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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

Are we talking about percentage or sheer numbers? which one do you use for comparison? Dude, if you want to win an argument, stick to your gun and don't shift around.

Probably more Russians live and work in northeast China considering the climate is warmer and the pay higher.
It has nothing to do with whether US is doing well or not. Americans, if I have learned anything after living in US for 20 years, are not very sentimental. They can be as rude and blunt as possible at one moment and be a close buddy at another. I was literally shocked in my first year after arriving from China. They are not afraid of touching your raw nerves if they want to have some effect on you. If you want have some effect on them, don't be afraid of touching their raw nerves, either, which is a way to demonstrate your nerve and your guts. Whining about their attitude will get you nowhere.

Then why did you talk about "very few" living in the northeastern China?
agreed, as I've been here since my teenage years as well, so 30 years. but there's a better way get under their skin...the Bruce Lee way. they try to touch your nerves, you smile, punch & kick super fast while, then give them the "huwaaaaaaaaaaa aaooooooo aaaaaaa" and then a Confucius type saying like "a wise man speaks wisely...you were not very wise my friend" and then walk away while the other guy is on the ground with a bleeding nose and a broken jaw. ;). that shit works with 'em dude! :lol:
Probably more Russians live and work in northeast China considering the climate is warmer and the pay higher.
It is hard to say. China also has a large number of migrate workers who go to Russia. Many of them are in construction and some in farming. Both countries are not very good at keeping a good account for this. China is often quiet about it while Russia is likely to exaggerate for by populists.
agreed, as I've been here since my teenage years as well, so 30 years. but there's a better way get under their skin...the Bruce Lee way. they try to touch your nerves, you smile, punch & kick super fast while, then give them the "huwaaaaaaaaaaa aaooooooo aaaaaaa" and then a Confucius type saying like "a wise man speaks wisely...you were not very wise my friend" and then walk away while the other guy is on the ground with a bleeding nose and a broken jaw. ;). that shit works with 'em dude! :lol:
Yep. In a way, Trump is more American than Biden.
It is hard to say. China also has a large number of migrate workers who go to Russia. Many of them are in construction and some in farming. Both countries are not very good at keeping a good account for this. China is often quiet about it while Russia is likely to exaggerate for by populists.

Considering how slow Russians are at construction. I'm talking about taking 10 years to build a frigate compared to Chinese taking 2 years to build a carrier, it would be beneficial for Russia to import some disciplined Chinese workers for building things.
Considering how slow Russians are at construction. I'm talking about taking 10 years to build a frigate compared to Chinese taking 2 years to build a carrier, it would be beneficial for Russia to import some disciplined Chinese workers for building things.
I am sure it would but Russians likely don't want you to stay afterwards. :)
I am sure it would but Russians likely don't want you to stay afterwards. :)

Why should Chinese stay? Russia is colder than China and the salary is lower than China and the living condition is worse than China. The only reason Chinese men stay is to marry the beautiful Russian women :smitten:
Why should Chinese stay? Russia is colder than China and the salary is lower than China. The only reason Chinese men stay is to marry the beautiful Russian women :smitten:
Don't you want more land? :)
Yang Jiechi : "USA not qualify to speak on a position of strength with China. China does not take that kind of aggressive posture"

Yang was obviously referring to what Blinken said earlier this month:

"Our relationship with China will be competitive when it should be, collaborative when it can be, and adversarial when it must be. And we will engage China from a position of strength," Blinken said this month.

A war of 330 millions of indisciplined people with relatively low IQ, spoiled by liberal ideas, "me, me" attitude and fragmented by race and ethnics, against 1.4 billions disciplined, united, extremely high-IQ people with an equally modern army. Who will win is easy to see.

US is probably waiting until US develops a supply of rare earths and other supply chains to isolate China. China should in the mean time stock up on a hundred years supply of iron ore/steel and other metals needed to sustain an economy. Build vast steel warehouses in Inner Mongolia to store steel to last China decades of high growth.

Don't tie China's hands in helping Iran, the way China went along with tieing the hands of the Chinese in helping North Korea.

Also comparatively, Germany during the kriegsmarine had over 1200 submarines, mostly less than 1000 tons. China is about 20 times the population of Germany then. Meaning China can make 1000 SSKs for 2050 and not even blink. That is the vastness of China's economic power. Small Island UK had hundreds of warships in UK history. China can produce 1000 warships by 2050.

Don't be blinded by past mistakes of the USA.

US did not defend against Iran missile strike because US would have shown cards of defense to China.
US killed the general for Iran to missile strike Isreal, who hinted at Iran that nukes could be used to destroy Iran. That was the trap. US did not want a war with Iran. US wanted Iran nuked out of existence by the zionist regime. Iran hit US military bases instead. And the plan was thwarted.

US cannot keep up in an arms race, without cia bitcoins going to over 1M per bitcoin. US would go bankrupt.

China spends barely anything on military compared to the US.

Don't forget about the strategy of low cost, high volume attacks. The next war is gonna see that. You want to overwhelm your enemy with too many targets, each protected. And you want to be able to swarm your enemy with over abundance of drone attacks and missile attacks.
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I disagree. China had a fear of the US. But Trump pushed confrontation to the tilt and China is stronger than ever so it removed the fear.
Agree, thanks to Trump. Trump helped President Xi let Chinese people removed the fear of US. There's a joke or maybe not a joke that Trump is a undercover CCP.
Not per capita.
More land doesn't really mean anything when most people live in cities and more leaving the country for the cities every year. Or when a significant amount of the land is inhospitable tundra.
More land doesn't really mean anything when most people live in cities and more leaving the country for the cities every year. Or when a significant amount of the land is inhospitable tundra.
it means everything if that land is full of precious metals and rare minerals.
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