept to their side of the common Line of Control. It has only taken over our "claim line ". And we have taken over their "claim line" and then some (Kailash ridge).

So both armies have no reason to escalate unless china is prompted by "saving face".

Solution? You mean the solution with the "no firearms use" and banning of Apps? Wonder why the Soviet Union with 1/3 of it agricultural and industrial capacity lost to Germany in 1941 never considered that .
" Hey , Hitler, this is Stalin. I am going to ban your apps, and will still not shoot you if you come with spiked clubs" 😊

Hitler INVADED Russia, China merely took over their side of the LAC without informing India. Hardly the same thing. Spiked club incident has been given a reply.

Why is it bad for India ? You can be pushed all the way into the US lap. What else can happen?
The USA will issue a few more H1 visas for your techies for cheap clerical labor and sell you more weapons. The 101st Airborne is not coming to Ladakh anytime soon. The USA is not interested in rocks, ice and snow. It is concerned about the SCS but if Indians die fighting for rocks and ice to distract China, that's another "outsourcing " the USA would love to fund. Given the fact that India refused an "outsourcing " job for Afghanistan, the USA is not that confident India will measure up. Still a few billion in arms sales is always welcome.

US society, its capitalist model, its government model is all Predatory in Nature. Indian society which has never invaded any other nation for the last 5000 years is NOT. India has been the victim of predatory societies and ideologies for the last 1000 years at east.

"Relationships" between Predator and Prey never ends well. It does not matter how "willing" the predator is to accommodate the prey, in the end "Nature" wins.

So long term engagement with the US will either turn India into a Predator or India will get eaten and digested. Both are not happy endings.

For now its an alliance of necessity. It is better to eliminate the "Need" than seek further alliance.

China is pretty comfortable sitting where it is and concentrating on CPEC. It will get " bad " for China if the average Indian dumps his laptop, backpack and I-phone , and picks up a rifle and says like the Soviet Red Army "not a step back" .
If average Indians ( not the Doornob Cowswamys) decide to take back their territory and die by the millions it will be bad for China. Just as it was bad for the Armenians or Georgians.
As long as Indians are looking for alternatives to Tik Tok the Chinese are happy.
There was no Tik Tok in Stalingrad.

China is now facing a global alliance that is keen to end chinese expansionism. That is never a good thing.

Even chinese allies like pakistan recognize the unethical nature of chinese engagements and that honey moon seems to have ended. Probably the unhappy marriage would continue due to pakistan's internal politics.

China is nothing if not pragmatic and they must be looking forward to ending this self isolating stalemate. India will probably play ball.

There is NO Stalingrad.
As China gives a damn about moral authority in the eyes of India ::Rofl::
China will lose moral authority if it colludes with Pakistan: Air Chief
Dinakar Peri

Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria. File

Falling fighter squadron of Indian Air Force has been arrested, says Air Chief Marshal R.K.S. Bhadauria.

China would lose moral authority if it colluded with Pakistan to target India, said Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal (ACM) R.K.S. Bhadauria on February 5 while stating he did not see China getting into a collusive kind of arrangement in a conflict situation to start with.

On the falling fighter squadron strength of the Indian Air Force (IAF), he said the fall had been arrested and it can now only go up.

“To my mind if they [China] start a collusive plan they would have lost the moral authority there itself. As a combat power, if you need another country to even threaten some country you have given away your weakness. We need to be prepared. There are situations where it can happen. But to say that we will start with a collusive threat, I don’t see it especially with China,” ACM Bhadauria said in an interview to The Hindu at the ongoing Aero India.

The collusive threat would be in the background, he stated in electronics, support, their (Pakistan’s) knowledge of tactics on the Western side and whatever they learnt from the U.S.

Asked about the current standoff situation with China in Eastern Ladakh, ACM Bhadauria called it “stalemate status quo” and said the situation in the summer would depend on how the talks went. “We should lay a lot of emphasis on the talks. The last round [of talks] was quite ok,” he said. In case an agreement was not reached and the current deployments continued, then as winter ended an element of higher level of alertness would be required. “It really depends on the ground realities.”

Fighter squadrons will go up
On the fighter squadrons of the IAF, ACM Bhadauria said the order for 83 Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) being awarded to the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) early this week at the Aero India and aircraft deliveries beginning early 2024 would ensure that the numbers would keep going up.

The first LCA MK-1A squadron will be made in 2024 and would be operationalised in a year after that.

While the phasing out of the MIG-21s has caused a dip in squadron strength, last year the IAF constituted the first Rafale squadron and so far inducted 11 jets. Another SU-30MKI squadron was also formed last year as also the second LCA squadron. Following these developments, he said, “Now we don’t see the numbers going down, They will only go up.”

Yep victories in Bollywood movies, stay happy in your lalala land.
"Victory" is when Indian conducted 2 successful surgical strikes in pakistan and knocked down an F-16 when pakistan tried to retaliate.

"Victory" is when we kicked you out of kargil and "Victory" is wen we control Siachen Glacier.

"Victory" is when we help create Bangladesh and hold 91,000 pakistan Army men as POW for 4 years in Indian jail.
Stamp saying 90k 'prisoners' which were not entirely 'Pak-army soldiers' there were west Pakistani labours, medical staff, policemen etc only 30-40k were soldiers.
You are asking the wrong person. You should ask the Government of pakistan who issued this Government stamp to "awaken the world's conscience".

As per our record it was 93,000 POW.

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