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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

That is very naive. Everyone wants more land but fewer men. That is why China applied one-child policy, in case you have forgotten. Russia is always wary about Chinese flooding vast Russian land.

It's a two way street. Russians can also flood into China via the Blagoveshchensk Heihe bridge. Blagoveshchensk actually has more people than Heihe. I'm sure a lot of people already live cross border on working VISA anyway.

No sure where Yang learned it. National security is always connected with trade exchanges, normal or abnormal. Free international trade is only possible with trusted nations. Demanding free or unhindered trade relationship from a nation without trust is childish, if not of borderline stupidity.
me thinks that is diplomatic way to tell uncle sam that it has to gain China’s trust if it wants to continue to have access to the gigantic Chinese markets. China can do just fine without america's market since China supplies the entire globe both directly and indirectly (via Chinese companies manufacturing in other nations. but no one wants the overly expensive american goods as much as they want the Chinese counterparts for a fraction of the cost. Further more, China has huge titanium mines that american manufacturing relies on followed by the China dominated mines in Africa. the u.s. itself does not have enough titanium mines of its own to be able to maintain the type of manufacturing it wishes to maintain.
Two way street with one way wider or more crowded than the other.

Incorrect. Very few people live in northeastern China. If Chinese want to go to Russia they go in summer as tourists. There is no restriction. On the other hand, many Russians move to China to work because China is warmer in the south and pays more. There is net immigration from Russia to China. I don't mind. Russian women are hot.
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Oh really that’s why they lost in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ...... the list continues .... the only place they won was with Paskistan and a proxy war against USSR.

so buy your analogy countries can only win as along as Pakistan is on their side


Didn’t say they won those wars, just that they will fight.
Reminds me of Margaret Thatcher meeting with Deng Xiaoping, after the meeting she felt. It goes something like this.

Margaret : We will not handover HK
Deng : Then PLA will march into HK tonight.
Margaret : ok, you get HK

View attachment 726052

Biden just received the news on the Alaska talks.
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me thinks that is diplomatic way to tell uncle sam that it has to gain China’s trust if it wants to continue to have access to the gigantic Chinese markets. China can do just fine without america's market since China supplies the entire globe both directly and indirectly (via Chinese companies manufacturing in other nations. but no one wants the overly expensive american goods as much as they want the Chinese counterparts for a fraction of the cost. Further more, China has huge titanium mines that american manufacturing relies on followed by the China dominated mines in Africa. the u.s. itself does not have enough titanium mines of its own to be able to maintain the type of manufacturing it wishes to maintain.
The problem is that Chinese leaders don't believe China can do just fine without America's market. All what they have been doing is holding onto it desperately. Otherwise, they would have just given Americans the middle finger instead of complaining about their attitude.

Some idiot in China described the US-China relationship as some kind of husband-wife relationship. It is a bit gross but what Chinese leaders are doing looks more like how a wife would react. Wives care more about their husbands' attitude than anything else and yet they still often desperately hold onto their husbands instead of calling for a divorce.
Incorrect. Very few people live in northeastern China. If Chinese want to go to Russia they go in summer as tourists. There is no restriction. On the other hand, many Russians move to China to work because China is warmer in the south and pays more. There is net immigration from Russia to China. I don't mind. Russian women are hot.
Very few?! Good God! The northeastern China has 120 million people while the entire Russia has 146 million while its far east region only has about 6 million. Dude, where did you learn anything about China? Your facts wouldn't be so off if you just learn it from Internet.

In addition, people movement between the two countries doesn't equate to migration. Many Chinese go to Russia not for residency. And, please, wipe your drool when you talk about Russian women.
Very few?! Good God! The northeastern China has 120 million people while the entire Russia has 146 million while its far east region only has about 6 million. Dude, where did you learn anything about China? Your facts wouldn't be so off if you just learn it from Internet.

In addition, people movement between the two countries doesn't equate to migration. Many Chinese go to Russia not for residency. And, please, wipe your drool when you talk about Russian women.

Yeah but it's not like every Chinese person in northeast China will go to Russia. The vast majority of Chinese people who live and work in Russia are the ones who live near the border in the city of Heihe. Now they can drive to Russia via the newly built Amur bridge. People in Harbin for example don't go to Russia to work. They may go to Russia during summer for tourism. That's about it.
The problem is that Chinese leaders don't believe China can do just fine without America's market. All what they have been doing is holding onto it desperately. Otherwise, they would have just given Americans the middle finger instead of complaining about their attitude.

Some idiot in China described the US-China relationship as some kind of husband-wife relationship. It is a bit gross but what Chinese leaders are doing looks more like how a wife would react. Wives care more about their husbands' attitude than anything else and yet they still often desperately hold onto their husbands instead of calling for a divorce.
but isn't that what the u.s. is doing as well? all the whining about "xinjiang" and "unfair business practices" and "we want to work with you where we can and have competition where we can and be adversaries where we can" and all that jazz...sound like a wife complaining to an abusive husband who is also abusive to the children while the wife is saying that she will confront him if he continues being abusive to the children and that the neighborhood people agree that he is such a mean, drunken, abusive husband and that he no longer values her so she can't take it anymore and won't allow it...AT THE DINNER TABLE IN ALASKA WITH THE FOOD SHE COOKED FOR HIM! Husband's reply? this is not how a why wife behaves...I thought you were a good woman, do not underestimate me woman, don't tell me how to be a father because that is my internal matter between me and my kids and before you tell me about our kids, go look at your brother who is beating his black wife and so and so forth...:lol:

the thing is that both have deep economic interests in the other but the ace that China holds is that China's market is huge compared to the u.s. market...the u.s. does not want to give up access to such a huge market. We saw what happened to the american agricultural industry alone when China stopped importing pork, beef, soy and other products from China...the american farmers when ballistic on trump. so u.s. does have to tread carefully...VERY carefully...
but isn't that what the u.s. is doing as well? all the whining about "xinjiang" and "unfair business practices" and "we want to work with you where we can and have competition where we can and be adversaries where we can" and all that jazz...sound like a wife complaining to an abusive husband who is also abusive to the children while the wife is saying that she will confront him and won't allow it...AT THE DINNER TABLE IN ALASKA WITH THE FOOD SHE COOKED FOR HIM! both have deep economic interests in the other but the ace that China holds is that China's market is huge compared to the u.s. market...the u.s. does not want to give up access to such a huge market. We saw what happened to the american agricultural industry alone when China stopped importing pork, beef, soy and other products from China...the american farmers when ballistic on trump. so u.s. does have to tread carefully...VERY carefully...
It has nothing to do with whether US is doing well or not. Americans, if I have learned anything after living in US for 20 years, are not very sentimental. They can be as rude and blunt as possible at one moment and be a close buddy at another. I was literally shocked in my first year after arriving from China. They are not afraid of touching your raw nerves if they want to have some effect on you. If you want have some effect on them, don't be afraid of touching their raw nerves, either, which is a way to demonstrate your nerve and your guts. Whining about their attitude will get you nowhere.
Yeah but it's not like every Chinese person in northeast China will go to Russia. The vast majority of Chinese people who live and work in Russia are the ones who live near the border in the city of Heihe. Now they can drive to Russia via the newly built Amur bridge. People in Harbin for example don't go to Russia to work. They may go to Russia during summer for tourism. That's about it.
Then why did you talk about "very few" living in the northeastern China?
Then why did you talk about "very few" living in the northeastern China?

I mean very few people who live in northeastern China work in Russia. Less than 0.1%. Probably not as many as Russians who live and work in northeast China considering the climate is warmer and the pay higher.
I mean very few people who live in northeastern China work in Russia. Less than 0.1%.
Are we talking about percentage or sheer numbers? which one do you use for comparison? Dude, if you want to win an argument, stick to your gun and don't shift around.
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