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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

China is only using a bit over 1% of their arable land to feed their country. I very much doubt they care about more dirt.

China's "1.8 billion Mu Bottom Line arable land" is 1.2 million KM2, that is 12.5% of China's landmass.
Vietnam is benefiting from this, but Vietnam is not big enough to change the world pattern.
We don’t want to change the world, why should we? It’s the best thing for other animals if two tigers keep fighting themselves. Jungle logic.
Win win
China is only using a bit over 1% of their arable land to feed their country. I very much doubt they care about more dirt.
No, China uses 100% of her arable land to feed the country.
China's "1.8 billion Mu Bottom Line arable land" is 1.2 million KM2, that is 12.5% of China's landmass.
He probably doesn't even know what arable land means. :)
@nang2 is White Australian man pretending to be Chinese to sow hatred between Chinese and Russians about Chinese occupying Russia.
Speaking falsehood is not a virtue.
China's "1.8 billion Mu Bottom Line arable land" is 1.2 million KM2, that is 12.5% of China's landmass.
Yes I know. And they use a bit over 1% of that land to farm.

No, China uses 100% of her arable land to feed the country.

This is objectively, laughably false. If this were true every single field, yard, flower garden, etc. would not exist. You're just making things up about China at this point.
Yes I know. And they use a bit over 1% of that land to farm.

This is objectively, laughably false. If this were true every single field, yard, flower garden, etc. would not exist. You're just making things up about China at this point.
It is your freedom to believe falsehood. Enjoy it.
Oh really that’s why they lost in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ...... the list continues .... the only place they won was with Paskistan and a proxy war against USSR.

so buy your analogy countries can only win as along as Pakistan is on their side

By conventional warfare we did won. By numbers we win
In Iraq we leveled their military took out saddam. put the government we liked
In Afghanistan we took out talibans government put the government of our choosing, took bin laden out from your country

the only thing we miscalculated was peoples willingness to accept the government we put there: and that is called insurgency which from Alexander to ceaser no won has won.

and also spare me a piece we can only win if pakistan helps. You jagweeds have yet to win a decisive win against India first lol. Everything ends in cease-fire or you surrendering
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Iraq is hardly friendly with the US. US troop were kicked out of Iraq in 2011.

Afghan government won't survive Taliban if US troop leave so.

and that’s my point. By conventional warfare standards we took out both of them. What we couldn’t do was make them accept our government. Which I don’t blame them

if someone comes to ur house kills ur parents and gives u 2 strangers and tells u they are ur parents now . Accept them as your parents. Chances are you’re not

and no one spoke about Iraq being friends idk why that was relevant
Are you stupid? By conventional warfare we did won. By numbers we win
In Iraq we leveled their military took out saddam. put the government we liked
In Afghanistan we took out talibans government put the government of our choosing, took bin laden out from your country

congrats on beating a country with 1/50 the GDP and 1/10 the population at the time.

congrats again on beating a medieval age religious government after 2 decades of civil war.
Iraq kicked America's butt. The American occupation troops were beaten out of Iraq by 2011.

Yup thats why we killed their leader, toppled their government, destroyed their miltiary and occupied the country for 8 years. thats what happens when you get your butt kicked.

And it wasnt an iraqi parliamentarian vote that voted for us to leave. it was thier military that kicked us out by force. totally makes sense
Yup thats why we killed their leader, toppled their government, destroyed their miltiary andoccupied the country for 8 years. thats what happens when you get your butt kicked.

Japan did that in China in the 1930s. Didn't mean squat. Unless you annex the land, the men who gave their lives died in vain.
congrats on beating a country with 1/50 the GDP and 1/10 the population at the time.

congrats again on beating a medieval age religious government after 2 decades of civil war.

lol youre one to say. congrats on touting were gona take over an island were gona take over an island for 70 years and wont have the balls to even cross their boundary lol
Japan did that in China in the 1930s. Didn't mean squat. Unless you annex the land, the men who gave their lives died in vain.

it did meant squat they conquered did unspeakable things in your country . did whatever they wanted looted, destroyed while u kept looking.

youre akin to saying someone came to my house destroyed everything and i couldnt do anything. but all that doesnt mean squat. the moment you cannot defend your soverignty, your capital has fallen, a foreign does whatever they want in ur borders. you have lost
That meeting reminds of a theater piece. Just for show. Everyone has a good laugh. The US keeps tariffs on China, factories will continue to move to Vietnam. That’s the only thing of my interest.
Vietnam has no place on this post. Vietnam just like a poor coyote who so happy just could grab a small bone while two lions are fighting but any miscalculation move would caused your death by a returned lion.
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