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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

That’s not how it works US took on Germany, soviets, Chinese , Japanese in their heyday . in Korean War US kill ratio to Chinese were 10:1 and North Korea couldn’t take South Korea because they led the invasion

What they did learn is when 2 superpowers fight and destroy themselves the 3rd one becomes the super power. That’s how US became the superpower it is today. So they will not engage with a country if it means that the cost to US will be enough that the next power can overcome them. Or even be their equal. They will take on a country if it means after war everyone still fears their military

Can US level China to the ground if it send its entire military might? Sure but they will face so much destruction themselves and weaken themself that Russia or whoever is 3rd after US and China will become the next super power

N. Korea failed to take down S. Korea after US bought in reinforcement, in turn N. Korea almost got taken down. That was when China came into the war, driving the far better equipped US forces all the way back to 38 parallel, dubbed the longest retreat in US military history. You don't say.

back on the day Germany and British empire were dominant super powers and it was thought no one could replace the two. US was no.35th in military might at that time. After world war the entire world was in ruins Europe was completely destroyed every institution just vanished. So what happened?

the next superpower came in line and brought the new world order. When Everything is destroyed and there’s only 1 might they write the world order and that’s what US did
-They created United nation and made whoever helped them a permanent member
- At Breton woods US made the dollar the world reserve currency
- They established their financial system and made the world implement so that only they could put sanction
- they propagated democracy as the only virtuous governing system in the world

Trump was a flat out idiot who didn’t knew anything. Hes a TV star not someone who dabbled in world politics etc.

Lastly, China has been conquered by Russia, Japan and even the British before so it’s nothing improbable that it’s something so strong that it can’t get conquered

From which Indian university you graduated? UN was co-founded by 5 major independent allied powers. US, UK, Russia, China and France. That's how UN Security Council P5 was formed. US didn't, couldn't pick anyone.

China was lost battle, but wasn't conquered by Russia. Japan invaded, but the resistance war lasted 10 years. French got run over in 6 weeks. British only took HK. The country that got totally conquered is India. Going by your probable theory, more likely India would get conquered again.
More land doesn't really mean anything when most people live in cities and more leaving the country for the cities every year. Or when a significant amount of the land is inhospitable tundra.
I mean arable land. Such land is the prerequisite that more people can live in cities. Without it, a country must depend heavily on food imports.
It has nothing to do with whether US is doing well or not. Americans, if I have learned anything after living in US for 20 years, are not very sentimental. They can be as rude and blunt as possible at one moment and be a close buddy at another. I was literally shocked in my first year after arriving from China. They are not afraid of touching your raw nerves if they want to have some effect on you. If you want have some effect on them, don't be afraid of touching their raw nerves, either, which is a way to demonstrate your nerve and your guts. Whining about their attitude will get you nowhere.

Amazing story, you lived all your life in China before heading to the US, but you couldn't read simple Chinese signboard Pakistani member put up. That incident is still fresh in my mind. :lol: :lol:

@Tai Hai Chen

Not everyone who put up Chinese flag is Chinese. Even if they appear pro-China most times, that's how they convince people.

I mean very few people who live in northeastern China work in Russia. Less than 0.1%. Probably not as many as Russians who live and work in northeast China considering the climate is warmer and the pay higher.
agreed, as I've been here since my teenage years as well, so 30 years. but there's a better way get under their skin...the Bruce Lee way. they try to touch your nerves, you smile, punch & kick super fast while, then give them the "huwaaaaaaaaaaa aaooooooo aaaaaaa" and then a Confucius type saying like "a wise man speaks wisely...you were not very wise my friend" and then walk away while the other guy is on the ground with a bleeding nose and a broken jaw. ;). that shit works with 'em dude! :lol:
I mean arable land. Such land is the prerequisite that more people can live in cities. Without it, a country must depend heavily on food imports.
China is only using a bit over 1% of their arable land to feed their country. I very much doubt they care about more dirt.
Amazing story, you lived all your life in China before heading to the US, but you couldn't read simple Chinese signboard Pakistani member put up. That incident is still fresh in my mind. :lol: :lol:

Not everyone who put up Chinese flag is Chinese. Even if they appear pro-China most times, that's how they convince people.

He is a suspicious character which i have noticed for some time. People here who falsely put up a Chinese flag pretending to be Chinese are idiots in my book. I do not know what they want to proof by doing so. Maybe some think they can gain trust and get some sensitive info through OSINT. Whatever the reasons are i do not have a high opinion on those pretenders.
He is a suspicious character which i have noticed for some time. People here who falsely put up a Chinese flag pretending to be Chinese are idiots in my book. I do not know what they want to proof by doing so. Maybe some think they can gain trust and get some sensitive info through OSINT. Whatever the reasons are i do not have a high opinion on those pretenders.

@nang2 is White Australian man pretending to be Chinese to sow hatred between Chinese and Russians about Chinese occupying Russia.
Exactly. The entire Siberia can only support about a million people. Chinese don't need that place.
Russia does have a ton of arable land, but it just doesn't matter that much since the invention of synthetic fertilizer. Add on vastly improved logistics and centralized populations cutting down the waste and feeding people becomes monumentally easier.

The Chinese going to Russia for more arable land would be like Canadians going to America for more lumber.
@nang2 is White Australian man pretending to be Chinese to sow hatred between Chinese and Russians about Chinese occupying Russia.
Yeah i noticed what he has been doing for some time. Even Kissinger couldn't get Russia to team up with USA to go against China under Trump's watch, he thinks he can create a rift between China and Russia through a forum?
That meeting reminds of a theater piece. Just for show. Everyone has a good laugh. The US keeps tariffs on China, factories will continue to move to Vietnam. That’s the only thing of my interest.
That meeting reminds of a theater piece. Just for show. Everyone has a good laugh. The US keeps tariffs on China, factories will continue to move to Vietnam. That’s the only thing of my interest.

Vietnam is benefiting from this, but Vietnam is not big enough to change the world pattern.
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