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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

Reminds me of Margaret Thatcher meeting with Deng Xiaoping, after the meeting she felt. It goes something like this.

Margaret : We will not handover HK
Deng : Then PLA will march into HK tonight.
Margaret : ok, you get HK

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You are misreading American Culture and the American elite. They already have places around the world in place to go to in the event of a Third World War. Also, as the US marines say, you hit them, they will come back ten times back on you. If the last decades of war have proved anything, America doesn’t back down from a fight. They’ll ride their weapons themselves right onto to you. So cool it with the empty rhetoric, we know both sides will posture, and if there is detente, China will probably take Taiwan with little to no interference from the US, if they come to some kind of understanding.

Otherwise, you need to remember that the good ‘ole boys (who live mostly in the rural areas not the cities for the very reason to be dispersed) aren’t afraid to “mosey on down that road” like they did with the soviets.

Oh really that’s why they lost in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ...... the list continues .... the only place they won was with Paskistan and a proxy war against USSR.

so buy your analogy countries can only win as along as Pakistan is on their side

We need to get pushback. Too many Americans think we're superior to China instead of equals. Until that changes, and it'll probably take something big to do so, they'll be resistant to cooperation despite it being objectively better.
This Anchorage meeting, shows to the world. The level of Chinese rising confidence :tup:

We need to get pushback. Too many Americans think we're superior to China instead of equals. Until that changes, and it'll probably take something big to do so, they'll be resistant to cooperation despite it being objectively better.

The most frightening is how the media has managed to propagandize Americans into believing China is a major threat when China has bombed nothing and has launched no wars. Meanwhile, how many bombs has the US dropped in the last decade alone?

Found another video. China has thrown some serious slaps. USA needs to learn basic ethics and China has taken them to school - yes to Chinese School.

Even they didn't prepare a proper lunch for their guests. What a Childish act from american diplomats

Chinese Diplomats only ate instant noodle for their lunch depicting how those cowboy violates diplomatic protocols at #Alaska meeting

Many also criticized the arrogance the US delegation showed during the talks. According to a short video published online, Yang Jiechi, said to Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi that he ate instant noodles at Friday's lunch.

Many netizens believed it was just a trick by the US side not to prepare a proper lunch for the Chinese diplomats. "Look at the 'hospitality' of the world's No.1 country," one Weibo user said, criticizing the US politicians as impolite, childish and ignorant of diplomatic protocol.
Even they didn't prepare a proper lunch for their guests. What a Childish act from american diplomats

Chinese Diplomats only ate instant noodle for their lunch depicting how those cowboy violates diplomatic protocols at #Alaska meeting

Many also criticized the arrogance the US delegation showed during the talks. According to a short video published online, Yang Jiechi, said to Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi that he ate instant noodles at Friday's lunch.

Many netizens believed it was just a trick by the US side not to prepare a proper lunch for the Chinese diplomats. "Look at the 'hospitality' of the world's No.1 country," one Weibo user said, criticizing the US politicians as impolite, childish and ignorant of diplomatic protocol.
next time please serve malaysian durians to the US delegations....!!
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No sure where Yang learned it. National security is always connected with trade exchanges, normal or abnormal. Free international trade is only possible with trusted nations. Demanding free or unhindered trade relationship from a nation without trust is childish, if not of borderline stupidity.
Russia has the land. China has the men. Russia and China together is a big challenge for America which neither has the land nor the men.
That is very naive. Everyone wants more land but fewer men. That is why China applied one-child policy, in case you have forgotten. Russia is always wary about Chinese flooding vast Russian land.
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