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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

lol youre one to say. congrats on touting were gona take over an island were gona take over an island for 70 years and wont have the balls to even cross their boundary lol

Taiwan is a few miles off mainland China. So what? Why should China take over Taiwan? Give me a good reason? It's never a good thing when men kill each other only for politics.

Taiwan is a few miles east of the mainland China. So what? Why should China take over Taiwan? Give me a good reason? It's never a good thing when men kill each other only for politics.

lol now youve come to reason now. thats besides the point you should take a good look in the mirror to joke about other countries fighting smaller countries in a derogatory manner if you dont even have the balls to take over an island.

no one here opened the topic whether you should or shouldnt invade taiwan

Give me a good reason? It's never a good thing when men kill each other only for politics.

also tell that to yoru government who constantly says they will invade taiwan
lol now youve come to reason now. thats besides the point you should take a good look in the mirror to joke about other countries fighting smaller countries in a derogatory manner if you dont even have the balls to take over an island.

no one here opened the topic whether you should or shouldnt invade taiwan

Make no mistake. If Taiwan declares secession from China to become a separate state, it won't survive PLA invasion for a week. Not even America can save Taiwan if that happens.

Make no mistake. If Taiwan declares secession from China to become a separate state, it won't survive PLA invasion for a week. Not even America can save Taiwan if that happens.

yeah sure, dont talk the talk walk the walk. otherwise stay quiet when you dont have the balls to invade an island even when ur the 2nd biggest economy and the biggest military.
yeah sure, dont talk the talk walk the walk. otherwise stay quiet when you dont have the balls to invade an island even when ur the 2nd biggest economy and the biggest military.

China has no intention to invade Taiwan. Chinese killing Chinese is the last resort. No one in China wants to see that happen. On the other hand, we can safely say America failed to annex Iraq. Hell, today Iraq flies Russian Havoc, not American Apache.


China has no intention to invade Taiwan. Chinese killing Chinese is the last resort. No one in China wants to see that happen. On the other hand, we can safely say America failed to annex Iraq. Hell, today Iraq flies Russian Havoc, not American Apache.


Ohh ok, you must live in a different china where the CCP government doesnt talk about china reunification. or your military doesnt regularly enter their airspace to wear them down

you know what always fascinates when you guys start attaching weird *** stuff that half the time are ireelevant
Ohh ok, you must live in a different china where the CCP government doesnt talk about china reunification. or your military doesnt regularly enter their airspace to wear them down

you know what always fascinates when you guys start attaching weird *** stuff that half the time are ireelevant

China has thousands of armed drones which are cheap to operate. These easily wear down any manned jet.

China has thousands of armed drones which are cheap to operate. These easily wear down any manned jet.

again the topic in questions isnt about wearing them down. it about u hip-hoping from position to position

1st- congrats on beating a much smaller country... ok but u dont even dare tp go for an island
then - but we can invade Taiwan tomorrow. ok but why dont you
then - but is it right to invade taiwan... ok then why does your government says they will
then - oh because we dont want to invade taiwan... ok then why does your CCP says they will or why your military constantly enter thier airspace
then - yeah but we can wear down with drones
1st- congrats on beating a much smaller country... ok but u dont even dare tp go for an island
then - but we can invade Taiwan tomorrow. ok but why dont you
then - oh because we dont want to invade taiwan... ok so maybe you don't listen to what your CCP says or what your military action suggests
then - yeah but we can wear down with drones

When did China say China will invade Taiwan? Are Americans imagining things?
When did China say China will invade Taiwan? Are Americans imagining things?

ahh yes, i think china reunification then refers to Taiwan nd CCP having a big party with balloons and confetti. has nothing to do with you absorbing the island and making it your province.

and i am sure your airforce invade their airspace to go say hi to their pal in taiwanese counterparts
ahh yes, i think china reunification then refers to Taiwan nd CCP having a big party with balloons and confetti. has nothing to do with you absorbing the island and making it your province.

and i am sure your airforce invade their airspace to go say hi to their pal in taiwanese counterparts

You say China don't invade Taiwan because of cowardice. Then why don't America invade Iran? Hollywood glories it all the time.

You say China don't invade Taiwan because of cowardice. Then why don't America invade Iran? Hollywood glories it all the time.

ok so now you’re gona hop from oh congrats on invading a much smaller country than you. To now why don’t we invade Iran.

and trust me if we invade Iran tomorrow. Your kind will still come up here and still say yeah but Iran was a much smaller country.

At the end you don’t need to keep finding excuse to justify your government cowardice. Every country fucks up now and then. No country is perfect or best in everything. US does and do a lot of stupid *** things too
ok so now you’re gona hop from oh congrats on invading a much smaller country than you. To now why don’t we invade Iran.

and trust me if we invade Iran tomorrow. Your kind will still come up here and still say yeah but Iran was a much smaller country.

At the end you don’t need to keep finding excuse to justify your government cowardice. Every country fucks up now and then. No country is perfect or best in everything. US does and do a lot of stupid *** things too

The day the US invades Iran is the day China invades Taiwan. Figures why the US doesn't dare invade a country that don't even have a single functional fighter jet.
The day the US invades Iran is the day China invades Taiwan. Figures why the US doesn't dare invade a country that don't even have a single functional fighter jet.

LOLOL now you went from we dont want to invade taiwan to americans are imagining thing to now well invade taiwan if US invades iran.

2 things here son
1- US is not claiming iran is its territory and will one day absorb it back
2- We havent declared our intention to invade it like your CCP has.

and a tidbit. we did level half their navy, we kileld thier highest ranking military officer
so maybe pick a 3rd lane that will help you justify your cowardics
LOLOL now you went from we dont want to invade taiwan to americans are imagining thing to now well invade taiwan if US invades iran.

2 things here son
1- US is not claiming iran is its territory and will one day absorb it back
2- We havent declared our intention to invade it like your CCP has.

and a tidbit. we did level half their navy, we kileld thier highest ranking military officer
so maybe pick a 3rd lane that will help you justify your cowardics

Taiwan. Taiwan. Taiwan. It seems you Americans are obsessed with Taiwan. Americans care more about Taiwan than Chinese do. Grasping at straws. Yankee chest thumping at their finest. And Americans say Chinese are over dramatic. Pffft. :taz:
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