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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

It wasn’t nervousness, but shock and surprise at the level of undiplomatic behavior.

This meeting supposedly solidified that the unipolar world is over and they are not gonna take it anymore. On the contrary it was a sign of the Weakness from the side of the Chinese delegation, to show anger in public. They have revealed their intentions (fight over detente), and made the US lose face on its own soil. I understand the Chinese delegation did not want to lose face in front of the media either, and they will say they were provoked, but they have given up the ability to deceive. “all war is deception” as Sun Tzu once said.
You know how much humiliation US did to China in past 72 years? Will another great power tolerate those kind of abuse as much as China did?

To be fair, even India won't tolerate, Russia won't, Iran won't. It's US arrogance that they believe they still have stronger position on the negotiation table.

Let me make this very clear, if China has one man one vote like the west, China will elect a nationalist leader, more national than Putin and Modi. The west will face fiercest push back if China was so called western democracy. The Chinese public opinion is enough is enough.

Biden regime is in deep trouble, demographically and economically. Biden diplomacy want to show off tough talk to please audience to match Trump, they got what they deserved.

Biden regime better respect their guest in diplomacy. China can keep enjoying Trump clown show as long as Biden want to step down in 4 years.

A new escalation with China won't help Biden and US interest anyway. Trump tried, failed. Biden want to try another time, good. If both regime failed, I hope there are smarter guys in US government understand the new norm.

The whole world is holding breath on this dialog, especially Russia and India. China has no other choice but stand firmly.

It's the US Trump regime stupid diplomacy that pushed China to the corner, Biden better understand those bluff won't work anyway.
Bro, to be honest. China never never fear US. China knew very well that US can't afford a direct full scale war with China. Think about Korea War, 38°, think about Vietnam War 17°. When China draw the red line, US dare not to cross.

US can play the war game card, but look, has US invaded North Korea? Has US invaded Iran? Has US invaded Russia? The answer is clear, US can only play proxy war.

Will Japan be foolish enough to take China directly for US? Will South Korea do that? Even India would not. Every country pursue own interest, no country dare to invade China, all bluff.

The only weakness is ourselves. As long as 1.4 billions China united, leaded by CCP, US can only bark, but not bite.

It took US 23 years to sanction and weaken Iraq, divided Iraq from inside, then invade. US tried to weaken Iran for 42 years since 1979, but failed.

US debt bomb tik tok, everyone saw it. US dare not to challenge Iran, what can US do to challenge China?

That’s not how it works US took on Germany, soviets, Chinese , Japanese in their heyday . in Korean War US kill ratio to Chinese were 10:1 and North Korea couldn’t take South Korea because they led the invasion

What they did learn is when 2 superpowers fight and destroy themselves the 3rd one becomes the super power. That’s how US became the superpower it is today. So they will not engage with a country if it means that the cost to US will be enough that the next power can overcome them. Or even be their equal. They will take on a country if it means after war everyone still fears their military

Can US level China to the ground if it send its entire military might? Sure but they will face so much destruction themselves and weaken themself that Russia or whoever is 3rd after US and China will become the next super power
after trump USA have no moral ground to lecture anyone in world . USA is its own worse now
If you take a very close look, Blinken's eyes blinked, and he rubbed his hands constantly. I can see his nervousness. :D

it is not that simple, US too has many many cards to play.
the only thing important is that the two must act wisely as this is world economy and stability at stake, otherwise a disaster.
That’s not how it works US took on Germany, soviets, Chinese , Japanese in their heyday . in Korean War US kill ratio to Chinese were 10:1 and North Korea couldn’t take South Korea because they led the invasion

What they did learn is when 2 superpowers fight and destroy themselves the 3rd one becomes the super power. That’s how US became the superpower it is today. So they will not engage with a country if it means that the cost to US will be enough that the next power can overcome them. Or even be their equal. They will take on a country if it means after war everyone still fears their military

Can US level China to the ground if it send its entire military might? Sure but they will face so much destruction themselves and weaken themself that Russia or whoever is 3rd after US and China will become the next super power
Frankly speaking, even if a full scale convectional war break out between China and US, I don't think any other countries can be super power anymore. It will be chaos, the international institution will be completely break. But no one can call themselves super power and replace China and US in foreseeable future.

China and US can recover themselves in a few years even if trillions of wealth demolished in the conventional war. Just look at how long Germany get back on her feet after WW1 and WW2, just a few years. Japan took even shorter because of the supply needs of Korea War.

Only nuclear war can destroy China and US.
it is not that simple, US too has many many cards to play.
the only thing important is that the two must act wisely as this is world economy and stability at stake, otherwise a disaster.
True. But worthy it? Trump tried to play all cards has, he really tried. But not the outcome Trump wished.
Frankly speaking, even if a full scale convectional war break out between China and US, I don't think any other countries can be super power anymore. It will be chaos, the international institution will be completely break. But no one can call themselves super power and replace China and US in foreseeable future.

China and US can recover themselves in a few years even if trillions of wealth demolished in the conventional war. Just look at how long Germany get back on her feet after WW1 and WW2, just a few years. Japan took even shorter because of the supply needs of Korea War.

Only nuclear war can destroy China and US.

True. But worthy it? Trump tried to play all cards has, he really tried. But not the outcome Trump wished.

back on the day Germany and British empire were dominant super powers and it was thought no one could replace the two. US was no.35th in military might at that time. After world war the entire world was in ruins Europe was completely destroyed every institution just vanished. So what happened?

the next superpower came in line and brought the new world order. When Everything is destroyed and there’s only 1 might they write the world order and that’s what US did
-They created United nation and made whoever helped them a permanent member
- At Breton woods US made the dollar the world reserve currency
- They established their financial system and made the world implement so that only they could put sanction
- they propagated democracy as the only virtuous governing system in the world

Trump was a flat out idiot who didn’t knew anything. Hes a TV star not someone who dabbled in world politics etc.

Lastly, China has been conquered by Russia, Japan and even the British before so it’s nothing improbable that it’s something so strong that it can’t get conquered
back on the day Germany and British empire were dominant super powers and it was thought no one could replace the two. US was no.35th in military might at that time. After world war the entire world was in ruins Europe was completely destroyed every institution just vanished. So what happened?

the next superpower came in line and brought the new world order. When Everything is destroyed and there’s only 1 might they write the world order and that’s what US did
-They created United nation and made whoever helped them a permanent member
- At Breton woods US made the dollar the world reserve currency
- They established their financial system and made the world implement so that only they could put sanction
- they propagated democracy as the only virtuous governing system in the world

Trump was a flat out idiot who didn’t knew anything. Hes a TV star not someone who dabbled in world politics etc.

Lastly, China has been conquered by Russia, Japan and even the British before so it’s nothing improbable that it’s something so strong that it can’t get conquered
China's CCP has developed that "never again" mindset.
When Russia took back Crimea, US did nothing. When Iran bombed US bases, US did nothing. China has seen big US weakness. The aura of invincibility of the US is shattered into a million pieces.

That position of strength quote by Yang is brutal. That will definitely sting the American ego. Other smaller nations are watching this to see how China stood up to the Americans. Psychologically it is a big moment.

Indians must be getting sick seeing their sugardaddy America pants being pulled down by China like this, on US soil. :D
last time Haiti blacks murdered all the white, thinking Haiti can be heaven after the killing spree. Haiti become the shyttest planet on earth
The fact that you attribute Haiti's current underdevelopment to "Haiti's blacks killing all whites" shows that you know little about the history of Haiti.
You should do some research about France's brutal treatment and subjugation of Haiti before saying such things.
Alaska: China's actions "threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday (Mar 18) at the opening of a two-day meeting with Chinese counterparts in Alaska.

The US side will "discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including Xinjiang," where Washington has accused Beijing of "genocide" against Uyghur Muslims, Blinken said at the Anchorage summit with the Chinese Communist Party's top diplomacy official, Yang Jiechi, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

He added that there would be dialogue on "Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion toward our allies".

President Joe Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan added that the United States did not want conflict with China but welcomed tough competition with its strategic rival.

"And we will always stand up for our principles for our people, and for our friends," Sullivan warned.

Yang responded with a 15-minute speech in Chinese while the US side awaited translation, lashing out about what he said was the United States' struggling democracy and poor treatment of minorities.

He threatened "firm actions" against "US interference" and called for an end to the "Cold War mentality" stunting the rivals' relationship.

"China is firmly opposed to US interference in China's internal affairs. We have expressed our staunch opposition to such interference, and we will take firm actions in response.

"What we need to do is to abandon the Cold War mentality, and the zero sum game approach," he said.

Yang added: "The United States uses its military force and financial hegemony to carry out long-arm jurisdiction and suppress other countries.

"It abuses so-called notions of national security to obstruct normal trade exchanges, and incite some countries to attack China."

Apparently taken aback by Yang's remarks, Blinken held journalists in the room so he could respond.

Sullivan said the United States did not seek conflict with China, but would stand up for principles and friends. He touted the United States' recent Mars rover landing success, and said the country's success was its ability constantly reinvent itself.

A senior US official later criticised Beijing as having "arrived intent on grandstanding, focused on public theatrics and dramatics over substance" at the Alaska summit.

The official said this was made clear by Yang "promptly violating protocol" with a long opening statement instead of a previously agreed upon short two-minute speech.

The statements from both sides ended up lasting more than an hour.

This is how a superpower responds to its equal !

back on the day Germany and British empire were dominant super powers and it was thought no one could replace the two. US was no.35th in military might at that time. After world war the entire world was in ruins Europe was completely destroyed every institution just vanished. So what happened?

the next superpower came in line and brought the new world order. When Everything is destroyed and there’s only 1 might they write the world order and that’s what US did
-They created United nation and made whoever helped them a permanent member
- At Breton woods US made the dollar the world reserve currency
- They established their financial system and made the world implement so that only they could put sanction
- they propagated democracy as the only virtuous governing system in the world

Trump was a flat out idiot who didn’t knew anything. Hes a TV star not someone who dabbled in world politics etc.

Lastly, China has been conquered by Russia, Japan and even the British before so it’s nothing improbable that it’s something so strong that it can’t get conquered
In conventional war, US can't destroy China, vice versa. The conflicts will be limited compare with WW2. In WW2, Germany and Russia cities, industry were completely destroyed. Can US do that to China like below? No chance.

The technology advantage of US and China, the population, industry scale will still be there. Literally no other countries can replace US and China and become new super power.

US is No. 1 GDP country since 1880s, so it's not simply because of WW1/WW2. US itself was already gorilla, the WW1/WW2 just hugely speed up the rise of US.

Who would like to have a full scale war with China on behalf of US? No one. India would NOT, even if India try it, the Himalaya conflict will be very limited.


A colour image of Dresden from 1900, showing a number of monuments which were later heavily damaged in the bombing


Most of Dresden was destroyed after the British and US attack


Major landmarks in the city were gutted



Over ninety per cent of the city centre was destroyed.


Many parts of Dresden remained as ruins throughout its time as part of East Germany


Dresden’s Zwinger complex was originally designed as a forecourt for a castle. Today it houses several museums.


An evening view of Dresden’s Brühl Terrace above the boat landing terrace, looking across the Elbe river from the Neustadt district. Part of the Semper Opera House can be seen on the right.

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