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China vs India -- from Japan's point of view

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Its so odd for a country with 1+ billion people to suck so much in Olympics.

No odd at all as numbers don't always count.

According to the UN, more than 50% of children under 5 in India are stunted! India would get an Olympics gold medal on Being Stunted though were it a competiton item.

So future resources such as oil , infrustructures, food etc. are irrelevant to India. In its contigency, India can go with 99% of its population starving and still dreaming about the superpower at the same time. That's quite something! :lol:
Give me a break, you are the one who is talking about in the future, India will be #1. Stop make baseless prediction of the future. It just shows your lack of confidence. You need to create an exaggerated reality to make you feel good about your country. You should love your own country whether its a basket case as it is right now or its the developed and confident like USA:usflag:

take as long a break as u want my dear chinese frnd..:rofl:

i do love myu country, but u try to love CHina...i know its tough..but try...:rofl:
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Hi chaps

thanks for the thank you vote noname never had something like that before ;)

To treatment, I saw the video and I assume the part you are referring to is the section on tesla invention for free energy (20 mins refer to the creation of a particle beam weapon). Though I would love and truly welcome the idea of that (because it means I can sip my latte along an air-condition shopping centre with no worries while world peace is achieved) I have my doubts. Mainly because

1. If there was a true free energy solution many nations would have exploited it by now, not only would it give them economic advantage it would also provide multiple military applications.

2. Multiple companies in the world (and not just oil companies) are investing 100's of billions of dollars in nuclear, renewable, geothermal applications would they would not do otherwise if this were a viable solution. bearing in mind these are companies like EON energy and virgin which are not stymied with existing infrastructure and have every bit to gain by utilizing this technology to sell to consumers.

3. Given the selfish and jealous nature of our societies it will be definite that this will be used as a weapon then anything else. If the world came to a brink of survival and all the countries had a choice to divert military funding to find the solution to solve it I can bet which option they will heed.

Also on a separate note to the next super power leader I am fully certain China has no desire to do so because

1. China doesn't care about the rest of the world, China just cares about China
2. China encourages co-operation thru technology transfer even with African countries. A country desiring to be a super power prefers to exploit a nation for its resources while keeping it as poor as possible or least as backward as possible. (more advance the country gets the more energy they need).
3. Being a superpower or world leader means cleaning up other people's mess. Having served in the military I would never want to go to another persons country to clean up their crap. I'm sure any normal sane person would agree with me. Rather just sip my freaking latte.

We can't predict the future but I hope that free energy is found, because the world is truly evolved to be a great and interesting place to be and it would be a pity to be destroyed over squabbles. Unfortunately with our current technology and mindset I can't see how that can be achieved.

Lets see
Mike thinking only oil is the natural resourse available would be naive - there are selfish reasons for countries not exploiting available natural resources like one in the video and you could also google styn myers water car.

Having said that i conclude china and india should work together solve all their differences and progress together untill that time we cant live our lives in peace and freedom.
There're still plenty of oil to go around so many are turning a blind eye to researching alternative energy. But let's not worry too much about that now, humanity will find a way to solve a problem when it comes knocking on the doorstep.
1. China doesn't care about the rest of the world, China just cares about China
2. China encourages co-operation thru technology transfer even with African countries. A country desiring to be a super power prefers to exploit a nation for its resources while keeping it as poor as possible or least as backward as possible. (more advance the country gets the more energy they need).
3. Being a superpower or world leader means cleaning up other people's mess. Having served in the military I would never want to go to another persons country to clean up their crap. I'm sure any normal sane person would agree with me. Rather just sip my freaking latte.


Its natural that countries care about themselves, but that doesn't mean they are not interested in knowing what's happening around the world as it will have an impact.

Also it depends on definition of superpower. A superpower does not have to exploit other nation for resources, Trade with other countries was the norm throughout china's history. In a simplest sense superpower may simply imply an overwelming advantage in power potentials.
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BTW, India tanked in the 2007 cricket world cup against the lightly regard Bangladesh team. India underperformed and choked. How come India sucks at the Olympics? Did India win more metals than Taiwan in the last 3 Olympics? Its so odd for a country with 1+ billion people to suck so much in Olympics.

Bhai log yeah rai sahab hain, 6 months se dekh raha hoon Indians/India ko rai dete hain bus. India ko yeah karna chaiyee India ko who karna chaiyee shayad advisor ke job dhoondh rahe hain.
take as long a break as u want my dear chinese frnd..:rofl:

i do love myu country, but u try to love CHina...i know its tough..but try...:rofl:

I do have respect for the capability of China. Being from the same culture and civilization as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, if China achieve what these country can do, it would be enormous. Most of these countries are not a big fan of China. But they do not disrepect China

Where as many people from India prefer to talk big, bigger than what India had accomplished. That is why many people do not have as much respect for India, especially its neighbors. Respect must be earned, not demanded. Talk less and accomplish more will earn you respect.

Its natural that countries care about themselves, but that doesn't mean they are not interested in knowing what's happening around the world as it will have an impact.

Also it depends on definition of superpower. A superpower does not have to exploit other nation for resources, Trade with other countries was the norm throughout china's history. In a simplest sense superpower may simply imply an overwelming advantage in power potentials.

I hope so too, problem with most nations is that they tend to delay the fix thru endless debates until its too late to be fixed.

Actually my statement was in reference to the world's current super power America who's foreign policy (no insults to the Americans) does no favours to oil bearing nations.
I hope so too, problem with most nations is that they tend to delay the fix thru endless debates until its too late to be fixed.

Actually my statement was in reference to the world's current super power America who's foreign policy (no insults to the Americans) does no favours to oil bearing nations.

Hi Mike great posts. Regard to your point about debate and democracy; I think the problem lay not so much in how much debate there is but rather if those debates come to good decisions. Then there's the question whether Dem. Gov.s can carry out long term reforms and plans given the constant demands public image and regular elections.

By the way I think the Lee dynasty ;) has done a great job so far with Singapore.
Hi Mike great posts. Regard to your point about debate and democracy; I think the problem lay not so much in how much debate there is but rather if those debates come to good decisions. Then there's the question whether Dem. Gov.s can carry out long term reforms and plans given the constant demands public image and regular elections.

By the way I think the Lee dynasty ;) has done a great job so far with Singapore.

I think Lee has done a good job too, his initial methods were brutal though but least he turned out to be a so termed benevolent dictator with a good foresight.

Like an old saying, a Chinese society is like loose sand it has to be kept tight to pack a punch (kept under control). China's path is quite similar to Singapore in the development years and use democracy during this stage would probably not have led to their development today.
I am impressed by the indians like you footmarks. i feel sorry for the pain u have. we grow to be power or not, we will always be able to kick somebody's arse!

Yes dude, I must congratulate you that you are indeed kicking each other's arse quite effectively and frequently in your own country. great going, I wish you years of success.:smitten:
I do have respect for the capability of China. Being from the same culture and civilization as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, if China achieve what these country can do, it would be enormous. Most of these countries are not a big fan of China. But they do not disrepect China

Where as many people from India prefer to talk big, bigger than what India had accomplished. That is why many people do not have as much respect for India, especially its neighbors. Respect must be earned, not demanded. Talk less and accomplish more will earn you respect.

common u just keep on doing propaganda...and keep on saying foolish things... i can also go on and say same thing....

Chinese ppl just talk big....they are so afraid and insecure..i have not seen any other country ppl like it.....

India/Indians is much much much much more liked/respected then as compared to China/Chinese...

for proof
many ppl in foreign countries prefer to have Indians as tenents, while the chinese are disliked....infact ppl will keep their homes empty then to give it to chinese....

so Chinese should learn to earn respect n not just make statements on forums like u do...
I do have respect for the capability of China. Being from the same culture and civilization as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, if China achieve what these country can do, it would be enormous. Most of these countries are not a big fan of China. But they do not disrepect China

Where as many people from India prefer to talk big, bigger than what India had accomplished. That is why many people do not have as much respect for India, especially its neighbors. Respect must be earned, not demanded. Talk less and accomplish more will earn you respect.

Japanese respect Chinese...and so does Taiwanese..and south korenas...and vietmanese and USA and Russians also....A chinese saying all this seems like propaganda and nothing else....:cheers:
common u just keep on doing propaganda...and keep on saying foolish things... i can also go on and say same thing....

Chinese ppl just talk big....they are so afraid and insecure..i have not seen any other country ppl like it.....

India/Indians is much much much much more liked/respected then as compared to China/Chinese...

for proof
many ppl in foreign countries prefer to have Indians as tenents, while the chinese are disliked....infact ppl will keep their homes empty then to give it to chinese....

so Chinese should learn to earn respect n not just make statements on forums like u do...

give me a break. All you do is said what I said. But as a Taiwanese American, I know that many Americans from East Asia have the same view as me for Chinese and Indians. Your obnoxious attitute just proven my point.
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