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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

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Yang Jiechi:
1. USA is world champion hacker
2, USA (what USA say) dont represent the world
3. Most countries in the world rejected USA version of "universal value"

This is like PDF ranter, or Islamic hate preecher spitting on the face of Blinken. First time I get orgasm in watching diplomatic talks.

You are misreading American Culture and the American elite. They already have places around the world in place to go to in the event of a Third World War. Also, as the US marines say, you hit them, they will come back ten times back on you. If the last decades of war have proved anything, America doesn’t back down from a fight. They’ll ride their weapons themselves right onto to you. So cool it with the empty rhetoric, we know both sides will posture, and if there is detente, China will probably take Taiwan with little to no interference from the US, if they come to some kind of understanding.

Otherwise, you need to remember that the good ‘ole boys (who live mostly in the rural areas not the cities for the very reason to be dispersed) aren’t afraid to “mosey on down that road” like they did with the soviets.

Lol you actually take that dude seriously ? He often makes such flamboyant and unrealistic comments on here. Even Chinese themselves don't take his comments seriously, reason they hardly reply to his constant flamboyant hyper nationalistic comments. So don't bother reasoning with such comments 😁
One can clearly see the lack of confidence on American side, reading from paper, telling the Chinese that they got their "boys" on their side, and they are back and what other non sense. As if America do not have confidence on its own. Worse, America called Putin a murderer just before this meeting, what a timing and what a self goal.

What actually matter, how many of the following countries US got support on taking on China? Numbering based on estimated nuclear warheads .

1- Russia
2- US (Self)
3- China
4- Pakistan
5- France
6- UK
7- Israel
8- India

Pretty evident the yanks are very isolated here.
One can clearly see the lack of confidence on American side, reading from paper, telling the Chinese that they got their "boys" on their side, and they are back and what other sense. As if America do not have confidence on its own. Worse, America called Putin a murderer just before this meeting, what a timing and what a self goal.

What actually matter, how many of the following countries US got support on taking on China? Numbering based on estimated nuclear warheads .

1- Russia
2- US (Self)
3- China
4- Pakistan
5- France
6- UK
7- Israel
8- India

Pretty evident the yanks are very isolated here.
If Blinken was in charge in 2017 instead of 2021, he may have better cards to play. But now, FED flood the financial market much more than 2008 crisis. It's the US in ICU room, not China.

Blinken tried to bluff, but both sides knew how weak he is. Trump can negotiate because Trump really doesn't care US long term interest, but Blinken can't. Blinken as a profession knew very well that US need some rest, hoping China will sit still, do nothing.

Let's review what happened in 2020.
  1. Coivd-19, hit EU and US hugely.
  2. Financial crisis.
  3. Both US and EU print trillions of money, and flood the market.
  4. EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment
  5. RCEP free trade agreement deal consists of the ten ASEAN members, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, covering around 30% of the world’s economy and population.
  6. China Russia alliance stronger.
  7. China Pakistan alliance stronger.

Basically, EU took advantage of US, signed a nice deal with China, to take more market share in China. While US will be loser.
Also Japan, Korea took advantage of US, signed a nice deal with China, to take more market share in China. While US will be loser again.

That's US best boy friends just did in 2020. What a nice world politics.

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Soon after meeting Blinken and Sullivan, Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi will meet Larov.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will visit China from March 22 to 23, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian announced on Thursday.

During Lavrov's visit to China, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold talks with him on bilateral ties, the recent high-level exchanges, as well as international and regional issues of common concern, Zhao said.

Hailing the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia, Zhao said maintaining close exchanges between the two countries' foreign ministers is an integral component for promoting the bilateral relationship.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. "It is necessary for the two sides to further strengthen communication so as to lay the foundation for advancing bilateral ties this year," he said.

Zhao expressed hope that the visit will further consolidate the good momentum of the high-level development of the bilateral relationship and boost strategic coordination on international affairs.

Yang, meanwhile, warned the United States to back off and accused it of hypocrisy. He said the United States uses its financial and military might to bully other countries. He also said America had its own long history of human rights problems, alleging that Black people are being “slaughtered” in the United States.

The struggle against the U.S. is about to escalate, and I look forward to how China and Russia will operate.
This coming just a day after Biden called Putin a soulless killer, and the North Koreans snubbed Biden. At least no one banged a shoe on the table.

On a serious note. In the decades since the Imperial Japanese were at war with America, has there been an Asian power that has spoken in such a self righteous manner to the US and had the might to back it up. Xi’s Wolf Warrior diplomats will first shock the American establishment, then anger them (I.e. how dare those .... talk to us like that), but then will come the focused effort to destroy Xi and the CCP no matter what costs. Make no mistake, Blinken’s don’t bet against us was a deadly serious warning. This will be the multigenerational struggle that is being ramped up.

The CCP has to be careful not to get overzealous and make the same mistake the imperial Japanese did.

Imperial Japan was fighting a 2 front war, 1 gen behind in tech and had an economy 1/5 the size of the US with no domestic resource production. They were surrounded by enemies: China, Russia and US. There is also a key difference: Imperial Japan actually never said anything to the US because they knew that their position was untenable - engaged in multiple wars of aggression, most of the economy going towards war, and Japanese citizens living worse than before. They had to, because their economy was a war economy.

China is surrounded on land by allies except India and Vietnam, has significant domestic resource production, roughly equal in tech, is at peace and most of all, has the confidence that China's policies are moral, righteous and just. China is a moral force for good in this world. China's economy doesn't depend on war.
You are misreading American Culture and the American elite. They already have places around the world in place to go to in the event of a Third World War. Also, as the US marines say, you hit them, they will come back ten times back on you. If the last decades of war have proved anything, America doesn’t back down from a fight. They’ll ride their weapons themselves right onto to you. So cool it with the empty rhetoric, we know both sides will posture, and if there is detente, China will probably take Taiwan with little to no interference from the US, if they come to some kind of understanding.

Otherwise, you need to remember that the good ‘ole boys (who live mostly in the rural areas not the cities for the very reason to be dispersed) aren’t afraid to “mosey on down that road” like they did with the soviets.

We watched these farm boys bleed in Korea and Vietnam. All the bravado is gone once their intestines are nicely spread out at their feet.
That’s not how it works US took on Germany, soviets, Chinese , Japanese in their heyday . in Korean War US kill ratio to Chinese were 10:1 and North Korea couldn’t take South Korea because they led the invasion

What they did learn is when 2 superpowers fight and destroy themselves the 3rd one becomes the super power. That’s how US became the superpower it is today. So they will not engage with a country if it means that the cost to US will be enough that the next power can overcome them. Or even be their equal. They will take on a country if it means after war everyone still fears their military

Can US level China to the ground if it send its entire military might? Sure but they will face so much destruction themselves and weaken themself that Russia or whoever is 3rd after US and China will become the next super power

Korea war was almost 70 years ago, when China was primitive, perhaps even more primitive than North Korea, while the US industry and military strength might be equal to all big countries at that time combined.

70 years later in 2021, the US is on the way to become the laughing stock of the world soon. Even North Korea can threaten it and perhaps, within 10 years, it will become another Mexico (same government model, similar racial stocks, geography closeness) where armed groups are stronger than the government.

I would expect the US army to ask for "democracy" during their real war against China. They will very likely protest their commanders for human right violations, for racism against black soldiers, for sexism against female members, and may ask for vote before attacking. In summary, they will protest for whatever reason to avoid a real fighting against the strongest army they have met ever in the whole of American history. What a great war of the US to behold

Yes, the US can level China to the ground, but before that, the whole US may already be blown off the earth.

A war of 330 millions of indisciplined people with relatively low IQ, spoiled by liberal ideas, "me, me" attitude and fragmented by race and ethnics, against 1.4 billions disciplined, united, extremely high-IQ people with an equally modern army. Who will win is easy to see.

And look like the best brains in US science now are of Chinese origin, at least of a very high percentage. Will they support the US in that war?
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Top US and China officials clash publicly in Alaska

Well I think we thought too well of the united states, we thought that the U.S. side will follow the necessary diplomatic protocols.
So for China it was necessary that we make our position clear. So let me say here that in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.

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Making my blood boil ! 霸气:china:
Making my blood boil ! 霸气:china:
USA is another idiot who keep rambling Muslims are very discriminated. I guess Muslims should kiss USA. No one love the welfare of Muslims so much.

just when Muslims are getting warmed up for kissing...US leaves :(
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